Department of Psychology
Declaration of Intent to Graduate (DIG) Form
** Attach your Advising Report (“View Report as PDF”) from SiS **
If you believe you will have fulfilled all degree requirements by the end of next semester, please complete this form and submit, based on your expected date of degree completion:
Dec/Jan submit previous mid-April May/Summer submit previous mid-November
If you believe your Advising Report is in error, do not submit this DIG Form until you have gotten those errors fixed.
Name Date
UMS # E-mail
Concentration: ___General ___Behavior Analysis ___Clinical
___Community ___Developmental Disabilities ___Health
___Or check here if Continuing Education
Proposed graduation date (circle one): May Summer December January of Year:
Further credit checks by Chair:
Per Adv Rprt / Date: / Date: / Date: / Date: / Date: / Date:1. Credits already earned*
Credits in progress**
Credits registered for**
INC credits**
Total (must agree with
AR “units used”)
2. Other credits pending***
3. Credits proposed, not yet
registered for***
TOTAL CREDITS (all lines)
*Are you currently registered for a course to replace a grade of D/D+/C-? YES___ NO____ (If so, your total credits already earned will be less than what is shown on your Advising Report because the credits will be counted twice until the new grade is posted.)
**Any degree requirement shown as “Satisfied” on your Advising report with credits in progress or courses you registered for or INC credits becomes “Not Satisfied” if those credits are not earned.
***For every degree requirement appearing on your AR as “Not Satisfied,” list below each such requirement not yet satisfied and explain the pending credits or present the proposed credits to satisfy it. Do NOT enter courses that already appear on your Advising Report:
Identify Degree Requirement“Not Satisfied”
per Advising Report / Pending/Proposed Credits to Satisfy Degree Requirement (enter specific course name and number if known, or write “elective”; also list any pending transfer credits, expected waivers, etc.) / Credits / Proposed Semester
Please note that your final GPA, which must be 2.0 or higher overall and 2.2 or higher in Psychology, will be determined once you have completed all degree requirements and will be calculated only on the basis of credits earned at UML. You must have 60 UML credits to be eligible for Latin honors (cum laude/magna/summa), except transfer students with a 3.0 at their previous school need only satisfy the applicable UML residency requirement. If your graduation plan includes any Off-Campus courses, including NECCUM or Study Abroad courses taken after you matriculate at UML, you must have signed prior authorization.
Note that NECCUM and Study Abroad credits are counted toward your UML residency and honors eligibility requirements, but other Off-Campus credits are not.
I understand that if I fail to complete any of the courses for which I am currently registered, or if I make any changes to the proposed courses listed on this form, it is my responsibility to ensure that I will still be able to fulfill all degree requirements:
Student Signature: Date:
If you are enrolled in the General Concentration Sub-Plan or Continuing Education, you must also obtain a signature from your Faculty Advisor; if you are enrolled in any other Concentration, you must obtain a signature from the coordinator of your Concentration (who may be your Faculty Advisor). If you have a Minor or Additional Major, you must have this form signed by the Chair or Coordinator of any such program before meeting with your Faculty Advisor/Concentration Coordinator:
Faculty Advisor/Concentration Coordinator Signature Date:
Minor Signature Date:
2nd Minor Signature Date:
Addtl Major Signature Date:
Bring completed form, with all required signatures above, along with SiS Advising Report attached (be sure to select the “View Report as PDF Option” before you print it; if possible, print in color) to HSS 301; if problems are found, you will be contacted following review by Chair.
Preliminary Clearance – Psychology Chair Signature: ______Date: ______
NOTES/ISSUES (Date and initial any entry):
Final Clearance – Psychology Chair Signature: ______Date: ______
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REV 4/2017