Centennial High School – Governance Council Meeting

Minutes – February 25, 2013

Members present: Caroline Truax, Jim Eason, Dave Nabors, Scott Kent, Amanda Otto, Shellie Caplinger, Kibbey Crumbley, Marcelle Male, Eva Taylor, Karen LeCates.

The following items were on the agenda:

The meeting was called to order by Kibbey Crumbley at 8:33am.

Karen LeCates moved and Eva Taylor seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The agenda was unanimously approved.

The council discussed meeting norms for all members to follow at council meetings. They are:

·  Stay on task

·  Start and end on time

·  Minimize personal discussions

·  Let members talk without interruptions

·  No sidebar discussions

·  Assume goodwill

·  Be respectful

·  Entertain ideas that you do not agree with

·  Formalize the processes for conducting business

·  Do your homework prior to the meetings

·  No complaining

·  Allow differing points of view

·  Place cell phones on vibrate

The council elected officers. Dave Nabors nominated Karen LeCates for chair. Shellie Caplinger nominated Scott Kent for chair. Scott commented that he thought a parent would be the best choice for the chair position. Karen LeCates was elected chair by a vote of 8-1.

Nomination of Karen LeCates by Dave Nabors

Nomination of Kent Scott by Shellie Caplinger

Final Resolution: Karen LeCates elected as chair

Karen LeCates: Caroline Truax, Jim Eason, Dave Nabors, Scott Kent, Amanda Otto, Shellie Caplinger, Marcelle Male, Eva Taylor

Scott Kent: Karen LeCates

Scott Kent nominated Amanda Otto as vice-chair. Marcelle Male nominated Scott Kent as vice-chair. Scott Kent was elected vice-chair by a vote of 8-1.

Nomination of Amanda Otto by Scott Kent

Nomination of Kent Scott by Marcelle Male

Final Resolution: Scott Kent elected as vice-chair

Scott Kent: Caroline Truax, Jim Eason, Dave Nabors, Karen LeCates, Amanda Otto, Shellie Caplinger, Marcelle, Male, Eva Taylor

Amanda Otto: Scott Kent

Dave Nabors nominated Caroline Truax as secretary/parliamentarian. There were no other nominations. Caroline Truax was unanimously elected secretary/parliamentarian.

Committee chairs and members were determined. There was discussion and agreement that all members would serve on at least one of the two committees : Budget and Finance or Outreach and Communications. Kibbey Crumbley will serve on both.

Dave Nabors was the sole person to express interest in serving as chair for the Budget and Finance committee. Dave Nabors will be chair of the Budget and Finance committee. Committee members are: Shellie Caplinger, Marcelle Male, Karen LeCates, and Kibbey Crumbley.

Eva Taylor was the sole person to express interest in serving as chair for the Outreach and Communication committee. Eva Taylor will be the chair of the Outreach and Communication committee. Committee members are: Caroline Truax, Scott Kent, Jim Eason, Amanda Otto, and Kibbey Crumbley.

The Council discussed scheduling Council meetings for the remainder of the 2012-2013 school year which ends 6/30/13. It was decided to have 2 more meetings. They are:

March 25, 2013 at 8:00am to review the 2013-2014 budget

May 13, 2013 at 8:00am

The Outreach and Communications committee will meet on March 18, 2013 at 8:00am. All meetings will be held in the media center conference room at Centennial High School.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25am.

Summary of Meeting Actions – February 25, 2013 Centennial High School Governance Council Meeting

All Council members were present for the February 25, 2013 council meeting at Centennial High School.

Agenda Items and Actions (The council took action on the following agenda items.)

Approved Chair, vice-chair, secretary/parliamentarian positions for council

Approved Chair and committee members of Budget and Finance Committee

Approved Chair and committee members of Outreach and Communications Committee

Discussion Meeting norms

Discussion Council meeting schedule