Oxford Latin Course I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cardspage 1
- Latin vocabulary infoon one side of the card, English meaning(s) on the other side.Put derivatives on the side of your choosing.
- All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards.
- Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards
- Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. [See ]
Chapter 12:
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus/a/um = to love, like[amateur, amateurish, amative, amatory, amiable, amicable, amicicide, amity, amor, amorous, enamored, enemy, enmity, inamorata, inimical, inimically, paramour, unamiable]
dēsperō, dēsperāre, dēsperāvī, dēsperātus/a/um = to despair, lose hope
[despair, despairingly, desperado, desperate, desperately, desperation, esperance, Esperanto, improsperity, prosper, prosperity, prosperous, prosperously, prosperousness, sperable, sperate]
placeō, placēre, placuī, placitus/a/um + DATIVE + infinitive = to please
usually impersonal: placet, placēre, placuit + DATIVE + infinitive = it pleases to decide
mihi placet = it pleases me or I decide
[complacence, complacent, complaisant, implacable, placate, placebo, placid, placidity, placoid, plea, plead, pleasance, pleasurable, pleasure, quantum placet, q.p.]
petō, petere, petīvī, petitus/a/um = to seek, search, pursue, make for; ask (ab + ablative of person)
[appetence, appetent, appetently, appetite, appetitive, appetize, appetizer, appetizingly, compete,competence, competent, competently, competentness, competition, competitive, competitively, competitiveness, competitor, impetuous, impetuousity, impetuously, impetus, incompetence, incompetent, incompetently, in perpetuum = “Forever, in perpetuity”; perpetual, perpetually, perpetualness, perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuator, perpetuity, petition, petitioner, petulance, petulant, petulantly, propitiable, propitiate, propitiative, propitiator, propitiatory, propitious, propitiousness, repeat, repeatedly, repeatedness, repeater, repetend, repetition]
perficiō, perficere, perfēcī, perfectus/a/um = to carry out, complete, finish
[affair, affect, affected, affection, artifact, artifice, artificial, benefaction, benefactor, beneficent, beneficiary, benefit, calefacient, calorifacient, certificate, certify, chafe, chauffeur, clarify, coefficient,confection, confetti, confit, counterfeit, defacto, defeat, defect, defective, deficient, deficit, diffect, difficacious, difficult, dignify, disaffected, discomfit, diversify, dormifacient, edification, edifice, edify, effect, effectual, efficacious, efficacy, efficient, effigy, exemplify, ex post facto, facient, facile, facilitate, facility, facsimile, fact, faction, factious, factitious, factor, factory, factotum, factual, faculty, falsify, fashion, feasance, feasibility, feasible, feat, feature, febrifacient, feckless, fetish, forfeit, fortify, fructify, glorify, gratify, horrific, horrify, identify, imperfect, imperfection, indemnify, infect, infection, intensify, ipso facto, justify, liquefy, liquifacient,magnificence, magnifico, magnify, malefic, maleficence, malfeasance, manufacture, misfeasance, modify, mollify, mortify, munificence, munificent, nonfeasance, notify, nullify, office, official, officiate, officious, olfactory, orifice, pacific, pacifist, pacify, parturifacient, perfect, perfecto, personify, personification, petrify, pluperfect, pontiff, pontificate, prefect, proficiency, proficient, profit, prolific, putrefy, putrefaction, qualify, ramify, ramification, rarefy, ratify, rectify, refectory, rubefacient, sacrifice, sanctify, satisfaction, satisfy, savoir-faire, scientific, significant, signify, simplify, solidify, somnifacient, sorbefacient, specific, specify, stratify, stupefacient, stupefy, suffice, sufficient, superficial, surface, surfeit, terrific, terrify, testify, typify, unify, verify, vilify, vivify]
animus, animī M.= mind, spirit
[anima, animadversion, animadversive, animadvert, animal, animalcule, animalculism, animaliculture, animalism, animalist, animality, animalize, animalization, animastic, animate, animated, animation, animatism, animato, animatography, animatograph, animatographic, animator, animater, animatronics, animism, animist, animistic, animosity, animus, deanimalize, disanimate, equanimity, equanimous, equanimously, equanimousness, exanimate, exanimtion,inanimate, inanimately, inanimation, magnanimity, magnanimous, reanimate, reanimation, transanimate, transanimation, unanimous, unanimity , unanimously]
deus, deī M = god (In the plural, often the “e” after the “d” drops out: dī, dīs)
[actus Dei = Act of God. Adieu (French), ad majorem dei gloriam; A.M.D.G., To [or for] the greater glory of God. Motto used by the Jesuit order (Society of Jesuits)., D.D. (Divinitatis Doctor), deicide, deicidal, deific, deification, deifier, deiform, deify, deified, deifying, deiparous, deipotent, deism, deistic, deistical, deist , deity, deivirile, divinal, divination, divine, divinely, diviner, divining, divinipotent, divinipotence, divinity, divinize, indivinable, joss, pax Dei, predivination, predivine, semidivine, vis divina, Vox populi, vox Dei]
dea, deae F. = goddess (In the dative & ablative plural: deābus)
[actus Dei = Act of God. Adieu (French), ad majorem dei gloriam; A.M.D.G., To [or for] the greater glory of God. Motto used by the Jesuit order (Society of Jesuits)., D.D. (Divinitatis Doctor), deicide, deicidal, deific, deification, deifier, deiform, deify, deified, deifying, deiparous, deipotent, deism, deistic, deistical, deist , deity, deivirile, divinal, divination, divine, divinely, diviner, divining, divinipotent, divinipotence, divinity, divinize, indivinable, joss, pax Dei, predivination, predivine, semidivine, vis divina, Vox populi, vox Dei]
nūntius, nuntiī M = messenger, message
[announce, announcement, announcer, annunciate, annunciation, denounce, denouncement, denouncer, denunciation, denunciatory, enounce, enouncement, enunciate, enunciation, nuncio, pronounce, pronounceable, pronouncement, pronouncer, pronunciamento, pronunciation, pronunciative, pronunciatory, renounce, renouncement, renouncer, renunciation, renunciatory]
oculus, oculī M = eye
[antler, autoinoculation, binocle, binocular, binocularly, binocularity, binoculus, cerebro-ocular, circumocular, dextrocular, dextrocularity, electrooculography, exoculate, exoculation, infraocular, inoculable, inoculability, inoculant, inocular, inoculate, inoculating, inoculated, inoculation, inoculator, inoculum, interocular, intraocular,inveigle, inveiglement, inveigler, levocular, levocularity, monocle, monocular, monoculous, multocular, ocular, ocularist, ocularly, oculary, oculate,
oculentum, oculiform, oculist, oculistics, oculocutaneous, oculodynia, oculography, oculogyration, oculogyric, oculomancy, oculomotor, oculomycosis, oculonasal, oculopathy, oculopupillary, oculus(s), oculi(pl), periocular, photosensor oculography, sinistrocular, sinistrocularity, sinistro-ocular, telebinocular, triocular]
imperium, imperī N. = order, command
[empire, empress, emperor, imperative, imperial, imperialism, imperialist, imperialistic, imperious, imperium,imperialize, imperiatrix]
amor, amōris M. = love
[amateur, amateurish, amative, amatory, amiable, amicable, amicicide, amity, amor, amorous, enamored, enemy, enmity, inamorata, inimical, inimically, paramour, unamiable]
hiems, hiemis F. = winter
[artificial hibernation, hibernacle, hibernaculum, hibernal, hibernate, hibernated, hibernating, hibernation, hibernator, Hibernia, hibernoma, hiemal]
commōtus, commōta, commōtum = moved (emotionally or physically)
[commotion, countermove, countermoving, demote, demotion, emote, emotion, emotional, immovable, locomotion, locomotive, moment, momentaneous,momentary, momentous, momentum, motile, motility, motion, motivate, motivation, motive, motometer, motor, nastic movement, promote, promoter, promotion, remote, removal, remove; automobile, demobilize,
immobile, immobility, immobilization, locomobile, mob(= mobile vulgus), mobile, mobile vulgus, mobility, mobilization, mobilize, mobilophilist, mobocracy, palatum mobile]
tantus, a, um = so great, such a big, so loud
trīstis, trīstis, trīste = sad
[Tristan, triste, tristeza, tristful, tristfully, tristfulness]
fēlix, fēlicis = lucky, happy
[Felicia, felicific, Felicitas habet multos amicos. = “Prosperity has many friends.”, felicitate, felicitation, felicitous, felicitously, felicity, Felix, infelicitous, infelicitously, infelicity, Sapientia felicitas. = “Wisdom is happiness.”]
infēlix, infēlicis = unlucky, ill-starred
[Felicia, felicific, Felicitas habet multos amicos. = “Prosperity has many friends.”, felicitate, felicitation, felicitous, felicitously, felicity, Felix, infelicitous, infelicitously, infelicity, Sapientia felicitas. = “Wisdom is happiness.”]
etiam = even, also
ibi = there (spatial adverb)
[alibi, ubiquitarian, ubiquitarianism, ubiquitariness, ubiquitary, ubiquitin, ubiquitous, ubiquitously, ubiquitousness, ubiquity, ubi, ubication, ubiety, Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia = “Where(ever) you are, Gaius, there I, Gaia, am.” A formula used in Roman marriage.]
intereā = meanwhile
[interact, interaction, interactive, interamnian, interannual, intercavernous, intercede, intercellular, intercept, intercepted, intercepter, interception, interceptor, intercontinental, intercosmic, intercostals, intercourse, intercristal, interdental, interdict, interdiction, interdigital, interdigitation, interdisciplinary, interface, interfere, interference, interfluvial, interfoliaceous, interfollicular, interfraternal, interfulgent, interfuse, interfusion, intergalactic, interglacial, interim, interior, interject, interjection, interkinesis, interlapse, interlinear, interlingual, interlinguistics, interlock, interlocution, interlocutor, interlocutory, interlude, interlunar, intermalleolar, intermediary, intermediate, intermedio-lateral, intermezzo, intermission, intermittent, intermittence, intermodal, intern, internal, international, internationalism, internaut, internecine, internist, internuclear, interorbital, interosculant, interosculate, interosseous, interparietal, interphalangeal, interphone, interplanetary, interplanetary scintillation, interpose, interposition, interpunction, interpupillary, interregnum, interrobang, interrogate, interrogation, interrupt, interscribe, intersect, intersection, interseismic, intersomnial, intersomnious, interspersal, intersperse, interspersion, interspinal, interstellar, interstice, interstitial, interstitially, interurban, interurbanite, intervascular, intervene, interverbal, interview, inter vivos, intervocalic, malinterdigitation, posterointernal, uninterrupted]
nunc = now
aut = or
aut…aut = either…or
ante = before (preposition = accusative)
[ancestor, ancestral, ancestrally, ancestress, ancestry, ancient, anciently, anteambulate, anteambulation, anteaural, antebellum, antebrachial, antebrachium, antecede, antecedence, antecedent, anteceding, antechamber, antecibal, ante cibum (s), ante cibos (pl),antedate, antedated, antedating, antediluvial, antediluvian, antedorsal, antefebrile, anteflect, anteflex, anteflexion, antegrade, antegression, antelocation, anteloquy, antelucan, ante meridian, antemeridian, antemeridiem (A.M.), ante meridiem, antemeridiem, antemetic, antemortem, ante mortem, antemundane, antemural, antenatal, antenuptial, antepartum, antependium, antepenult, antepenultimate, anteposition, anteprandial, antepyretic, anterangium, anterior, anteriorly, anteroom, anterous, antescript, anteversion, antic, anticipant, anticipatable, anticipate, anticipating, anticipated, anticipation, anticipatory, antiquarian, antiquarianism, antiquary, antiquated, antique, antiquely, antiqueness, antiquity, antler, antorbital, antrorse, disadvantage, disadvantaged, disadvantageous, disadvantageously, disadvantageousness, dorsoanterior, mentoanterior, sacroanterior, scapuloanterior, van, vantage]
post = after (preposition + accusative)
[anything with post: anteroposterior, dorsoposterior, postbellum, postcibal, postclassical, postconnubial,postscript (post scriptum); P.S. postdate, post diem, postdiluvian, postdoctoral, posterior, posterity, postfebrile, postfix, postglacial, postgraduate, Post hoc, posthumous, posthypnosis, postilion, postlude, postmeridian (P.M.), postmeridiem, postmillennial, post mortem, postnatal, postnuptial, postobit, post obitum, postorbital, post partum, postparturitional, postpneumonia, postpone, postponement, postpositive, post postscriptum; PPS, postprandial, post scriptum; PS, preposterous]