Autumn Term 2016

Year 1 - Sounds Interesting - Exploring Sounds and Exploring Duration. Prepare song ‘When the Corn is Planted’ for the Autumn Concert. Rehearsals and performance of the Christmas Nativity ‘Bethlehem’s Buzzin’.’.

Year 2 - Feel the Pulse and The Rhythm Clock and prepare song about about the Great Flood (When a rainbow fills the sky) for the Autumn Concert. Rehearsals and performance of the Christmas Nativity.‘Bethlehem’s Buzzin’.

Year 3– Exploring Rhythmic Patterns -Learning the Recorder basics and preparing song ‘One and a Million’ for the Autumn Concert. Ancient Romans and playing a fanfares. Rehearsals and performance for the Christmas Carol Concert.

Class 4/5 -Exploring the Pentatonic Scale and studying American composers. Prepare pentatonic song ‘Put on the Skillet’ for the Autumn Concert. Study of Holst as composer – Listen to sections of The Planets. Rehearsals and performance for the Christmas Carol Concert.

Class 5/6– Finding Your Voice sessions. Study a popular song ‘Count on me’ by Mars and prepare it for the Autumn Concert. Learn Song Victoriana.Study of Holst as composer – Listen to sections of The Planets. Years 5 & 6 learn and prepare songs for the Kings Hawford Joint schools Singing Workshop.

Spring Term 2017

Year 1–Feel the Pulse – Exploring Pulse and Rhythm by clapping in time, repeating rhythms etc. Preparation for the MySchool CD recording by learning various songs and choosing one for the CD. 2nd half – Taking Off – Exploring pitch – understand how sounds are high and low. Preparation for Easter.

Year 2–The Weather – creating Sound Pictures with tuned and untuned instruments. Learning how to sing! Preparation for the MySchool CD recording by learning various songs and choosing some for the CD. 2nd half – What’s the score –exploring instruments and symbols. Using symbols to create a sound picture to a cartoon. Preparation for Easter.

Year 3–Listening – Study briefly Grieg andIn the Hall of the Mountain King. Creating sound pictures for a volcano poem (geography link). Preparation for the MySchool CD recording by learning various songs and choosing some for the CD. Also learning songs for the school show (these are also on the CD). Preparation for Easter.

Class 4/5 - Listening – Study briefly Britten and Young Persons’ Guide to the Instruments of the Orchestra. Learning how to sing! Music and Sound – how do we hear musical sounds, sine vibrations, high and low pitch. Preparation for MySchool CD recording. Also learning songs for the school show (these are also on the CD). Preparation for Easter.

Class 5/6–Listening -- Listening – Study briefly Britten and Young Persons’ Guide to the Instruments of the Orchestra. Learning how to sing! Preparation for MySchool CD recording. Also learning songs for the school show (these are also on the CD). Preparation for Easter.

The whole school plans and delivers their curriculum through the National Gallery’sTake One Pictureproject during this term as well.

Summer Term 2017

Year 1–What’s the score – exploring instruments and symbols. Music linked to the National Gallery’s ‘Take One Picture’ project. Rain, rain, go away- exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics.

Year 2- Rain, rain, go away- exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics. Music linked to the National Gallery’s ‘Take One Picture’ project. What’s the score – exploring sounds.

For Classes 4,5 & 6 the summer term will be used for rehearsing the two act musical show ‘Wind in the Willows’. This is to be performed at No.8 theatre in July. All the pupils in KS2 will be involved; it is going to be very exciting!