English 10

Greetings, freshman and freshman parents! I am Mrs. Barkley, your new English teacher. I am new to CCS and have previously taught English and New Life Christian Academy in Rocky Mount. I am so excited to begin a new year and am thankful for the privilege of teaching you all.

Texts: WRITING AND GRAMMAR 10 Fourth Edition. BJU Press, 2014.

Prentice Hall Literature Grade Ten. Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.

Other materials: A designated notebook or section of a binder for this class only, pens, pencils, erasers, loose leaf paper for turning in assignments (college ruled is best for high school), folder or binder for carrying handouts (please do not fold and stick in a book).

Discipline: High school students are expected to exhibit responsibility in English class. This includes coming to class prepared with all materials and assignments (Students will not be excused from class to retrieve forgotten work – it will have to be turned in later and will be counted late. This will be the student’s responsibility to remember. The teacher will not ask for work.), being on task, and participating in class. It is expected that students will need guidance, reminders, and corrections. If these become repetitious and a pattern of not meeting expectations forms, students may receive a more formal one-on-one verbal warning. If the student cannot take responsibility upon himself to make the correction at that point, parents will be contacted. If the problem continues to persist, a discipline form will be submitted to administration, and consequences may be given such as silent lunch, in or after school detention, such as is outlined in the student handbook.

Homework: Homework will be given as necessary to reinforce concepts taught in class. Long term assignments are expected to be worked on independently outside of class. There will be little to no written homework on Wednesdays and weekends; but the expectation is that students review material discussed in class and work on long-term assignments outside of class daily! This is the only way that students will comprehend the material to the degree needed to master the course. I will make every attempt to leave some time at the end of each class to begin homework assigned for the day. Daily exercises assigned for homework will be discussed in class and opportunity for questions will be given. These may be taken up and counted as a daily grade from time to time.

Evaluations: Students’ mastery of the material will be evaluated using quizzes, test, exams, and other assignments. Students will have at least two days’ notice before tests. Students absent the day before tests should still come prepared to take the test on the day it is scheduled.


Daily Grade (homework, preparation, participation, effort in class, etc.) – 15%

Quizzes (Expect weekly quizzes. Some writing or other miscellaneous assignments will also count as quiz grades.) – 35%

Tests (Approximately every three weeks. Writing and Grammar will be tested separately from Literature.) – 30%

Midterm/Final Exams – 20%

Absences: Students are responsible for all make up work. This might mean seeing the teacher outside of class time. The teacher will not ask students for make up work.

Bathroom: Part of being a responsible high school student is having the focus to make a way to go to the bathroom between classes. As a policy, I will not allow students to leave class to go to the bathroom; however, I reserve the right to make exceptions as I see fit, such as independent work time.

Other: Electronic devices should all be dropped in basket before the start of class. If any disrupt class, they will be confiscated and turned into the office.

Please sign and date, confirming your understanding of the policies and procedures.

Due by Friday, Aug. 18.

Student name: ______

Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Parent contact info:

all phone numbers applicable ______

email ______