Fallston Cougars Football 2014


July 2014

Commissioners Report

·  Whenever there is thunder or lightening it is each coaches responsibility to get your entire team off all fields and they are to return to their cars. No one should be hanging out in the parking lot. If parents and players can not follow this then the board will close the fields. we have to wait 20 minutes after any thunder or lightening.

·  Every Head coach shoul be sure to download and print the UCYFL rule book, be sure to have it with you at all games in case there is a problem, you can refer to the rule book

·  Matt Huggins attended the meeting and went over all new changes to the rule book with the coaches; if you want more information please refer to the UCYFL website

Secretaries Report

·  When Jodi sends an email and it requires a response, please be sure to not only read the email, but to also respond.

UCYFL Report

·  the schedule is almost complete, still waiting to hear from one team.

·  Once the schedule is sent out, please be sure to review it and if anything does not look right for your team please email Ian right away.

Fallston Rec. Council Report

·  they are still trying to work out the problem with the Turf, once this is resolved the turf will be having some work done to it. The work will take 3 days and will not interfere with football.

Treasurer’s Report

·  Ted went over the budget report


·  Nothing to Report

Equipment Report

·  Please remember if a player has any issues with equipment they can only come to the press box with the coach or team mom.

·  Name plates for orange jerseys were ordered, they should be in by the 3rd week of September.

·  Anyone who still does not have a white or grey jersey they should be in by the first week of September

·  Tackle to Tackle stickers will be available by Monday, it is the head coaches responsibility to weigh your players and once the Rosters are available online, the head coach is to edit the roster and put the tackle to tackle players on there.

Old Business

·  Rosters will be locked on Wednesday August 27th at midnight, so make sure you login in to the UCYFL website and check that you roster is correct.

·  Cougar classic is scheduled for August 23rd, this is only for blue teams.

·  Joppatowne Jamboree, there was a lot of disorganization at this event. We will not be attending this next year. We will be sure to have our own Jamboree again next year

·  Homecoming is scheduled for September 12th, the event will start at 6:30pm; all teams that do not have games that night are required to attend. There will be a dunking booth and we will need coaches to volunteer for this, there will also be vendors and games for the kids. We will also be dedicating the press box to Joey D' Entremont whom played for fallston rec football and passed away in 2010.

·  Bull Roast is October 18th from 8-12 at the Joppa-Magnolia firehouse.we expect every team to sell a table of 10 or more. Fast Eddies is catering the event and they have added steamed shrimp to the menu. There will be a DJ, open bar, silent auction, 50/50 and more.

New Business

·  Game schedule will be posted on UCYFL website as soon as it is complete. Please make sure you review it carefully and if you see any mistakes let Ian know

·  Team pictures are scheduled for sept 18th and October 2nd. Jodi will send an email out soon with the times and instructions for each team.

Meeting adjourned 8:50pm

next meeting September 18th at the Chenowith Center 8:00pm

Team pictures are scheduled for September 18th and October 2nd. Once the schedule is made, Jodi will email it to coaches and team moms; please do not ask to change your time or d