Minutes for the Joint Board of Directors of Jefferson Academy,

A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation

January 15, 2013 6:00 PM

Elementary Library

I. Preliminary A., B., C., D., E., F.

Mr. Langer called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were present: Ms. Atencio, Ms. Clark, Ms. Graziano, Mr. Haynes, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Moss, Mr. Vierra, Mr. Wall and Mr. Langer. The following ex-officio Board members were present: Mr. Nolan and Ms. Stringari. Ms. Clark led the Board of Directors and guests in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Langer presented the agenda. Ms. Atencio distributed a letter from Two Roads Charter School and requested that this be added to item J. Concurrent and Home School Report. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

During Public Comment the following guests spoke:

Joan Larson shared that she has been at JA since 1997 and has three children that have graduated from JA. Ms. Larson thanked the previous and existing Board members and administration for her children’s education. Ms. Larson mentioned that the high school had received the John Irwin Award and suggested that the faculty and staff, K-12, be acknowledged. Ms. Larson encouraged the Board to give consideration to the Home School program to increase revenue.

Mary Ferbache introduced herself as a teacher in the secondary. Ms. Ferbache shared that her children attended Woodrow Wilson and she was on their Board of Directors when their home school programs were established. Ms. Ferbrache also complimented the elementary staff with the high school’s John Irwin award, as they provide a base for their education. Ms. Ferbache spoke in favor of the Home School program that could provide revenue for JA to use toward programs and salaries. She also pointed out that Home School students’ test scores have no effect on JA.

Christine LaBerge challenged the Board to find a way to decrease class size, even by one student. Ms. LaBerge stated that she had looked at other schools and believes our class sizes are larger in comparison. Ms. LaBerge complimented one of the Kindergarten teachers, Sara Doyle for taking her students to The Retreat Retirement Community, and the interactions with the residents and students.

II. General Agenda

A. Committee Reports

1. Accountability Committee

Ms. Lewis moved that the Board delay sending out the Parent Survey for one month. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. Discussion ensued that by delaying the survey; questions regarding the move of the secondary would be relative and may result in a more educated response from parents. Ms. Lewis amended her motion that the Board approve the survey in February to distribute to parents after Spring Break. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Policy and Governance

Ms. Clark shared that the committee has been meeting consistently and they have had productive discussions. Ms. Clark reported that the committee had compiled information from 45 schools regarding their policies on allowing staff members to vote for Board members. Ms. Clark stated that the committee had discussed allowing staff who have worked at the school for a certain period of time to vote and raising the quorum level from 5% to 20%. It was suggested that the pros and cons be collected. Ms. Clark explained that the committee’s goal is to bring this to the May meeting for the parents to vote on before the annual election. It was mentioned that the elementary may have more staff members voting than the secondary.

3. Communications Committee

Ms. Graziano thanked the staff and parents for their participation. Ms. Graziano shared that the ‘themes’ were consistent and Mr. Moss stated that Board would be pleasantly surprised with their comments and suggestions. The committee will provide a detailed report next month. Ms. Graziano suggested that the Board continue to deliver communication to the JA community with the updates on the Secondary move.

4. Capital Development Committee

Mr. Wall reported that the committee is working with Mike Wilson on advertising. Mr. Wall stated that he would like to work with the PTO and Boosters. Mr. Wall explained that the committee would like to approach businesses and companies in sponsorship. The committee will work on marketing JA and emphasizing our accomplishments. Mr. Wall will meet with administrators obtaining wish lists.

5. PTO/Boosters

Ms. Graziano reported that to date the PTO has raised $45,000 and that does not include profits from scrip or the proceeds for the library from the Book Fair. Ms. Graziano complimented Jen Gelston, PTO members and their committees. Ms. Graziano pointed out the upcoming events: Butter Braids sales, Book Fair in March, Wine Tasting, Consignment Sale and Sock Hop. Ms. Graziano stated that the PTO had updated the policy manual last spring and that the PTO is aware of the fundraising changes regarding individual accounts.

Ms. Lewis reported that JA took 1st, 2nd and 5th place in the top sales of the E-Books. Ms. Lewis explained that concessions are not sold at junior games because of the lack of attendance at the games. Ms. Lewis stated that individuals had to determine by December 10 where the money in their account would be placed.

6. Finance Committee Audit Report

Mr. Haynes reported that the audit is complete and went well. It was mentioned that Board members will receive a copy of the audit and that a copy needs to be sent to the district. Joan Larson offered to make photocopies for Board members.

B. Elementary Enrollment 2013-2014 Policy 8.2(a)

Ms. Atencio explained that in accordance with policy the Board needs to vote annually on the enrollment for class sizes in the elementary. Mr. Nolan pointed out that the elementary budget for next year is calculated with this year’s proposed PPR. Mr. Nolan recommended that the Board look at lowering the class size for first grade to 28 students, and if possible not filling openings as they arise for grades 2-6 to 28 students. Ms. Franson stated that the salary expectations for the elementary are higher than projected. Also, the five-year budget reduces the class sizes for the elementary beginning in the school year 2014. Mr. Haynes noted that it is not known how much money will be needed for repurposing the secondary school for the elementary. It was noted that the staff has not received an increase in salary for two years. Mr. Haynes moved that the Board approve the class sizes for 30 students, which would be in-line with the five-year budget. Mr. Langer seconded the motion. Discussion ensued with not immediately filling openings to 30 students. It was also noted that health care costs may increase. Ms. Atencio read the policy. Mr. Langer made a friendly amendment that the enrollment in the elementary for the next school year for Kindergarten is 22 students and 30 students for grades 1-6. Mr. Haynes accepted the friendly amendment. The motion passed with the following roll call vote: Ms. Atencio – yes, Ms. Clark – yes, Ms. Graziano – yes, Mr. Haynes – yes, Ms. Lewis - no, Mr. Moss – yes, Mr. Vierra – yes, Mr. Wall – yes and Mr. Langer – yes.

C. Acknowledgement of John Irwin Award Secondary

Mr. Langer acknowledged the high school for receiving this award. Mr. Langer stated that this speaks volumes about JA’s entire program and staff from elementary to secondary. It was suggested that the staff K-12 be acknowledged with a letter from the Board and a celebration.

D. January Notice for Board Elections

Mr. Langer presented the letter to be sent out to the parents with notification of the opening on the Board in June. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the letter that would be sent out via School Messenger, Monday folders and on the school’s website. Mr. Vierra seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

E. Bond Update

Mr. Nolan reported that the exterior doors and windows are not scheduled to be replaced until 2014, which will come from funds by the voter approved bonds. Ms. Atencio stated that money from the voter approved bonds would update security systems, but charters are not included. Ms. Clark will bring this item to the next JCLA meeting. It was noted that the scope of our improvements submitted to the district be updated as the boiler is listed on there to be replaced. Mr. Nolan stated that the elementary is getting bids on installing a security system on the second set of double doors in the elementary entry and relocating the security system in the Secondary.

F. Declaration of Posting Areas for Meetings

Ms. Atencio moved that the agendas for meetings continue to be posted in the elementary office window, entry doors to the high school, Commons and at the new building. Ms. Clark seconded the motion. Ms. Atencio amended her motion not to include the present high school building after the Secondary moves. The motion passed unanimously.

G. Elementary Start Time 2013-2014

Mr. Nolan reported that the school hours for the elementary for the 2013-2014 school year will be 8:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.

H. New Secondary School Update

Ms. Stringari reported that the Secondary is on schedule and they are doing the finishes on the floor.

Ms. Stringari reported that with a temporary CO only employees may enter the building. Parent volunteers are not covered under the insurance policy in the new building until a CO is obtained. Ms. Stringari explained that parents are covered for accidents while volunteering in the classroom, but moving is not a school-based activity. Ms. Clark stated that she would generate a waiver for volunteers. It was suggested that we try to get a short-term policy that would cover JA. Ms. Stringari will bid out the move with a moving company.

Mr. Nolan mentioned that he spoke at the PTO meeting on the revised drop off/pick up and parking plan that will be implemented after the Secondary moves. Ms. Clark moved that a community meeting be held to inform our parents of the upcoming events. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion that passed unanimously. It was suggested that the meeting be videotaped and available on the website. The meeting will be held on Thursday, January 24 at 6:00 p.m.

J. Repurposing Elementary-purchase of Commons Kitchen Equipment

Ms. Atencio reported that the equipment has been purchased for $25,000 from bond money and is being shipped from St. Louis.

K. Concurrent and Home School Report

Ms. Johns reported that she has met with potential families and received verbal commitments from 20 families with 53 students. Ms. Johns stated that she has been soliciting at area businesses and paid for the cost of a radio ad with Ms. Stringari’s approval. Ms. Johns believes that there are families looking at leaving their current education avenues and may be interested in this program. The letter from Two Roads was reviewed. Discussion ensued with the possible burden of time this would add administratively, the community may be saturated, and start-up costs. Ms. Johns responded that Two Roads did not have the number of full time students needed for their budget. Ms. Johns pointed out to the Board that she is moving forward with the job that this Board has charged her with. Ms. Atencio stated that home schooling is growing and the district is trying to find ways to take them over and JA could be a vehicle for home schools to operate independently. The Board requested that Ms. Johns report to the Board at the February meeting and include a detailed budget. Board members should send further questions to Ms. Johns via email.

L Repair and Replace Fund

Mr. Haynes reported that committee would like to allocate back $120,000 to an emergency fund. Ms. Atencio responded that those funds were allocated to the administration last June. This item will be reviewed.

M. Future Committee Meetings

The Accountability Committee will meet tomorrow night. The Communication Committee will have a meeting on February 13. The Finance Committee will meet on January 25.

III. First Reading

A. None

IV. Second Reading

A. None

V. Reports

A. K-12 Financials and Budget

This reported was reviewed. It was noted that we are half way through the school year and that most of the line items are at 50%, with the exception of supplies and materials. The Board will have a workshop as soon as the district provides additional information. It was suggested that Sam Todd from Peak to Peak be invited to speak to the Board on how they combine their budgets. It was noted that a meeting be held before Spring Break to provide financial transparency to the community.

B. Principals’ Report

Mr. Nolan presented his report. Ms. Stringari stated that the remaining money from FF&E has been expended. Ms. Stringari may present at the Colorado League of Charter Schools. Ms. Clark mentioned that if the students do not like the district’s pre-plated meals from the district that Rev Foods has added other contractors. Ms. Stringari responded that she would have to hire someone to run a program not supported by the district.

VI. Miscellaneous Board Items

A. Approval of Minutes November 27, 2012

Mr. Langer presented the Minutes of November 27, 2012. Revisions were made. Mr. Langer moved that the Board approve the Minutes of November 27, 2012 as amended. Ms. Atencio seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

B. Debriefing of Board Agenda and Action Items

These were reviewed and revised.

It was suggested that new Board members be invited to attend the Charter School Conference on February 21 and 22. Ms. Lewis mentioned that she has not yet attended this conference and would like to go. Discussion ensued on how the cost of $300 per person would be paid. It was stated that last year the money came out of Professional Development. It was suggested that the PTO and Boosters be approached to assist with funding.