- Letting the Registrar chair the weekly Primary Health Care Team Meetings.
- After surgery all partners to sit in with the Registrar to discuss hospital correspondence together.
- Practice has its own system for audit of summaries, which is to a very high order and it is clear from the audit who has done the summarisation and re-summarisation.
- Tynedale feedback form well used.
- Tutorial Ratings used to improve feedback on tutorial skills.
- Use of Humanities in training.
- Supervision of recently-appointed Trainer improves enthusiasm.
- Good use of Power-point in Tutorial.
- Practice notice-board has sheet documenting Registrar’s learning needs as they are identified. Anyone can add to the list.
- Good dissemination of teaching between partners.
- Educational needs questionnaire sent to Registrars prior to start date.
- All partners participate in teaching.
- Training report produced after each GPR attachment, including results of the Tynedale Questionnaire, as well as assessment of all the Tutorial sessions and a view from all staff of the GPR. Thus it is a summary of the training experience and useful as a means of planning future improvements.
- Practice in challenging inner-city area providing good level of service to patients.
- Two partners have a specialist knowledge of eyes – valuable for teaching Registrars.
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- Reverse RCA done well – the Registrar looking at, and commenting on, the Trainer’s cases as well as the other way round.
- Excellent Trainer’s Log updated weekly, learning-style assessment done early.
- Joint Tutorials give mutual support and different voices on the topic.
- Excellent Intranet facility with a comprehensive introductory package, tutorial topics and other resources. GPR knows how to use!
- Joint tutorials with the Nurse give different viewpoints.
- Each GP Registrar has a designated receptionist – the Registrar thus has a contact for practice administration.
- Trainer concentrates much of his teaching in Random Case Analysis and the Video Analysis Consultations, i.e., avoids teaching, which is not easily available via textbook or net.
- Excellent ‘Topic’ box-files to which all partners add information.
- An appropriate and excellent photographic library.
- Trainer’s Log held electronically; everyone has access to this and can update it as educational needs of GPR are met.
- Broad spectrum of experience and interest between/amongst partners, which is all ‘tapped into’ as a resource.
- Pastoral care excellent and friendly/supportive. All partners involved in teaching and approachable.
- Video equipment ‘in-built’ to Registrar’s room and seminar room.