Science – the process of observing and studying and experimenting

Scientific Method – a step by step approach used for problem solving

Scientific Method

1. determine problem

2. make hypothesis ( educ. guess)

3. test hypothesis

4. analyze results

5. conclusion

Hypothesis – an educated guess

Theory – a hypothesis which has been repeatedly tested. Can be wrong

Law – rule of nature. Describes behavior Gravity


Scientists use an experiment to search for cause and effect relationships in nature. Testing the Hypothesis

Variables – part of the experiment that can exist in differing amounts or types.

Independent Variable – the variable that is changed by the scientist. A good experiment has only one independent variable

Dependent Variable - The part of the experiment that changes when the independent variable changes. Dependent Variables are changes in the experiment that occur due to changes in the independent variable.

Controlled Variable – quantities that are to remain constant. A control variable is anything else that could influence the dependent variable

Question / Independent Variable
(What I change) / Dependent Variables
(What I observe) / Controlled Variables
(What I keep the same)
Does heating a cup of water allow it to dissolve more sugar? / Temperature of the water measured in degrees Centigrade / Amount of sugar that dissolves completely measured in grams / ·  Stirring
·  Type of sugar
"More stirring might also increase the amount of sugar that dissolves and different sugars might dissolve in different amounts, so to insure a fair test I want to keep these variables the same for each cup of water."

Types of measurements

Distance – measures the space between two points

Mass – measure of the amount of matter in an object. Does not change based on location

Weight - measures the amount of gravitational pull on an object. Changes based on location

Volume – measures the amount of space an object takes up or occupies

Temperature – measures the rate of molecular movement.

Density – the amount of matter in a given volume. D = M/V

Describes how closely packed the molecules are to each other

Metric System

3 Base Units

Meter – distance - yard

Liter – volume – quart (gallon)

Gram – mass – ounce (paper clip)

Metric prefixes

milli 1/1000 .001

centi 1/100 .01

kilo 1000 1000.


Model – a representation or description of an object, system, process or concept.

Physical Model – a three dimensional object that represent an actual object, system, process or concept. globe

Conceptual Model – Verbal or graphical models that represent how a system works or is organized. Flow chart

Mathematical Model – equations that represent the way a system or process works.