FCS 324/Psych 370

Chapter 8 Review Items

  1. Define initiative, and describe how it is exhibited in preschoolers.
  1. Erikson regarded ______as the central means through which children find out about themselves and their social world.
  1. During early childhood, children begin to develop a ______or set of attributes, abilities, attitudes and values that define who they are.
  1. ______refers to the judgments we make about our own worth and feelings associated with these judgments.
  1. True or False: When making self-evaluations, preschoolers tend to rate their own ability as extremely low and often overestimate task difficulty.
  1. By age ______, children can correctly judge the causes of many basic emotions.
  1. ______, or the ability to control the expression of emotions, improves throughout early childhood. These improvements are in part due to increasing ______skills and by learning strategies through observing adults.
  1. Preschoolers experience self-conscious emotions (more/less) often than do toddlers.
  1. ______, or ______, behavior are actions that benefit another person without any expected reward for the self.
  1. What is sympathy?

  1. Describe Parten’s three-step sequence of social development:





  1. True or False: Longitudinal research shows that Parten’s play types emerge in sequence with later appearing ones replacing earlier ones.
  1. True or False: It is the type, rather than the amount, of solitary and parallel play that changes during early childhood.
  1. True or False: In early childhood, a child’s understanding of friendship is much the same as that of an adult.
  1. True or False: Discipline and punishment mean the same thing.
  1. Describe alternatives to harsh punishment.
  1. Distinguish between instrumental and hostile aggression.

Proactive or instrumental aggression:

Reactive or hostile aggression:

  1. In early childhood, ______aggression is gradually replaced by ______aggression.
  1. Boys tend to be (more/less/similar) in their physical aggression than are girls.
  1. Girls tend to be (more/less/similar) in their verbal and relational aggression than are boys.
  1. True or False: Studies have concluded that TV violence increases the likelihood of hostile thoughts and emotion and verbally and physically aggressive behavior.
  1. Define gender typing.
  1. Preschoolers’ gender stereotypes are (flexible/rigid).
  1. Gender ______refers to an image of one-self as relatively masculine or feminine in characteristics.
  1. ______refers to a type of gender identity in which the person scores highly on both masculine and feminine personality characteristics.
  1. Gender ______refers to the understanding that sex is biologically-based and remains the same even if clothing, hairstyle and play activities change.
  1. ______are combinations of behaviors that occur over a wide range of situations, creating an enduring child-rearing climate.
  1. Name and describe the four styles of child rearing.





29.Which child-rearing style is most effective?