Hollesley Parish Council

Minutes of Annual General Meeting at Hollesley Village Hall, 1stMay2014 1930hrs

Those Present

Dennis Driver (Chairman),Chris Walker,Tony Barnard, Richard Coles,Alan Shelcott, Cyril Stammers, Michael Friend, John Bishop
Gillian Whiffin (Clerk & RFO), Sally Loader (prospective new clerk and RFO)
5 Members of the public were present
4/14/1Election of Chairman 2014/15

Cllr Dennis Driver was proposed by Cllr Chris Walker, seconded by Cllr Tony Barnard and elected by the meeting

4/14/2Election of Vice-Chairman

Cllr Chris Walker was proposed by Cllr Cyril Stammers, seconded by Cllr John Bishop and elected by the meeting

4/14/3Apologies for Absence

Received from Cllr Roger Dawson

4/14/4Declarations of Interest

Cllr Tony Barnard (item 12) Cllr Michael Friend (item 12) Cllr John Bishop (item 11)

4/14/5Minutes ofthe Previous Meeting 3rd April 2014

With regard to minute 3/14/5 – It was agreed that the word “maximum” should be removed from the proposal to allow Councillors to claim for use of stationery and ink for printing. Otherwise accepted as a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman

4/14/6Matters Arising
  • Cllr Walker reported that he had made representation regarding the Council’s disagreement with the findings of the ROSPA play equipment inspection.
  • Cllr Bishop had presented a note to be sent to residents of Mallard Way regarding the area to be landscaped it was agreed that the clerk should present this on headed paper and deliver to Cllr Driver for distribution
  • Cllrs Friend and Barnard are working on the Emergency Plan
  • Cllr Coles is negotiating with the owner of the land behind the houses at Oak Hill over which there is a footpath to be adopted, it was agreed that he should continue with this work
  • Cllr Bishop is collating feedback from APM and Allotment Holders to develop next steps it was agreed that he should continue to engage with Anglian Water regarding water supply and progress the sourcing of materials for the works to be started.
4/14/7Appointment of New Councillor

There was just one applicant for co-option to the Council, Tom Daly presented himself and was accepted as a co-opted Councillor, he duly completed and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

4/14/8Appointment of New Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Curriculum Vitae were circulated and perused and Sally Loader was briefly interviewed. Sally’s appointment as Clerk and RFO was proposed by Cllr Walker, seconded by Cllr Barnard and agreed by the meeting. Gill will hand over to Sally over the coming month and she will be solely responsible by 1st June.

4/14/9Appointment of Advisory Working Parties
  • Planning Working Group – It was agreed that this be disbanded and all Councillors be circulated the planning references when they are received by the clerk. Only those not on e-mail would be circulated hard copies and extensions to deadlines for comment would be requested by the clerk so that all applications could be brought to the Parish Council meetings for discussion.
  • Finance
  • Responsible Financial Officer – Gill Whiffin will be changing to Sally Loader from 1st June 2014
  • Finance Working Group – Cllrs Walker, Barnard, Stammers
  • Parish Paths Liaison Officer – Cllrs Shelcott, Stammers
  • Representative on Village Hall Management Committee – Cllr Coles
  • Representative on Hollesley Commons Management Association – Cllrs Barnard, Daly
  • Representative to attend SALC meetings – Cllr Friend
  • Police Liaison Officer – Cllr Barnard
  • Tree and Pond Warden – Cllrs Daly, Beecroft,
  • Allotment Working Group – Cllrs Stammers, Walker, Bishop, Shelcott
  • Cemetery Working Group – Cllr Stammers
4/14/10Clerk’s Report
  • Invitations to and admin for APM
  • Approximately 28hrs on PC Business
4/14/11Correspondence Received
  • Cllr Dawson submitted a letter of resignation as a result of his being the subject of severe verbal abuse by a member of the public at the Annual Parish Meeting, the matter was discussed and it was agreed that the Chairman should have further discussions with Cllr Dawson as he had not yet accepted his resignation
  • Mrs Vanessa Bishop had written to the Council with regard to the behaviour of a Councillor in respect of a site visit to her property. It was agreed that Cllr Stammers had behaved inappropriately and he apologised for his behaviour
a)Approval of Accounts for year ending 31st March 2013

Proposed Cllr Walker, seconded Cllr Bishop and approved by the meeting

b)Approval of the Annual Governance Statement for the year ending 31st March 3013

Proposed Cllr Stammers, seconded Cllr Coles and approved by the meeting

c)Payments for Approval – Schedule appended to minutes


d)Receipts – Schedule appended to minutes


It was agreed that £2500 would be made available as a donation towards the running of the Village Hall.

Date and Time of Forthcoming Meeting

5thJune 2014 – 7.30pm - Hollesley Village Hall

Minutes of a meeting of Hollesley Parish Council – Clerk and RFO Gillian Whiffin

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