Interviewer 2015

Application Form

National Team Application Information

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Camp Leaders National Team member. Every season we recruit thousands of individuals to work at camps in the USA for the first time. Each of these individuals must be thoroughly vetted and prepared for the experience they are embarking upon, which is why we need diligent, enthusiastic and passionate individuals to join our team.


Camp Leaders is part of the Smaller Earth group, a cultural exchange organization offering meaningful work and volunteer travel opportunities in locations across the globe. Over the past few years we have built on our original US bound Summer Camp Program (Camp Leaders) and expanded rapidly to offer upwards of 90 products. We are a successful and ambitious company committed to our core purpose of Inspiring People to Go Further. Our vision is to positively impact the lives of 20 million people by 2020.

Before you complete the application form, it is important to have a full understanding of what will be required of you as a member of our National Team. You must be able be available to attend the National Team training day on 20th & 21st September 2014 (Venue TBC). Once complete please email to:

Key Duties:

·  Provide valuable market research to maximize recruitment

·  Create marketing and promotional events in your community

·  Build relationships with influential groups to increase brand awareness

·  Blog/Vlog and publicize your travel/ideas/photos

·  Scheduling, processing and conducting interviews throughout the 2015 season

·  Frequently report to your dedicated UK office contact

Our ideal candidate would be:

·  Friendly and outgoing

·  Able to commit to 20 hours of brand activity before Feb 2015 (equivalent of 1 hour per week)

·  Energetic, driven and enthusiastic

·  Innovative and Flexible

·  Committed to results

·  Able to promote the brand in your local region

·  Excellent communicator with a strong comprehension of written English

·  Persistent and willing to go the extra mile

·  Organized with excellent time management

·  Reflects the image of the Camp Leaders brand


·  Remuneration for promotional activity and per conducted interview

·  Opportunities to earn additional financial rewards

·  Professional Reference from a global organization

·  Head Office vacancies advertised to National Team first

Application Deadline:

·  All applications received before 10th May will be notified in June. Applications received after 10th May will be contacted in August.

Section 1: Personal Details

Full Name: / DOB:
Camp Name: / State:
Number of Summers Worked: / Position(s) held:
Home Address: / Term-Time Address:
Mobile Tel: / Home Tel:
Personal Email:
Occupation (if not student):
University/ College name:
Course title: / Graduation year:
Please list any other cultural exchange programs or travel experiences you have had:

Section 2: Availability

Approximately how many hours per week will you be able to dedicate to Camp Leaders?
Please specify if there is any time of year that you will be unavailable:

*Please Note- Camp Leaders Interviewers must have regular internet/email access as well as access to a printer. Access to a scanner and photocopier are also beneficial. Car and driving license are not required however transportation to interview locations is at your own cost.

Section 3: Area of Representation

Cities and/ or towns where you are able to represent the Camp Leaders & Smaller Earth programs:
Universities, clubs and societies at which you are able to represent the Camp Leaders & Smaller Earth programs:
Local clubs or societies you are affiliated with:

Section 4: Interest in being Camp Leaders National Team member

Please complete the following statements/questions”:

Other than social media or leafleting/postering please list ways that you would promote Camp Leaders in your local area with no associated cost:

In no more than 150 words please tell us which brand do you most admire and why?

In a 150 words or less tell us what you think we look for in the perfect participant:

Our National Team are responsible for writing an interview report that will aid the Camp Directors decision when hiring the participant. Please identify five points that you believe would be beneficial to make within your report:

Section 5: Introduction Video

As a member of the national team you be expected to conduct a minimum of 20 hours of promotional work, this will range from attending events to delivering presentations. As our applicants have minimal face-to-face interaction with our core team, you will be the face of our brand so it’s important for us to get a feel for who you are.

Task: Sell yourself

Camp Leaders prides itself in collaborating with fun and entrepreneurial students.

Your task is to create a 60 second video, which reflects who you are.

NOTE: There are no restrictions on what you can do however no slide shows please.

Once completed please upload to an appropriate site (Youtube, Vimeo, Dropbox) and send the URL link along with your application to

National Team Application Information

All we need now is the details of two referees we can contact; one of which NEEDS to be a Camp Director.

Name of Referee / Relationship / Email / Telephone
Name of Referee / Relationship / Email / Telephone

Please email your completed application along with the link to your video to

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