Dear Alumnus,

It’s time to make plans to attend the Brookville High School Class of 1987 20-year reunion. This event will take place the weekend of August 24-25, 2007. We hope that life has been treating everyone great since we last met. Life has changed in many ways for all of us and we hope that you will join us for our reunion to take the time with each other to have fun catching up. Committee members, noted below, have been working hard to plan a reunion that meets or even exceeds your expectations. This weekend of events will have something for everyone to enjoy. Aspecial thanks is extended to Tonya Bryant Rosser and Karin Kitts German for their hard work in finding everyone.

If you would like to attend the reunion, please complete the accompanying registration materials and mail them along with your payment to the address provided at the bottom of the registration form. Feel free to bring along your spouse or a guest to the Friday and Saturday evening events. If you have children, they are encouraged to join us for Saturday’s family festivities at the park. Saturday Night’s event at the KirkleyHotel & ConferenceCenterrequires a headcount and the cost of the food, ballroom fee and hotel room rates are dependent on the number of attendees, we hope that you will respect our registration deadline of June 1, 2007, so please register early.

If you are unable to join us for the day and evening events on Saturday, we hope to have you join us at the Friday evening event. Note that attendance this night is FREE since it is a “pay your own way” event where we plan to informally convene the Class of 1987. Please let us know if you plan to do so by completing the registration form so that we know to expect you. If you cannot attendat all, or can only attend Friday’s event, completion of “The Latest Buzzz” form is encouraged so that we can include your information. We are also planning to feature a “Then and Now,”slide show on Saturday with photos taken during high school and of you now with your family (a photo with you and your spouse/significant other, children, pets, etc.). Be sure to review the enclosed details and submit some of your personal photos of our years together in high school—even if you cannot attend the reunion.

Along with these registration materials, you will find a list of alumni that we have been unable to locate. Of the 278 invited classmates, we have been unable to locate 42.Please help the committee and support this reunion by notifying me of information you may have on these missing graduates. You may E-mail this information to me at or or you may include it along with your completed and returned registration materials. The committee’s goal is to extend this invitation to all alumni!

To save on mailing costs, any updates or changes in the reunion events, will be posted on the BHS website. To do so, visit . From this website, click Reunion Info and then Class of 1987. There, you will find reunion information and any updates we may have for you. If you have received this packet through postal mail and have an E-mail address, please help us to reduce possible expenditures in the future by making us aware of your E-mail address.

I sincerely hope that you can attend the reunion and look forward to seeing you there. Please, if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me or another committee member.

Best Regards,

Anne Geissler Hovis

Class of 1987, 20th Year Reunion Chair

E-mail: or

Reunion Committee

Karin (Kitts) elly (Mulligan)

Tonya (Bryant) ris (Horner)

Lisa (Williamson) ikel Rosser

BrookvilleHigh SchoolClass of 1987

Reunion Events

Celebrating 20 Years

Reunion Events are planned for the weekend of August 24-25, 2007. Refer to the information below for details. Note that a block of hotel rooms has been reservedfor alumni at the KirkleyHotel & ConferenceCenterat the reduced rate of $89.00 per night (excluding tax/surcharges). Alumni must state that they are with the “BHS Reunion, Class of 1987”when making the reservations in order to receive the reduced rate. Contact information for the Kirkley is provided below.

KirkleyHotel & ConferenceCenter (formerly Radisson andHilton) - located across from River Ridge Mall

2900 Candler’s Mountain Road

Lynchburg, VA24502

Phone: 434-237-6333

Reservations: 866-510-6333

Please mention “BHS Reunion, Class of 1987” when making reservations in order to receive the reduced rate.

Reservations must be made by July 31, 2007 to receive the discounted rate.

Friday, August 24, 2007

7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Informal Gathering at Big LickTropical Grill, 4001 Murray Place

Musical entertainment will be provided by Lew Taylor & Island Breeze on the outside patio, and we have also reserved a room indoors. Food andbeverages will be available foryour purchase. Please dress casually.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.

Family Potluck Picnic at PeaksViewPark

(Smaller picnic area, located next to playground area)

170 Ivy Creek Drive

Lynchburg, VA24502

Each attendee (or family) should bring a blanket and/or lawn chairs and any (non-alcoholic) beverages that you and your family may want. Plastic utensils, napkins and plates will be provided. Please bring a dish to share with your fellow alumni according to the first letter of your last name as follows:

A-LMain Dish and Side Dish (Main Dish e.g.: chicken, barbeque, casserole, ham biscuits, finger sandwiches, Side Dish e.g.: vegetable dish, baked beans, macaroni salad, potato salad)

M-ZSide Dish and Dessert(Side Dish e.g.: vegetable dish, baked beans, macaroni salad, potato salad)

You are encouraged to bring along any sports equipment that you may have. The playground will be convenient for the enjoyment of your children.

7:00 p.m. to Midnight

Semi-formal Dinner and Dance at KirkleyHotel & ConferenceCenter, Sweetbriar Ballroom

Cost: $50 – Individual, $100 – Couple

Registration and payment must be received by June 1, 2007 to attend.

Ticket price includes:heavy hors d’oeuvres, DJ, photography, ballroom rental, set-up, clean up, and mailing/ postage costs incurred during the planning of the reunion. Acash bar will be available throughout the evening. Only cashwill be accepted at the bar. Credit and debitcards will not be honored.

For your enjoyment, a slide show will be prepared for viewing on Saturday evening. Please scan and E-mail a photo of yourself and fellow classmates(1983-1987 photos only, please)and a photo of yourself and your family (a photo with you and your spouse/ significant other, children, pets, etc.)to be included in the “Then and Now,” slide show presentation. Please include your name and those pictured. For inclusion, please E-mail your scanned photos to . If you do not have access to a scanner, please mail your photo(s) to Anne Hovis at 180 Poplar Terrace Drive, Lynchburg, VA24502. Note that if you mail original photos that need to be returned, we will make every effort to return them to you at check-in at the Kirkley; however, no guarantees can be made. Please be sure to let us know if you are submitting originals. In sum, we highly encourage you to send them through E-mail or to mail clear copies that need not be returned.

Photography will be provided by Mike Wheeler. A DVD or CD of photos taken of the event, will be available for purchase on Saturday night for $12, including shipping and handling. Note that Mr. Wheeler will only accept cash or checks. The photographer will be taking orders on Saturday night and will mail the DVD or CD to you following the event. He will also be taking individual and group photos at the event, which can also be ordered and paid for at the event. These individual and group photos will not be available on the DVD/CD.

BrookvilleHigh School Class of 1987

Reunion Registration Form

Please indicate which events you plan to attend and the number of persons attending. Return this registration form along with your payment to the address provided below by June 1, 2007.


AttendingReunion Event

______Friday night event at Big Licks Tropical Grill (No charge for this event. Pay for your ownfood/beverages and feel free to bring a guest.)

______Saturday at Peak’s ViewPark (No charge for this event. You may bring your spouse/significant other and children)

______Saturday evening semi-formal dinner dance at the KirkleyHotel & ConferenceCenter

Cost:$50-Individual, $100-Couple


Please enter your name, as well as that of your guest’s (if applicable), as you wish for it to appear on the nametag:

Your Name: ______

Name of Guest: ______(Note: If you are not yet certain of who your guest will be, just leave blank. You can complete a nametag for your guest on Saturday evening when you arrive.)

Mail this completed form along with payment to:

Anne Geissler Hovis

180 Poplar Terrace Drive

Lynchburg, VA24502

Please make your check/money order out to:

Anne Geissler Hovis, c/o

“Brookville HS Class of 1987Reunion”

Registration form and payment must be received by June 1, 2007.

Thank you in advance for informing us of any information you may have on classmates who have not been located!

Please don’t forget to submit your photo(s) for the slide show and to complete “The Latest Buzzz” form.

If you desire, bring cash for the cash bar, and a check or cash for the optional photography services.

If attending the picnic on Saturday, bring a blanket and/or lawn chair, any non-alcoholic beverages for you and your family, along with a dish prepared for sharing.
BrookvilleHigh School, Class of 1987

Missing Classmates


Teresa Adams

David Mark Anderson

Edward Philip Arthur

Dawn Marie Bird

John Edner Booth

Vickie (Powell) Bordie

Shawn Christopher Butler

Doug John Duncan

Cathy (Dalton) Evans

Laura Lynn Frederick

Dwight Gay

Lisa Freda Goldberg

Dawn Greever

Kerrie (Canody) Harris

Michael Anthony Hayslett

Connie Sue Jones

Herbert Morris Jones

Steve Spencer Jones

Michelle Elizabeth Katz (Shelly)

Jennifer Leigh Mahanes

Tammy (Mann) Mayhew

Karen Marie Mitchell

Jasmine Delilah Moody

Brian Keith Oaks

Christopher Jason Owen

William Phillip Phillips III

Hampton Oliver Puckette

Sarah (Helms) Reynolds

Lisa Sample

Kelly (Druin) Satterwhite

Sharen Smith

Nhanh (Le) Su

Andre Darnell Taylor

Jonathan VanEaton

Cindy Rae Walker

Michael David Ward

Joyce Joann Wellman

Jennifer Winebarger

Connie Sue Windsor

Brian Scott Whytsell

Anthony Charles Wright

Mike Wright



The Latest BUZZZ

Where Are You Now?

What have you been up to since you left the hive?

Regardless of whether you plan to attend the reunion, we are interested in hearing from you! We’d prefer that you email the below information to Tonya Bryant Rosser, you can obtain an electronic copy of this form on the BHS website.( To do so, visit From this website, click Reunion Info and then Class of 1987.or you may instead mail this completed form to Anne Geissler Hovis along with your registration form.

1) Name (Please include maiden/former name, ifapplicable):______

2) If you no longer live in the area, please tell us where you live and how far, in mileage, you are from Lynchburg.


3) Please tell us a bit about yourself. Feel free to describe your family, your employment, your education, and/or your hobbies and interests.