DATE & LOCATION / 08 July 2015/FAO-JalalabadOffic
CHAIR PERSON: / AtaulhaqBashari/Head ofPlan and Policy of DAIL-Nangarhar
NOTE TAKER: / Abdul Maroof
Item / Subject / Agency Presenting
Introduction/ actions items & adoption of previous meeting minutes / DAIL Nangarhar
Updates on Pre-Harvest Appraisal / WFP
Updates on Seasonal Food Security Assessment / FAO
Updates on IPC / WFP
Updates on humanitarian situation in eastern region / OCHA/IOM
Updates on IOM supported and planned DRR projects / IOM
FSAC partners update / All
MEETING Action points
MIN / ACTION ITEM / RESPONSIBLE PARTY / TIMELINE1 / FAO will share Seasonal Food Security Assessment (SFSA) report with the partners, while it release / FAO / Nnext FSAC meeting
2 / GAA will deliver a brief presentation on DRR approach and activities in the next FSAC meeting / WHH/GAA / Nnext FSAC meeting
DATE / LOCATION07 Sep 2015 / FAO Jalalabad Office
MINUTE NO: / AGENDA: / FACILITATOR:1 / Introduction/ actions items & adoption of previous meeting minutes / DAIL Nangarhar
Mr. AtaulhaqBashari (Plan and policy manager of DAIL Nangarhar) was chairing the meeting and welcomed to the participants. The meeting started by recitation of Holy Quran and then all of the participants introduced themselves.
The chairperson stated that ‘some organizations conducted assessment but do not inform DAIL. Strong coordination is require in order to DAIL be in the picture of any assesment, so DAIL can collaborate them through extension workers in all over districts of Nangarhar province. If any organization collect data and do not inform DAIL, the data is not valid.
Action Point
All of the organizations are requested to share their activities with DAIL Nangarhar.
2 / Updates on Pre-Harvest Appraisal / WFP
WFP delivered a brief presentation on pre-harvest assessment. He provide detailed information on food access, availability, utilization and had an overview on background, objectives, methodology and tools of the pre-harvest assessment and shared the findings of assessment. He narrated"The pre-harvest assessment was carried out in 70 districts of 34 provinces by MAIL, WFP, FAO and FEWSNET".
The aim of pre-harvest assessment survey is to know about food security status in an area and motivate donors agencies for interventions, because the MAIL release agriculture prospect report very later.
Action Point
The participants suggested to do pre-harvest assessment very close to the harvesting stage. Because sometimes heavy rains and other natural disaster will affect the findings of the assessment.
3 / Updates on Seasonal Food Security Assessment / FAO
FAO provided a brief information on Seasonal Food Security Assessment (SFSA) he stated that SFSA is quantitative assessment and do not focused only on wheat but focused on general food security situation. The data will be analyzed and report will be shared after completion at Kabul level as soon as possible.The participants saidthat both quantitativeand qualitativeof food security related data should be considered.
Action Point
FAO will share the SFSA report with the participants in the next FSAC meeting while the data analyze.
4 / Updates on IPC / WFP
WFP provided a brief information on IPC, narrating about different phases of IPC classifications such as minimal, stress, critical, emergency and famine phases, as well as the way its conducted and classifies food security of a specific region.
Furthermore, informed the participants about recently conducted IPC 4 days training, which was particularly organized for the central IPC Technical Group. However 3 IPC regional coordinators (WFP staff), also participated in the due training from Northern, East and South North zones. In addition the contract of the Central IPC Coordinator also ended, and currently the team is looking for another qualified person to fill the gap. IPC National workshop is also planned to be held in Kabul by mid-August 2015, where the regional teams will conduct practical analysis of their relevant provinces and will be present the final result to the relevant stakeholders during the last session.
Action Point
5 / Updates on humanitarian situation in eastern region / OCHA/IOM
OCHA/IOM delivered detailed presentation on humanitarian situation in eastern region. He presented a clear picture of the humanitarian situation in the eastern region, presented the following data from Jan-June-2015 on humanitarian situation
- Approximately1,752 families(9,435 individual) have been displaced due to conflict. (Jan-June-2015)
- According to Human Right section of UNAMA (955 )civilians' death as a result of conflict. It shows ( 11.57%) increasethan the same period of 2014.
- According to UNHCR, (1862) families or (8,822) individuals have voluntarily returned to the ER and received Humanitarian assistance.
- According to IOM, undocumented families from Pakistan are returned to the region and (9,26) vulnerable families which came under IOM criteria has been assisted.
- Natural disaster mostly flood and heavy rainfall affected 3,397 families (2,4403 individual), 45 people were injured and 61 were killed.Livelihood services like agriculture land, corps, livestock were also affected.
- Measles = (19 ) Pneumonia = (1); Congo Hemorrhagic Fever = ( 2 ); Mumps = (1 );
- Total number of outbreaks = 27
- Total number of dead people = 7
He mentioned the following challenges faced to humanitarian situation in the eastern region:
- Humanitarian access to vulnerable population is impeded by insecurity, difficult terrain and climatic conditions. Majority districts in ER are considered very high risk or extremely by UNDSS.
- During winter vehicular access is a challenge particularly in Nuristan and Kunar provinces.
- Delay in conducting assessments and response
- Lack of resources from GoA
- Inflated data on displacement and damages
- Durable solution for IDPs
- Lack of reintegration support for returning undocumented Afghans
- Health: PU-AMI (Kunar)
- HNI(Nangarhar)
- WASH: DACAAR(Nangarhar & Kunar) Nutrition
- ACF/SCA(Laghman)
Action Point
6 / Updates on IOM supported and planned DRR projects / IOM
IOM: Since last FSAC meeting IOM has recorded 3 natural disaster caseloads in Nangarhar, (2- Flood & 1- wind-storm) as a result 57 families have been affected, among the affected population, 2 persons were died and 7 other were injured due to wind-storm case, for all 3 caseloads response has been provided based on joint team recommendation. Likewise one thunder-storm case has been reported from Laghman where one person was died, ANDMA provided response on the form of cash.
Meanwhile 3 natural disaster caseloads have been reported from Kunar where 44 families have affected, so joint team assessed these families and upon their recommendation response has been provided accordingly
As a whole since Jan up to July-2015 IOM has recorded that 25015 individual have been affected by ND. Total 52 persons injured and 65 person died in the region
IOM: A total of 1,500 undocumented Afghans spontaneously returned (1,255 individuals) and were deported (245 individuals) from Pakistan through Torkham border crossing during the third week of June. As expected, returns have decreased during the holy month of Ramadan. As a whole since Jan-2015 to 20-Jun-15, 80724 individual returned from Pakistan, among this figure 7462 were deportees, IOM has supported 11263 individual. Comparing the return trends 7 time high in 2015 than 2014 and likewise deportees trends 4 time high in 2015 than 2014.
IOM-DRR: IOM under HAP program implements DRR activities where we constructed a protection wall in Laghman Mehtarlam district where people were suffered from seasonal flood, and last year one child was also killed due to flood, by construction of wall, people are protected and no harm for washing out any houses and nearby agriculture land.
As for this year IOM has identified few location for DRR project, upon the assessment ,IOM has identified two flood prone locations in east, one in Nangarhar in QalayIshaq and one in KunarKuzDandona, project material has been delivered to both project sites and its construction activities will be started after Eid.
Action Point
It was agreed by the partners in the previews meeting that one of the partners should deliver presentation on DRR in every FSAC meeting. So, WHH/GAA will provide a brief presentation on DRR approach in the next FSAC meeting.
7 / FSAC updates / All
- WFF will purchase 17000 MT wheat from the farmers all around the country and will distribute back to the vulnerable households. Also the following activities are running:
Road construction (Nuristan)
Vocational course (Jalalabad city)
Save wall (Dar-e-Noor of Nangarhar)
- FAO has shared information about new project of FAO for animal health services and gave details on project goal, components wise and activities. The FAO has also mentioned the marketing issue of IDs project.
8 / AOB / All
- FAO suggested that the DAIL should actively participate in the FSAC meetings, and take part in the disaster assessments.
- The next meeting will be chaired by FAO
- Draft minute of the meeting should be shared with all of the participants for comments within 3 days
S. No / Name / Title / Organization / Email address / Phone
1 / Shapoor Amini / Senior. PH / WFP / / 0706005179
2 / Ajmal Momand / HRP / WFP / / 0700636366
3 / SarferazSargand / FC / IOM / / 0793506818
4 / Ajab Khan / PC / MADERA / / 0700617979
5 / Islam / Engineer / NCRA / / 0779459164
6 / Abdul HalmiWardak / Finance / DACAAR / / 0793407900
7 / Hamid Ahmadi / Admin/HR manager / NPO/RARAA / / 0700675977
8 / MunirAhmand / S. Livelihood Program Officer / DRR / / 0799181099
9 / MashalRokhan / Admin / SOFAR / / 0777598559
10 / Hamid / Relation officer / SOFAR / / 0789602071
11 / Noor Muhammad / Agriculturist / IRC / / 0729080443
12 / Jamal Naser Rafiqi / HAO / OCHA / / 0793001103
13 / AtaulhaqBashari / Plan G. M / DAIL Nangarhar / / 0700606853
14 / Khushal Asifi / OIC / FAO / / 0798410572
15 / Abdul Maroof / Livestock officer / FAO / / 0773369780
16 / Delawar Haqmal / Area coordinator / WHH/GAA / / 0779638383
1 | FSAC CR Minutes of Meetings- 20April, 2015