Woodland High School
Spanish II (Honors) Course Syllabus 2015-16
Course Number: 1588.0Y
Instructor:Señora G. TorresRoom #223
(To turn in assignments only!)
Phone: 770-389-2784Fax: 770-389-2790
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers the same topics and concepts as Spanish II but does so in greater depth and with expanded vocabulary development. It is intended for students who plan to continue into Spanish III, Spanish IV, and AP Spanish. (High School Advisement Guide, 2014-15)
In the Honors class, studentsare expected to use YOUR Spanish in class and on all assignments, unless otherwise noted in the instructions. Therefore, an emphasis will be placed on extending the students vocabulary and performance through many different projects and presentations in Spanish in front of the class.
WHS School-Wide Expectations: To ensure an optimum learning environment, please adhere to the following:
●Students will be respectful to all adults and classmates.
●Students will be seated in class when the bell rings.
●Students will not display cell phones, portable electronic devices or playing cards in class.
●Students will use computers/ technology appropriately at all times. *
Violation of these rules may result in changes to school policies.
*Cellphones and other electronic devices will be used periodically in class; however, until such time they should remain out of sight.
Teacher Expectations:I expect that you, the student, will do the following…
- BRING your materials to class daily. In the event that you forget something secure the item(s) from the El RincónEstudiantil(Student Corner) at the front of the classroom.
- BE in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
- REMAIN seated unless permission is given to move about the room. This includes the few minutes before the class change or dismissal bell.
- WHEN your paper has a name, date, class period and title in Spanish, it will be graded.
- CLEAN UP after yourself. Before you leave the classroom straighten your desk, throw away trash and put all classroom items in the appropriate place.
- PLACE your trash in the trashcan. Throwing trash (making baskets)across the classroom is inappropriate.
- TURN in your assignments to the appropriate location. Paperwork is turned into the box with your class period and all electronic assignments are turned in to :.
*The WHS Tardy Policy will be enforced.
Consequences for misbehavior are as follows:
1st Offense – Warning or Teacher-Student Conference
2nd Offense – Teacher/Student conference/Parental Notification
3rd Offense – Parental Notification/ Parent-Teacher Conference
4th Offense – Administrative Referral
School-wide Grading Requirements as follows:
Semester Final Average:
- Final exam/EOCT20%
- Course Final Average80%
●Formative assessment
oPractice (i.e., classwork/homework)- 20%
●Summative assessment
oQuizzes/Participation- 35%
oTests/Projects- 45%
Materials:You will need the following on a daily basis with you in class.
- A Gmail Account - it is free. *
●3 ring binder (1.5”-2.0”) – *for Spanish only (this is part of the Notebook rubric.)
●Notebook paper*
●A pocket sized dictionary or Wordreference app (free from any app store) on your cellphone or other electronic device. *
●5 dividers labeled in Spanish
oLas notas y la práctica
oLas Pruebas
oLos Exámenes
oLa Cultura
oLas canciones
●Pencil/pen (blue or black ink) *
Academic Integrity Policy:
Academic integrity is a fundamental value of quality education; therefore, Woodland High School will not tolerate any acts of cheating, plagiarism, or falsification of school work. Should it be determined that an academic integrity violation has taken place, the school reserves the right to assign a grade of a zero and submit a disciplinary referral to the appropriate Assistant Principal. The school also reserves the right to remove or suspend enrollment in any Advanced Placement/Honors classes as well as Academic Honor Societies.
NOTE: The use of language translators (human, online, electronic, etc.) is strictly prohibited on ANY assignment in the foreign language classroom. Their use also constitutes academic dishonesty. Refer to the paragraph above for the consequences.
Make-up Work Policy:
It your responsibility to request, complete and turn in your make up work. Typically students have 1 day per absence. Refer to the Code of Conduct for more information. Assignments can be viewed on my website. Students should plan to make up tests/quizzes before or after school, or during my Study Skills class.
Late Work Policy:
1st occurrence - No penalty
2nd occurrence - 5 points deduction
3rd occurrence - 11 points deduction
After the third time, late work will not be accepted.
Early work is awarded the following points: +3 practice work; +5 Quizzes, Tests, and Projects
Substitute Teachers:
Whenever a substitute teacher is present in my absence, you are to behave BETTER for him/her than you do with me. This includes sitting in your assigned seat, completing and turning in all assignments, and keeping noise levels to a minimum.
Students should observe WHS technology policy for appropriate use of his/her own technology as well as technology that is provided by the school. Students should also adhere to the “TecnologíaEncendida” or “TecnologíaApagada” signs to know when it is appropriate to use electronic devices in class. Consequences for inappropriate use will be imposed.
A copy of this Syllabus should remain at the front your notebook at all times.
Confirmation of receipt: Syllabus
Please complete & return by Tuesday, August 11, 2015.
Printed Student Name: Period:
Printed Parent/Guardian’s name:
The best way to contact me is:
I have read the syllabus for SpanishIIHonors and understand the requirements and expectations my child will have to meet in order to be successful in this course. I agree to comply with these rules and procedures.
Signature of parent/guardian Date
Signature of studentDate
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