MINUTES, MAY 19, 2014

Present: Tony Gatti, Chairman Steve House, Jackie Lowell, Peter McRae, Lester Morse, Karl Olson, Deb Pooler and Ray Soule

Absent: Al Cohen

1. Call toOrder

Chairman Steve House called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

2. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the January 27, 2014 meeting were approved at the workshop on March 24, 2014.

3. Maureen T. Nickerson – Lot Line Adjustment, Subdivision Amendment, 135 Cushman Point Road, R07, Lot 20B-2

Town Planner Misty Parker explained that approval was being requested for a lot line adjustment between the property of Maureen T. Nickerson and Allen and Melissa Cohen. It had recently been discovered that a part of the Nickerson driveway was on the Cohen property and in order to correct the situation, it was proposed that a lot line adjustment be made adding a portion of the Cohen property to Nickerson for her driveway and an equal amount of the Nickerson property would be added to the Cohen lot. There will be in no change in the lot size of either lot and there is no frontage requirement for the lots. The change has been approved by the Cohens. Karl Olson moved to accept the amendment. Vote 8-0-0.

4. Priority Real Estate Group, LLC – Construction of a NAPA Auto Parts Store, Site Plan Approval, 695 Bath Road, U17, Lot 4A

Curtis Neufeld of Sitelines and Wes Phames of Priority Real Estate Group presented plans for a NAPA auto parts store on Lot 4A adjacent to the Shell Station/McDonald’s (Lot 4) on Route 1. The detention basin constructed at the time Lot 4 was developed had been sized to accommodate the proposed NAPA site. The 6,000-foot NAPA store will have shared access with the entrance to Lot 4, will have parking in the front, side and back of the building, and landscaping similar to that already existing on the developed site will be continued. Access to the adjacent Lot 5 and the mini-mall was explored but the property is being sold and an agreement could not be reached with the new owner.

There was a consensus that a site walk was not necessary. The final plan will be presented at the June 9 meeting.

5. Other Business – none

6. Adjournment

Tony Gatti moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Vote 8-0-0.