Library Six Weeks At-A-Glance
Kindergarten Unit 10 (6th Six weeks) Theme: I Know a Lot! Essential Question: What makes someone special? Theme Related Library Resources
OC: Continuity & Change OI: Change is All Around Me
Literature Selection
/Technology/ Media
/Concept Words
/Comprehension Strategies and Skills
/IC: OI Guiding Questions /
6th Six Weeks OI:
Change is All Around Me
What Do You Know!
Written and illustrated by Lorinda Bryan Cauley / Big Book
Literary Text/ Fiction
Big Book of Explorations
Informational Text/Expository
I can discuss theme.
Can students use illustrations to retell a story? / McGraw Hill
TX Treasures TE
CD-ROM Famous Faces in media (advertising, endorsements)
Week I ADV: small group biography
Benjamin Banneker
IC related books (topic- change):
A Color of His Own
( Lionni),
The Tiny Seed (Carle)
The Very Hungry
Caterpillar (Carle)
ICrelated streaming:
"The Little Red Hen."
IC teaching website:
/ Color, Fruit, and Vegetable Words / Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread
Skill: Use Illustrations
Spiral Review: Distinguish Between Fantasy and Reality / Questions and Answers
Writer's Workshop Mini-Lesson: Suggested Mini-Lesson, List Plan -Students use a list to organize story ideas - Use list plan to draft the story / Guiding Questions:
What change did you observe?
Did the change happen naturally or by people?
How can people make change happen? / SCIENCE
Scientific investigation & reasoning
record observations. about animals
record observations about plants
plant environments
Environment – littering, Earth Day
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Matter & Energy
heating and cooling
mass size, weight, shape, color, texture
liquids, solids, gasses- evaporation
Force, Motion & Energy
Organisms & Environments
living and non-living
chrysalis (changes in nature)
parts of plants, parts of animals
basic needs of plants and animals
Earth & Space
observe, describe, compare, and
sort rocks by size, shape, color,
and texture - crystal
Record changes in music & movement
observe and describe physical
properties of natural sources of
Safety , Manners, Rules
problem-solving & decision-making skills
chronological order
pictures and mapsEconomics – jobs
Warthogs Paint
Written by Pamela Duncan Edwards Illustrated by Henry Cole / Big Book
Lit. text/ Fantasy
Big Book of Explorations
Informational Text/Expository
photos to find info
theme / Sound Words and Opposites / Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread
Skill: Identify Cause and Effect, Character
Spiral Review: Use Illustrations /
SentenceWriter’s Workshop:-Suggested Mini-Lesson: Creating a 3-part list plan for a small moment story
Turtle Splash!Written and illustrated by Cathryn Falwell / Trade Book
Lit. Text/ Fiction
Big Book of Explorations
Informational Text/Expository
theme / Number Words / Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread
Skill: Identify Setting
Spiral Review: Cause & Effect / Counting Books
Writer’s Workshop:
-Suggested Mini-Lesson-Choose small moment writing idea. Use the five senses web to organize the details in a story.
Kindergarten Unit Theme: Finish Smart!
Literature Selection
/Technology/ Media
/Concept Words
/Comprehension Strategies and Skills
/IC: See Lifelong Learner Traits in planner /
6th Six Weeks OI:
Change is All Around Me
The Chick and the Duckling
Mirra Ginsburg and Jose Aruego
/ Expository-Informational Text: Expository-NF book about ducklings, chicks, or lakes
Literary Text / Folktales
-Cultural Perspectives: An Ashanti Folktale from Africa Compare / contrast genres / Tumblebook:
Louise, the Adventures of a Chicken / theme words:
horizon, timber, boarded / Spiral Review:Identify Cause and Effect
Spiral Review:Make Inferences
Evaluate characters in a story / Intro to poetry
Writer's Workshop Mini-Lesson: Word Choice - Similes /
Kid Talk:
"I know why I'm doing the job. I know how I'm going to do the job. I will finish the job,” / April 22, 2012 is Earth Day. Activities for celebrating Earth Day are located on the Resources tab on the IC Planner! GO EARTH!!
Flower Garden
(a Big Book from the old McGraw-HIll reading adoption) / Genre: Literary Text/Fiction
compare and contrast types of poems / Tumblebook:Sally Dog Little: Undercover Agent
Fable: Priceless Gifts
/ Oral vocab: smooch, petunias, stalked, ruckus, merchant, shrubs
/ Spiral Review: Identify Cause and Effect
Spiral Review: Make Inferences /
Writer's Workshop Mini-Lesson - Introduction to Poetry
I candraft a poem
Mice Mischief(Big Book) / Genre: Literary Text/Fiction Genre: Expository
-Informational Text:Expository
-Read a NF book about mice
Genre: Literary Text/Fable
-Cultural Perspectives / Tumblebook:Enemy Pie
Folktale: The Ants and the Grasshoppers
Aesop’s fables / satisfied, faded, enemy, and boomerang
merry, mambo, ditto, moody / Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread
Skill:Cause and Effect
Make a list --
Kindergarten Memory Books
McGraw–Hill TexasTreasures, TE Kindergarten ; Plano ISD Elementary ELA Planner, IC Planner, Writer’s Workshop