PSY 4930



Fall Semester 2005

Tuesday, Periods 9-11 (4:05 – 7:05 pm)

HPNP Building, Room G1404

3 Credit Hours


Laura Williams, M.S.


Phone: (352) 273-5117

Office: Shands Hospital, G-060 (National Rural Behavioral Health Center)

Office hours: 12-2 pm Tuesdays or by appointment

Course Website:

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide students with a broad overview of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology. The development of these fields as specialty areas within Clinical Psychology as well as the scope of practice will be discussed. The course will provide students with an introduction to the major behavioral and psychological disorders of childhood and adolescence, emphasizing methods of assessing and treating these disorders that are supported by research. The course will also review the various theoretical approaches to child and family therapy. Issues related to the education and training of child/pediatric psychologists, including training in ethics, multicultural competence, and legal matters will also be presented.

Course Objectives: By the end of the course, the student will have:

  1. Gained a broad understanding of the historical development of the fields of clinical child psychology and pediatric psychology and learned about the roles, scope of practice, and settings of practice available to clinical child/pediatric psychologists.
  2. Acquired understanding of most common psychological disorders of children and adolescents and how these disorders may present to clinicians.
  3. Developed a basic knowledge of assessment techniques and common psychological treatment modalities used with children and families, with an awareness of which methods have been empirically supported.
  4. Learned about multicultural considerations, ethical issues, and dealing with abuse/neglect within psychological practice.
  5. Acquired an understanding of the training of clinical child/pediatric psychologists.

Required Text: Schroeder, C. S. & Gordon, B. N. (2002). Assessment and treatment of childhood problems: A clinician’s guide (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

This text has been ordered through the UF Text Adoption service and should be available at the bookstore. Used copies may also be available online. Assigned readings are listed below according to the lecture they accompany. These readings will be on reserve at the Health Science Center Library, located in the Communicore Building of the Health Science Center.

Course Format:

This format of this course will be primarily lectures, given by either the course instructor or guest lecturers. Case presentations will also be used during this course. Although the size of this course somewhat limits class discussions, students are encouraged to speak up if they have questions or comments about the material presented. Given the considerable length of each class meeting, we will take at least one break during each class.

Exams and Grading:

Course grades will be based upon student performance on three equally weighted exams, worth 100 points each. Exams will not be cumulative and will cover material from lectures and readings. The format of exams will be multiple choice and short answer. Final course grades will be based upon the following cut-offs:

Grade / Total Points / Percentage
A / 270-300 / 90-100
B / 240-269 / 80-89
C / 210-239 / 70-79
D / 180-209 / 60-69
F / < 179 / below 60

Class participation or use of office hours may be taken into consideration for students who fall just below the cut-off scores.

There will be no make-up exams, except for documented medical reasons (i.e., physician note). If you miss an exam, you will receive a score of zero on that exam. Students who must miss class on the day of an exam may request arrangements to take the exam early, pending approval by the instructor. These arrangements must be made early in the semester.

Extra Credit:

There are two methods for earning extra credit in this course. Students may choose to do ONEof the following activities for 10 points of extra credit:

1. Research Participation: Students can gain credit for participation in a UF research project, typically through the Psychology Department or the Clinical & Health Psychology Department. To make sure that these points are credited to you, please ask the researcher to provide you with a written record of your participation. At least one research participation opportunity will be presented in class.

2. Annotated Bibliography: Students can write an annotated bibliography using at least 10 references (e.g., journal article, book chapter) on a particular topic related to the course. A summary of each reference should be outlined in a paragraph. If you choose this option, it is your responsibility to arrange your topic with the instructor via email or by coming to office hours. These papers must be turned in no later than November 15.

Class Attendance: Given that this is an upper level elective course, class attendance is expected and highly desirable. Attendance will not be taken unless it becomes problematic. Lecture material will include information from assigned readings, but will not be exclusively from the textbook or assigned articles. It is especially important not to miss guest lectures, as the information discussed will be on exams and will more in-depth than the assigned readings. If you do miss a class, please be sure to request notes from your classmates.

Accommodations Due to Disability: Students who wish to obtain individual accommodations due to disability must first register with the Dean of Students, Office of Student Disability Services. That office will provide documentation to the student regarding allowable accommodations. The student must then provide this documentation to the instructors when

requesting accommodation. These steps should be taken at the beginning of the semester.

Course Schedule:

Date / Topic / Assigned Readings
Aug 30 / Introduction to Course—Syllabus / Hecker & Thorpe (2005), pp. 3-21.
Definition, History, & Overview of Clinical Child Psychology
Sept 6 / Developmental Considerations in Clinical Child Psychology /

Chapter 1

Osterling, Dawson, & McPartland (2001), pp. 432-452.
Childhood Disorders/Problems I—Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Sept 13 / Childhood Disorders/Problems II—Common Behavior Problems /

Chapters 3,4

Sept 20 / Childhood Disorders/Problems III—ADHD, Disruptive Behavior Disorders /

Chapters 10, 11

Sept 27 / Childhood Disorders IV—depression, anxiety, OCD, (guest speaker,Adam Lewin-OCD) /

Chapters 8, 9

Oct 4 /

Exam 1


Chapter 2, pp. 40-73

Sattler (2002), pp. 7-37.
Introduction to Psychological Assessment of Children/Families
Interviewing, IQ Testing, & Educational Assessment
Oct 11 / Personality Testing / TBA
Behavioral Assessment
Differential Diagnosis—case examples
Oct 18 / Introduction to Psychological Intervention with Children & Families / Chapter 2, pp. 73-78.
Russ & Freedheim (2001), pp. 840-859.
Case conceptualization—case examples
Oct 25 / Psychodynamic, Play therapy, Interpersonal therapy / TBA
Powers (2001), pp. 825-839.
Behavior Therapy
Family Therapy (Dan Bagner--PCIT)
Nov 1 / Cognitive Behavior Therapy / Compas & Gotlib (2002), pp. 370-383.
Compas & Gotlib (2002), pp. 385-410.
Treatment Outcome Research—EST movement
Nov 8 /

Exam 2

/ Schroeder & Gordon (2002), pp. 231-261.
Ethical Considerations, Abuse/Neglect, Multicultural Issues (guest speaker, Melanie Fernandez-- Multicultural issues)
Nov 15 / Pediatric Psychology introduction
(guest speaker, Kelly Walker-obesity) / Mullins & Chaney (2001), pp. 910-927.
Siegel & Conte (2001), pp. 895-909.
Nov 22 / Pediatric Psychology continued—adherence, coping/adaptation to illness / La Greca & Bearman (2003), pp. 119-140.
Harbeck-Weber, Fisher, & Dittner (2003), pp. 99-118.
Nov 29 / Pediatric Psychology continued—family issues / Kazak, Rourke, Crump (2003), pp. 159-175.
Hecker & Thorpe (2005),
pp. 21-34
Training of Clinical Child/Pediatric Psychologists (e.g., specialization issues, research vs. clinical, different degrees, additional specializations)
Dec 6 / Applying to Graduate school, Jobs in Clinical Child & Pediatric Psychology (panel discussion) / Recommended readings:
American Psychological Association. (1993). Getting in: A step-by-step plan for gaining admission to graduate school in psychology. Washington, DC: Author

Final Exam