World Geography Country Report Requirements and Rubric

Groups of 3 to 4 individuals will prepare a 16 to 20 minute presentation about a country of their choice other than the United States. You will be graded as a group and also by your peers on your contribution as an individual within the group. Use the rubric below to prepare your presentation. No two groups within the same class may choose the same country. You will need to sign up for a date to present and MUST be prepared to present on that date.

8-10 points / 5-7 points / 2-4 points / 0-1 points
Preparation / Presentation is obviously well-rehearsed and organized. / Presentation lacks some organization, does not seem totally prepared. / Presentation has little organization or preparation. / Presentation is not rehearsed and has no apparent organization.
Time / Presentation is 16 to 20 minutes in length. / Presentation is 12 to 15 minutes in length. / Presentation is 10 to 11 minutes in length. / Presentation is under 10 minutes or over 20 minutes
16 -20 points / 10-15 points / 5-9 points / 0-4 points
*Visuals or Support Items / Presentation contains at least 5 visuals or support items. They are well done. / Presentation contains 3 or 4 visuals or support items. / Presentation contains 1 or 2 items. / Presentation contains no visuals or support items or they are poorly done.
**Five Themes of Geography / Presentation shows each of the five themes as they relate to the chosen country. / Presentation shows four of the five themes as they relate to the county. / Presentation shows two or three themes. / Presentation shows one or no themes.
Accuracy / All presented information is accurate and as current as possible. Presenters know the material they are presenting very well. / Most information is accurate and current. Presenters are knowledgeable about their country. / Information presented is often inaccurate and/or considerably out of date.
Presenters lack knowledge about the country. / Information contains several inaccuracies and/or is considerably out of date. Presenters do not know critical information.

50 points will be given according to your work within the group as determined by your peers. You may receive a total of 130 points.

* Visuals or support items could include, but are not limited to: posters, PowerPoint presentations, music, food, souvenirs, short video clips, clothing, games, etc.

** The five themes are location, place, region, movement, and human-environment interaction (see page 5 of the textbook).

World Geography Country Report Requirements and Rubric

Groups of 3 to 4 individuals will prepare a 16 to 20 minute presentation about a country of their choice other than the United States. You will be graded as a group and also by your peers on your contribution as an individual within the group. Use the rubric below to prepare your presentation. No two groups within the same class may choose the same country. You will need to sign up for a date to presentand MUST be prepared to present on that date.

8-10 points / 5-7 points / 2-4 points / 0-1 points
Preparation / Presentation is obviously well-rehearsed and organized. / Presentation lacks some organization, does not seem totally prepared. / Presentation has little organization or preparation. / Presentation is not rehearsed and has no apparent organization.
Time / Presentation is 16 to 20 minutes in length. / Presentation is 12 to 15 minutes in length. / Presentation is 10 to 11 minutes in length. / Presentation is under 10 minutes or over 20 minutes
16 -20 points / 10-15 points / 5-9 points / 0-4 points
*Visuals or Support Items / Presentation contains at least 5 visuals or support items. They are well done. / Presentation contains 3 or 4 visuals or support items. / Presentation contains 1 or 2 items. / Presentation contains no visuals or support items or they are poorly done.
**Five Themes of Geography / Presentation shows each of the five themes as they relate to the chosen country. / Presentation shows four of the five themes as they relate to the county. / Presentation shows two or three themes. / Presentation shows one or no themes.
Accuracy / All presented information is accurate and as current as possible. Presenters know the material they are presenting very well. / Most information is accurate and current. Presenters are knowledgeable about their country. / Information presented is often inaccurate and/or considerably out of date.
Presenters lack knowledge about the country. / Information contains several inaccuracies and/or is considerably out of date. Presenters do not know critical information.

50 points will be given according to your work within the group as determined by your peers. You may receive a total of 130 points.

* Visuals or support items could include, but are not limited to: posters, PowerPoint presentations, music, food, souvenirs, short video clips, clothing, games, etc.

** The five themes are location, place, region, movement, and human-environment interaction (see page 5 of the textbook).