Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps General Meeting- August 21, 2017
The Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps general meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President Peter Hany.
Ellington Rescue Post Liaison:
- The Ultimate Frisbee Challenge, will be held on 8/26/17, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Post will be assisting in this event.
-On 9/16-9/17- The Rescue Post will be participating in the Boxes of Hope to raise awareness of homelessness and will be collecting food as well.
Training Committee/Training:
-Ideas were discussed on how we would go about covering the second ambulance if the first ambulance is out on a call.
-When dispatched to a call, even if you are cancelled, you still need to complete a run form and make sure to include the PSAP number that has been assigned to that call.
-Bottles of water have now been stocked for emergency responders when we respond to a call that requires rehab; they are located under the LUCAS machine. Also, we are looking for another member to join the rehab committee, please see Joe if you are interested.
-Anyone looking for and is in need of an EMT Refresher, there is a class being held the first two weekends in October at CLFD. Please see Joe if you are in need of a refresher class.
-Starting this Saturday, (8-26-17) and continuing every Saturday, Joe will be at the ambulance building from 10 am- 12 pm to help anyone who is interested in or in need of driver training.
-Training tonight will be on the use of Narcan, both pre and post hospital. Guest speaker, Mr. Lally will also be discussing the loss of his son, and how the program T.I.M. (today I matter) evolved.
-September’s training will be put on by the Connecticut Parachutists Association.
-We will soon be starting to utilize the tablet for doing the checklist as well as assisting with keeping up to date on supplies.
-A motion was made to make both Gabby Ewald and andJesseba Fernando active members of EVAC, motion passed. Congratulations to Gabby and Jessica!
Incentive: Tonya is now working on the incentive program, and it’s going very well.
CPR: We will be ordering less books, as it seems that we have more books then we distribute and then the standards change and we are left with outdated books. Peter has ordered 4 New AED Trainers.
Community Advisory Board: The next advisory board meeting will be held in September.
Town Of Ellington Health and Safety Committee:
-The SDS book will remain in the kitchen and will be inspected as needed.
Social: We should start looking to form both a Thanksgiving Committee as well as a committee for the annual banquet.
-The Firemen’s Fair is being held September 7,8,9-with the parade being held on Saturday the 9th, at 5:15 p.m. Anyone who is marching should meet at the fair grounds for 4:30 p.m. in their Class A Uniform. If you are in need of a Class A Uniform, now is the time to order, please see Brandon.
-The Tolland Windham County Ambulance Association met at our building. The primary discussion that was addressed was the EMT Refresher exams have had a much higher failure rate recently. Instructors are addressin-g the areas of concern.
-We will be renewing our membership to NAEMT (National Association of EMT’s)
-A yoga instructor is offering to do free classes for EVAC, if there is anyone interested, please contact Peter.
-An update was provided on the new members status and what they need to complete.
-If anyone is interested in helping the Rescue Post with the Ultimate Frisbee Challenge, it will be held on 8/26 from 9 am to 6 pm at Brookside Park.
-We now have EVAC business cards, everyone is encouraged to take a few and hand them out as a way to recruit new members.
-There was a nice feature in the Ellington Magazine of the Rescue Post as well as EVAC.
-President: Nothing new to Report
-Vice President: Simon gave a report on “ I am responding”- discussed all the features that the program has to offer, and what EVAC will be utilizing.
-Secretary: Minutes accepted as read.
- A thank you note was read from Sherwood Merk’s family.
- A letter was read from Lori Spielmanthat stated the landscaping that was completed was done as a donation in memory of Sherwood Merk.
-Treasurer: All Financial Reports were read. The balance for CAG is $19,724.94, and Medicare balance is $ 18, 501.96
-Supplies: Please go into Operative IQ and log in, contact Brandon with any questions.
-If we are running low or out of supplies please notify Brandon ASAP.
-Five First Responder bags were put together and given to the Ellington Resident Trooper’s Office.
-Maintenance: Both ambulances went out for service. If you notice anything broken or not working, please notify Pete.
-Public Relations: The video that Annaliese Hurley helped with about EVAC and the Rescue Post is out, it is posted on Facebook as well as EVAC’s website. Please contact Doreen for any ideas or stories you may have for PR.
Motion was made to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Jean-Marie Currier
Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps