Career Education 7
Unity Composite High School 2016-2017
Mr. Clark
The Goals of K-12Career Education are:
- Develop career management competencies through an exploration of personal change and growth
- Explore the connections between learning and work pathways and their connections to community
- Engage in inquiry to construct a personal life and work plan.
Rules and Expectations:
- GIVE your best every day.
- BE RESPECTFUL of yourself and others.
- BE SAFE with both yourself and others.
- FOLLOW school’s 3 beliefs in all class activities.
Unit 1: Life and Work Plan
Outcome: LW7.1
Investigate and demonstrate the personal qualities and abilities needed to seek, obtain, or create work.
Outcome: LW7.2
Investigate non-traditional work scenarios involving issues such as stereotyping and discrimination to assess the impact on life and work
Unit 2: Connections to Community
Outcome: CC7.1
Reflect on and express insights about how knowledge and skills learned in school transfer to one’s future life and work.
Outcome: CC7.2
Analyze the contributions work makes to the individual and their community, including globally.
Unit 3: Change and Growth
Outcome: CG7.1
Explore and draw conclusions about the influences of positive and negative self-images on one’s life and work
Outcome: CG7.2
Develop and demonstrate the behaviours and understandings needed for building healthy relationships (i.e., emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical).
Students will actively participate in The Real Game and complete any and all assignments. Students will receive a mark of 1, 2, 3, or 4 for each of the curriculum objectives based on tasks they will complete throughout the year. Depending on the tasks completed the mark for an outcome may be based on the most consistently achieved level or most recent level achieved.
The meaning of these numbers is explained below:
4 – Mastery, an insightful understanding of the grade level outcomes. Students can apply and transfer their knowledge.
3 – Proficient, a well-developed understanding of the grade level outcomes. Students are competent with the skills and knowledge and are on par with curriculum expectations.
2 – Approaching, a basic understanding or an inconsistent understanding of the subject outcomes at this grade level.
1 – Beginning, a partial understanding. Students at this level have limited success with the stated outcome even with support.
Cell Phone Policy
Cells phones usage in the classroom is for educational purposes only. If cell phones are brought to the classroom they are to be placed in a designated container and only removed with permission of the supervising staff member. Cell phones, iPods/Pads and MP3 Players are not to be brought into rooms in which tests or exams are to be written.