US History

Fort Burrows

European Exploration in the Americas

Chapter 2.3 ♥♥ Read PDF pages 26 – 39

Many Stories exist about early people from Europe and Asia sailing to the Americas. Yet, real evidence has been hard to find. Most experts agree that such voyages were rare, if they occurred at all.

However, the Legendary Historian Leon, has researched and believes that this great country of America was visited by 4 groups before CC put the U.S. on the world map. He has shared some of his finding with your Astute and Perceptive Honors US History teacher.

Open y’all’s minds and imagine…

Early Voyages to the Americas

** BUT… pre-Columbus

1000 – Vikings – 35 crew members, included women {a very RARE thing for women to be allowed on a ship}. The boat was named the KNARR. It was 50’ long. They called the new land – ‘Vinland’ – land of pasture. They were from Scandinavia. They landed, probably, in the area we call New England,

the name given to this area of North America by the British in the late 1600s.

Leif Ericson A Sailor, An Explorers, A Traders… An Author…

The two sagas of Erik the Red {Leif Ericson, so Leon believes}Hauksbók (14th century) and Skálholtsbók (15th century), tell of a merchant that set sail from Iceland to Greenland to visit his father, a new settler in Greenland. His ship was blown off course by a storm and thus accidentally discovered a new land, presumably the east coast of North America, in 985 or 986. To their surprise, a multitude of kayaks came paddling by one morning

**BUT… pre-Leif Ericson

530 – Ireland – a priest named St. Brendan ‘the Navigator’ .

The Roman Empire had forced Catholic Religion all over Europe. St. Brendan was adventuresome and set sail West in a boat ‘Acara’, sticks covered with calf skin. He wrote 1 book about his travel ‘NavagotcheO. We do know that Columbus went to Ireland before 1492 to study notes from St. Brendan’s travel. He actually found the land that is now Connecticut.

** BUT pre-St. Brendan

600BC – Ancient Hebrew According to the Book of Mormon, Lehiwas a prophet who lived in Jerusalem during the reign of KingZedekiah. The king was persecuting Israelites.Lehi was anIsraeliteof theTribe of Manassehand father toNephi. Like his father he was also a prophet. Lehi and Nephi built a roman like ship, square like a shoe box with square sails and led their family out of Jerusalem and across the sea to the "promised land" (theAmericas). Historians from today estimate that it would have taken 580 days to have sailed thru the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

**BUT pre-Hebrews


Jacob had 12 sons. Each of these sons who each formed a tribe in Israel. These were: Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph, and Benjamin. Known to history as the 12 Tribes of Israel, these tribes settled on both sides of the Jordan River.

After the death of King Solomon, the Hebrew nation split into two kingdoms. Two tribes, including the tribe of Judah and the tribe of the Jacob's youngest son (Benjamin) formed the Southern Kingdom, and the other 10 tribes, centered around Samaria made up the Northern Kingdom of Israel. In the year 722 BC, the Assyrians conquered the Kingdom of Israel and sent the Ten Tribes into Exile. Since then, their fate has been cloaked in a shroud of mystery and legend.

This is the basis for the story of the “7 Cities of Cibola”. They had drawings of Jesus Christ with them, 700 years before HIS birth… This group has been linked by DNA to the American Cherokee Indians.

Do You think this is possible ??

Time Line:

1492 – Christopher Columbus sails West and reaches the Caribbean

This begins travel from Europe to the Americas

1519 – Hernando Cortes begins conquest of Aztec Empire

Spain takes all lands in present day South America

1565 – Spain builds a fort at St. Augustine

St. Augustine, FL is the oldest city in the U.S.

1607 – English colonists arrive in Jamestown, Virginia

1st successful English settlement in North America

1620 – Pilgrims found the colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts

They settled here seeking freedom to practice their religion

1673 – French colonists explore the Mississippi River

Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet


Renaissance – cultural rebirth that occurred in Europe from the 14th through the middle of the 17th

centuries, based on the rediscovery of the literature of Greece and Rome

colony – group of people who settle in distant land but are still ruled by government of their native land

turning point – a moment in history that marks a decisive change

circumnavigate – sail completely around the world

Columbian Exchange – the encounter between the peoples of the Eastern and Western hemispheres

andbeginning of global exchange of goods and ideas

modification – changes

archaeologist – scientist who studies physical evidence of past human life and activities1

hammock – couch or bed usually made of netting or canvas slung by cords from supports at each end

convert – bring over from one belief or view to another

isthmus – narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas

susceptible – likely or liable to be influenced or harmed

influenza – highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever and severe aching

Voyages of Columbus

Christopher Columbus ( CC ) is addressing King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle of Spain regarding them sending him ( and paying for ) to find a new route to India. He refers to them as ‘Catholic Christians’. He tells them that will he seek the land of India by traveling a Western route, which he thought would be a short cut to India and China. Also, he would use the “proper method of converting them to our Holy faith”. Columbus did not find the India route, but the route to the Americas. Columbus was an entrepreneur. He knew enough about business to prepare a written contract with the ol’ King & Queen.

CC had 3 requirements:

  1. He would be named ‘Admiral of all the Atlantic’.
  2. He would become the Vice-Roy of all land he found.
  3. He would receive 10% of TOTAL revenue found, spices, gold, silver, etc.

His contract had a name. It was called the ‘Book of Privileges’. CC made many, many copies and gave them too many people ( just in case ). They were ALL handwritten. Only 4 remain today.

*** The main reason Spain wanted the route was to get in on the SPICE Trade

Sailing across Atlantic Ocean

 3 ships – his larger ship, the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta.

 90 crew members

 Tierra! Tierra! ( land, land ) 2:00am on October 12, 1492

 Columbus explores the West Indies for about 3 months

 he thought he had reached India, thus he named the peoples INDIANS

*** TEKS 8.30 B ¿¿ Summarize what historians know about the voyages of the Vikings to the Americas


Spain Seeks Control

 CC brought King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle pink pearls and parrots

 he described tobacco, pineapples, sleeping hammocks

 Tainos ( TI nohz ) Indians – good to be converted and used as slaves

 CC takes 3 more voyages and founds the 1st Spanish colony in the Americas

Impact of CC’s Voyage

 he called it Hispaniola ( present day Haiti )

 he died in 1506 believing he had reached Asia

 CC’s voyages - great for Europe, African, and future America people

 within 100 years of CC’s arrival, the Taino population was virtually wiped out

 Columbus’ voyages were a turning point for the whole world

Other Spanish Explorers

 by 1511, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Cuba had been Spanish conquered

 in 1513, Vasco Nunez de Balboa ( bal-BOH-uh ) crossed the jungles of Panama

and FOUND the Pacific Ocean

 he ‘claimed’ the OCEAN for Spain

 in 1519, Ferdinand Magellan ( muh-JEHL-uhn ) with 5 ships and 250 crew

members was the 1st to circumnavigate the world

 1 ship and 18 sailors returned with an all-water western route to Asia

“ We remained 3 months and 20 days without taking in provisions or other refreshments and ate only old biscuits reduced to powder, full of grubs and stinking from the dirt which rats had made on it. We drank water that was yellow and stinking. ” Antonio Pigafetta, Dairy of Antonio Pigafetta

*** What kind of source have we just heard ?______

Why is it primary source ?______

¿¿ What was the significance of Magellan’s voyage ?


Columbian Exchange

 people from the East met people from the West;

 sparking a global exchange of food, medicine, government styles, technology, arts, language,


 the exchange went BOTH ways

 brought about modification to the physical environment of the Americas

 Positive and Negative

Modifying Environments

 Animals – pigs, cattle, horses; which the Native Americans loved

*** Tell the Queen’s pig story from American’s Hidden History, Chapter 1

 Trees – banana, orange, lemon, & fig

Plants – bluegrass (for Kentucky), daisy, dandelions

*** Has anyone ever heard of Kentucky Bluegrass ?

 Diseases – Native Americans had no resistance to the Europe coughs; within 75 years after finding this great new place, the Europeans had wiped out about 90% of the population

From the Americas
to Europe, Africa, & Asia
maize / potato
sweet potato / beans
peanuts / squash
pumpkin / peppers
pineapple / tomato
cocoa / blueberry
/ From Europe, Africa, & Asia
to Americas
wheat / sugar
banana / rice
grapes ( wine) / olive oil
dandelion / sky dog
cow / goat
chicken / smallpox
typhus / influenza

Native American Influences

 FOOD; this is what they brought to the exchange table

 South Asia - hot peppers to spice-up stews and sauces

 Chinese - sweet potatoes

 Italians – tomatoes for sauces ( pizza )

 West Africa – manioc (man-ē-äk) ( cassava or yucca) and maize

 Benjamin Franklin will urge the colonists to unite in a way as the League of Iroquois Indians

*** What is Manioc and Maize ?

Manioc ______

Maise ______

Test Taking Tips: Tip for Answering Questions with MAPS
1. Read the Question completely.
2. Read the Map title and look at the map to determine what is shown in the map.
3. Look at the KEY or Legend. What symbols, shades, or patterns are used to show information on the Map? Find examples of each symbol;, shade, or pattern on Map. / 4. Read the Question again. What information do you need from the map to answer the Question? Use the information in the Map title, the key, or the legend, and on the Map itself to find the answer.
5. Answer the question in your own words.
6. Read the answer choices and select the Best answer.

1. How did European expansion in the Americas affect Native Americas (Indians) ?

A. ______

B. ______

2. Describe the expedition of de Balboa ?


3. Describe the expedition of Magellan ?


4. Describe the expedition of Columbus ?

A. ______

B. ______

C. ______

D. ______

5. Explain the causes and effects of the Columbian Exchange ?

A. ______

B. ______

C. ______

D. ______

6. Why were Native Americans so susceptible to European diseases such as influenza{the Flu} ?

1 of 2.3 Print Notes TEKS Discussed in Topic 1 -- 2.A, 10.B, 11.A, 11.B, 28.A, 29.A, 29.G