Grace NotesE-Newsletter


Vol. 13

The Newsletter of




Find us on Facebook: Historic Grace Lutheran


As disciples in Christ, we support our faith community, encourage spiritual growth in everyone, and serve all creation with Christ-like love.

We accomplish this by:

¨spreading God's Word

¨building relationships

¨serving the community

¨reaching out to those in need

PASTOR'S FOCUS...Pastor Christell

Many times since Sunday, September 18, 2016, I have found myself thinking and smiling about our 175th Anniversary Worship. I keep rewinding that incredible worship in my mind. What an exciting day in the life of our congregation.

I see and hear the procession from 6th and Madison to the corner of 7th and Capitol. I hear the brass and bells, the people singing and Ed Wollet inviting all the people we met on the way to come to Historic Grace and worship with us. I watched as the red flags raised and lowered as various overhead obstacles were encountered. I watched as Bishop Roth used his Shepherd’s staff to move tree branches out of the way so flags and banners could pass by. I remember seeing people out on the church steps excitedly waiting for the procession to arrive and enter the sanctuary.

Finally inside I saw a packed church. God’s sanctuary filled with members, and soon to be members as well as friends of Historic Grace. There were men and women, girls and boys full of smiles bright eyes. There were the young and the old, the tall and the short, there were all kinds of ethnicities and life styles present.

The service itself picked up right where the outside procession left off. Music abounded; brass and timpani, piano and organ, bells and guitars.

The children came to meet with me and meet their two Bishops and to find out, just a little bit, what those pastors do for God’s people here at Historic Grace, in Springfield, around our country and our world.

The Word of the Lord was proclaimed strong and loud as we heard the lessons read and as Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton helped us all understand clearly what it means to celebrate 175 years of mission and ministry without resting on the past, but allowing it to strengthen us and propel us into the future.

As one family we gather around the Lord’s Table sharing the Living Bread of Heaven and the Cup of Blessing.

When all was over; after the singing and music, the lessons and sermon, the gathering of the gifts, the Peace sharing, the Sacrament of the altar, after the smiles and laughter, the tears of joy and sadness, we had truly worshiped God in in all His splendor. We rightfully praised and thanked God for all his goodness and then were sent out continue our witness to the One whose love and grace makes us one and sets us free.


Congratulations & Peace Historic Grace, Pastor Tom


School supplies still needed:

Pencil sharpeners (enclosed in a case)

In October 2016 we will collect 175 cans of vegetables and 175 cans of fruit for the Grace Food Pantry. Please bring these to church when you come for worship and place them in the area designated in the Narthex.

In November 2016 we will be collecting 175 undies and 175 pairs of socks for McClernand School. There will be boxes and baskets in the Narthex for those.

November 6, 2016 - 2:00 pm Rededication of the Organ and Recital

Benton Blasingame, Organist

Reception will follow.

In December 2016 we will collect 175 hats, 175 pairs of mittens, and 175 scarfs for the mitten trees that will be given to various schools in District 186.

May 14, 2017 (Mother’s Day) – 4:00 pmBach Cantata that will include our choir, and guest chamber orchestra.

Matthew Sheppard, conductor

There are also a number of events being planned as we move into 2017. Please check our website as dates are finalized for a guest choir concert and a Hymn Festival to dedicate the new Steinway Grand Piano

ATTENTION: If entering the hospital, please let them know that you are affiliated with Grace Lutheran Church so that Pastor may call upon you, or at least Kim will know that you are in the hospital and can get prayers out for you.

A Cemetery Walking Tour...on Oct. 9, beginning at noon until 3:30 pm.This event is sponsored by the Sangamon County Historical Society. The dead will come to life this fall at Oak Ridge Cemetery. This event has nothing to do with Halloween. The walk includes historic interpreters in period costumes portraying eight people who were instrumental in the development of Springfield and who are buried at Oak Ridge. Among the interpreters, will be the Rev. Francis Springer.

PASTOR’S APPRECIATION...October is Pastor Appreciation month. Pastor Tom never draws attention to this observation, but he always appreciates words of encouragement and support. Let him know how much you appreciate him and keep him in your prayers.


P Personal life Walk with God—Family

A Administration Counseling—Leadership

S Sermon Study Time-sermon preparation

T Tests & Trials Grace–Strength-Growth

O Oversight Ministries Care for the flock

R Resources Strength–Wisdom-Projects


Why do we wear RED clothing on Reformation Sunday?We invite everyone to wear the liturgical color RED, on October 29th and 30th, because RED represents the Holy Spirit. Luther believed that the Reformation was a direct result of the Holy Spirit moving him and others to action.This day is a celebration of the Holy Spirit that continues to move us toward the grace and mercy of God, even today.

ALL SAINTS… We will have a Window of Remembrance again for All Saints weekend November 5/6. Begin thinking about a picture of those loved ones to be placed in church. More details will follow in the bulletins.

From the Desk of Director of Music JB George…

Anniversaries are great times to look back and look forward too. We continue our yearlong celebration of Historic Grace’s 175 years of mission and ministry. It is certainly a time of thanksgiving and celebration.

This month, we also celebrate the anniversary of all Lutheran churches on Reformation Day. We know well the narrative: 499 years ago, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 99 Theses, which, though not Luther’s intent, started the Protestant Reformation generally, and the Lutheran Church, specifically. As we near the 500th Anniversary of this momentous event next year, we will plan together some special ways to acknowledge this milestone and think deeply about how we interpret it in our context today.

We always sing hymns like “A Mighty Fortress” on Reformation, because a) Martin Luther wrote it, and b) it serves as a kind of Lutheran theme song. We might also sing other hymns like “Thy Strong Word” and “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word,” because Luther emphasized the Word (both meaning the Scriptures, and Jesus Christ, the Word-Made-Flesh) as being, along with Faith, the only things necessary to be saved. We get all of that, and we celebrate it.

In an anniversary of a long marriage, one frequently hears the couple acknowledge that there have been some “good times and bad times.” We see this as we look back on our own lives and the life of the church. Keeping that in mind when we sing “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” we are reminded that God is, in the text of one translation, “a bulwark never failing.”

So, our Reformation might be more deeply meaningful as an anniversary if, rather than congratulating ourselves on our excellent theology, we might get a head start on November’s Thanksgiving by remembering with thanks all the ways in which God uses us in God’s kingdom, often in spite of our mistakes, our fear, our pride and our sin. “The kingdom’s ours forever!” Thanks be to God.

Servant Opportunities

  • Help with 50+ Lunch Bunch
  • Help assemble Grace Notes
  • Assist with Sunday School
  • Serve on Altar Guild
  • Deliver Altar Flowers
  • Present a topic at Adult Forum

Crop Walk: October 2, 2016

atFirst Presbyterian Church, 321 S. 7th Street, Springfield

Register at 1:00 pm / Walk begins at 1:30 pm

Each year, faith communities across the country put on their sneakers and join together to walk...they walk with the goal of ending hunger in our world- one step at a time. The funds raised during the walk will help to provide people throughout the world with adequate nutrition and with clean, accessible water. The Springfield Crop Hunger Walk returns 25% of the funds raised each year to local food pantries, including our pantry right here at Grace! ALL YOUTH AND ADULTS of Grace Lutheran Church have a long tradition of participating in the Crop Walk each year. Following the event, the walkers gather together for a pot luck fellowship. Please consider joining in on this year’s walk.

To donate, please go online and donate with CROP WALK at Find the GRACE LUTHERAN YOUTH GROUP

We are a privileged people because we live to serve others, even as we are enriched by our symbolic walking with those near and far away who, like us, live as children of God, and strive for a world without hunger.” (Excerpt from CWS liturgy on the Crop Hunger Walk)

Thank you…

Thanks to Gene and Marilyn Blade for the lovely altar bouquet delivered by Mary Plymire. The flowers were beautiful and lasted a whole week!!!I have had a small flower garden outside of my apartment this summer. Ilike my flowers--they listen, and/or don't talk back, and are so pleasant to admire. I believe most flower people will agree.Blessings, Betty Fowler

Thank you for all the time and effort put forth by all those leading worship, Serving the Assembly, preaching and helping in any way to make the 175th Anniversary worship service and reception an absolute joy!!! Praising God for all his goodness.



Join us each week on the Second Floor at 9:15 am!!

We will have music and opening time with Mr. George at the end of the hall and prayers with Pastor Tom. Young ones are welcome in the Nursery with Kenzie Schlicht. Pre-K to 2nd grade with Kim Gietl in the room at the end of the hall. 3-6th grades will be with Allison Klint in the large room to the right.


Pastor Tom will begin in October with a study of Pastoral Care and the many things that entails for pastors and lay people as well. Then, as the year goes on, we will have lay members teach some classes. Do you have a subject, study, informational program or Bible Study that you would like to teach? Please contact Kim in the office. This is a fun and educational way to get more involved. We are asking for a 2-4 week commitment, depending on the subject.

Come and PRAY with us! Join us each week at 10:15 am Sunday in the Fellowship Hall and pray as a community. ALL ARE WELCOME!


Sunday School Confirmation classes continue each week on Sunday at 9:10 am. These classes will focus on the Old Testament. Confirmation Classes that center on Doctrine and Theology will begin on Sunday, October 23. We will start with lunch together about 12 noon and end with brief worship at 3:30 pm.


The very popular Brown Bag Bible Study continues the study of the Acts of the Apostles and engage in good conversation that, at times, can become very spirited. We begin at 12:10 pm. People can bring their Bible and a sack lunch and enjoy the informative and wide-ranging discussion. We conclude each week at about 12:50 pm.


ELCA approves Lutheran-Catholic Ecumenical Document

(excerpted from ELCA press release 8/10/2016 )

​NEW ORLEANS (Aug.10, 2016) – The 2016 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Churchwide Assembly took several significant steps moving forward the mission of this church as a church for the sake of the world. The assembly overwhelmingly accepted the "Declaration on the Way," a unique ecumenical document that marks a path toward greater unity between Catholics and Lutherans. Following the vote, an emotional assembly stood to applaud the momentous decision.

At the heart of the document are 32 "Statements of Agreement" that state where Lutherans and Catholics do not have church-dividing differences on topics about church, ministry and the Eucharist. More tentatively, the document also explores differences that remain.

"Dear sisters and brothers, let us pause to honor this historic moment," said ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton addressing the assembly following the vote. "Though we have not yet arrived, we have claimed that we are, in fact, on the way to unity. After 500 years of division and 50 years of dialogue, this action must be understood in the context of other significant agreements we have reached, most notably the 'Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification' in 1999."

"This 'Declaration on the Way' helps us to realize more fully our unity in Christ with our Catholic partners, but it also serves to embolden our commitment to unity with all Christians," said Eaton.

In another major consideration, the assembly voted 921 to 11 in favor of AMMPARO – the ELCA's strategy to Accompany Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities. The ELCA developed this strategy based on commitments to uphold and guarantee the basic human rights and safety of migrant children and their families; to address the root causes of migration in countries from Central America's Northern Triangle and Mexico and the treatment of migrants in transit; to work toward just and humane policies affecting migrants in and outside the U.S.; to engage as a church with all of its companions, affiliates and partners to respond to the migration situation and its causes; and to advocate for migrant children and their families.

The assembly also voted to accept the 2017-2019 budget proposal approved and recommended by the ELCA Church Council.

​The assembly – the highest legislative authority of the ELCA – met at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans under the theme "Freed and Renewed in Christ: 500 Years of God's Grace in Action," the assembly's business included preparations for observing the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.


The September Council meeting was held on September 20. Pastor Christell’s report was presented and accepted. Further information concerning Council action can be seen in the Financial and Attendance statistics below.

Committee reports were both spoken and written.

7 adults as well as 2 youth new members will be joining Grace. The service and reception will be sometime in October.

A motion was made by Pastor Tom to approve new parking lot signs made by Ace Sign Co. The amount for the signs and permits not to exceed the amount of $6000.00. An additional motion was made that the monies be taken from the Bersche Estate. Both were approved unanimously.

Another motion was made by the Property Committee that we have a feasibility sturdy done by an engineering company as we move forward with gathering information on the HVAC units in the building. The cost for this study will be $3100.00. It will show what is needed, components for the systems, and the life expectancy of our current system. The motion was approved unanimously. An additional motion was also made to take monies from the Bersche Estate, bringing that account to it’s conclusion.

175th Anniversary worship and reception were a great success lots of smiles. Thank you all for their hard work. Bishop Eaton was awesome!


August 2016 August 2015

Estimate of giving $35,337Estimate of giving $34,054

Actually given $24,778 Actually given $43,370

Month August 2016 Month August 2015

Budget Income $35,337 Budget Income $34,055

Budget Expense $35,042Budget Expense $33,900

Actual Income *$24,778 Actual Income *$43,370

Actual Expense $29,342 Actual Expense $35,763

* Includes offerings plus parking lot income, distributions from Trusts, etc.

Attendance for August 2016 Attendance for August 2015

(4weeks) 452 (5 weeks with POLKA) 700

2016 AVG. YTD 2015 AVG. YTD

137 146

Average attendance year to date this is the total number of worshippers divided by the number of weekends in the year to date.

(i.e. Total attendance 800 divided by 6 weekends=133 members

in average attendance).

Community Ministry

Community Ministry…Community Ministry has set up a table in the narthex to remind us all of the much needed items for our food pantry. Thank you for your donations of cereal in September. During the month of October we will continue our efforts by collecting cans of fruit and vegetables. Please place the cans in the basket under the table. Your continued support of our food pantry is a blessing!