July 5, 2009

Welcome! If you are a guest today we would invite you to fill out one of the blue cards found in the pews or sign the guest register in the entry way. We would also love to have you join us for coffee following the morning worship service.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: This morning we have opportunity to participate in the sacrament of baptism. Addysen Tracy Folk, infant daughter of Josh & Rachel, and Brylee Camille McNicol, infant daughter of Judd & Renee, will be baptized.

THE LORD’S SUPPER: As we anticipate celebrating the Lord’s Supper this morning we rejoice that God calls us to his table. If you are visiting with us and would like to join us in this celebration, please read the item entitled “Invitation to the Lord’s Supper.” If you can agree with the affirmations found there, please join us in this celebration.

THE COUNCIL will meet this Tuesday, July 7, at 7:30PM here at church. This meeting will include all outgoing and incoming elders and deacons. If you have any matters of concern that need to be addressed by Council, please see any Council member prior to this meeting. Please remember the Council in your prayers.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The Men’s Bible Study has begun a new study of Thessalonians. This study will continue to meet at church from 6:15–7:30 AM on Thursday mornings throughout the summer. This week we will be studying I Thessalonians 4:1-12 (chapters 14-17 in the study guide).

THE SOUTHWEST BOISE BIBLE STUDY begins its new study on Monday, July 13, at 7:00PM. Why not experience the Bible for yourself? Join renowned teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan as he guides you through the land of the Bible. In each lesson, Vander Laan illuminates the historical, geographical, and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures. Filmed on location in the Middle East, the Faith Lessons DVD series will transform your understanding of God and challenge you to be a true follower of Jesus. The Southwest Boise Bible Study meets at the home of Timothy & Colleen Barrett. Go to www.SouthwestBoiseBibleStudy.com for more information.

YOUNG ADULTS: We will take a break in July and start a new study on world religions and cults in August. We will look at Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Mormonism, and other religions and cults in this study. In particular, we will explore how best to witness to people in these different religions/cults.

ATTN SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS: We need to order curriculum for next fall. In order to do this we need to know how many children to expect in each grade. If your child(ren) will be attending Sunday School here in the fall, please sign them up on the sheets provided on the table in the narthex. All children of the church who will be 3-years-old by September 1st through 6th grade may sign up. Thank you.

BRIDAL SHOWER: We rejoice with Jessica Kasper and Jim McDonald in their upcoming wedding. All ladies (mothers & daughters) are invited to a bridal shower in their honor this week Friday, July 10, at 7:00PM at the home of Dale & Jackie Van Es (8222 Desert Dr., Marsing). If you would like to help with the shower or have any questions, please call Katie (919-8307 or 495-2517), Siska (409-2996), or Tina (409-2993).

Directions to the Van Es Home:

Heading west towards Marsing on HWY 55, continue on HWY 55/main streetthrough town.
Just outside town, take a LEFT (south) onto S. Edison.
Continue on S. Edison. Go straight through the 4-way stop.
At the end of the road you will come to a yield sign.
Take an immediate LEFT and then veer RIGHT.
It's a paved road which turns into gravel. Go approximately 3 miles.
The Van Es dairy is at the base of their home's driveway.
Their home is up on the left side of the dairy.
By the large haystack is their driveway. You can see their log home from the driveway.
Call Katie (numbers above) if you need help with directions.

CADET CAMPOUT: Our annual Cadet campout will be held July 12-14. We will be leaving immediately after the morning worship service on Sunday, July 12, and returning home at 6PM on Tuesday, July 14. Kids will need to bring a sack lunch for Sunday. We will be camping at Deadwood Reservoir north of Lowman. A list of items each Cadet needs to bring will be available from Chris Cooper. If you have any questions, please see Chris.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Alyssa Groen, our Sunday School Superintendent, is looking for an Assistant Superintendent. We also need several teachers and helpers for this coming year. In addition, we need several substitute teachers. If you are interested, please call Alyssa Groen at 461-5781 or email her at . Please prayerfully consider these service opportunities.

MINISTRY OF MUSIC SCHEDULING: Julie Brands coordinates the ministry of music schedule. If you would like to use your gift of music – either singing during the worship service or playing an instrument for a prelude oroffertory – please speak with Julie Brands (922-3901) so she can communicate this information to the pastors and the other accompanists who are already scheduled. Thank you.

OUR CHURCH FAMILY: Congratulations to Rudi & Anne Marije De Winkle who were blessed with a healthy baby boy born Sunday, June 28. Nieko De Winkle weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 20 inches long.

COUNTDOWN TO CALVIN’S 500th BIRTHDAY! Please come to the church library today and next Sunday as we celebrate John Calvin's 500th birthday! Throughout July and August we will have articles posted about John Calvin. There will be a display of books authored by and about Calvin. A limited number of commemorative bookmarks will be available. There will be birthday treats!

Take a Calvin Quiz: winner to receive a John Calvin "Bobblehead.” (Quiz must be completed in the library by July 19.) Winner announced on July 26. Tie will be decided at discretion of library committee. (Church staff members, library committee members, and their families are excluded.)

If you have not visited the Calvin 500 website, check it out to prepare for the quiz, and view the countdown!

ATTN SR. HIGH YOUTH: Please turn in your medical form to Pastor Ryan and be sure to have your passport in time for our trip to Canada July 18-25.

SAVE THE DATE – CHURCH PICNIC: Our annual all–church picnic will be held the afternoon of Saturday, August 8, at Settler’s Park located at Ustick & Meridian. Watch future bulletins for more details.

UPDATE – LOVE INC OF THE BOISE COMMUNITY: The Boise clearinghouse of Love INC is scheduled to open on August 3. See the bulletin board in the fellowship hall for their weekly praises & requests, and current supply needs. Please remember the Boise Love INC in your prayers as they continue to progress toward this opening.

BABYSITTERS NEEDED: We are in need of 1-2 babysitters for the Women’s Bible Study which will begin meeting in September and continue through the month of May. The Bible study will meet from 9:30–11:00AM on Tuesday mornings at the home of Bernice Cooper. If you would like to help with babysitting, please speak to Julie Ribbens (562-8882).

LADIES COFFEE BREAK BIBLE STUDY plans to study the book of Acts next fall which will be a great follow up to our last study of the book of John. We will need three new small group discussion leaders this next year, and possibly helpers in the children’s ministry. Please be praying about how you might be able to serve Coffee Break. Contact Julie Brands (922-3901) if you have questions or would like to help.

CLOVERDALE COURIER: The July/August issue of our church newsletter will be available today after the morning worship service. Pick up a copy for your family.

MISSION UPDATE: Erin Arendse is working this summer at The Oaks Camp located at Lake Hughes, California. The Oaks Camp is a camping and conference ministry of World Impact for inner-city youth. We received a letter from Erin detailing her work at the camp. The letter is posted on the Missions bulletin board in the fellowship hall for anyone who is interested.


1.  Heero & Anya Hacquebord serving in the Ukraine.

2.  Love INC of the Boise Community.

3.  Council meeting on Tuesday.

4.  Sunday School in need of teachers & an Assistant Superintendent.

5.  Coffee Break in need of study leaders & children’s helpers.


SUN: 10:00AM Morning Worship Service

6:30PM Evening Worship Service

TUES: 7:30PM Council Meeting @ church

THURS: 6:15AM Men’s Bible Study @ church

FRI: 7:00PM Bridal Shower for Jessica Kasper

@ Van Es’s


July Household of Faith Leaders

Dave & Nicole Howerzyl/Mel & Marilee Landers

Greeters/Guest Book:

Today Nathanael & Suzanne Ryerson/Rick Wigboldy

July 12 John & Beverly de Kruyf/Dave Howerzyl

July 19 Terry & Julie Ribbens/Henry Vander Stelt


O - Sharon Wigboldy O - Sharon Wigboldy

P - Teresa Smith P - Julie Brands

July 12

O - Sara Cooke O - Sara Cooke

P - Leslie Vander Schaaf P - Deb de Jong

July 19

O - Sharon Wigboldy O - Sharon Wigboldy

P - Janet Gonsalves P - Leslie Vander Schaaf


July Committee contact: Renae Bieri (319-0777)

Infant: Serena Koning & Colleen Barrett

Toddler: Monica Visser, Lori Den Hartog,

Suzanne Ryerson, Lauren Pastoor

PM: Tracy Vander Stelt & Joanie Arendse

July 12

Infant: Cindy, Candace & Charisse de Vries

Toddler: Anne & Sheri Vander Veen,

Renae Bieri, Amanda Van Grouw

PM: Nicole Howerzyl & Judy Vander Woude

July 19

Infant: Karen Gosche, Lynda Miedema, Audra Sherman

Toddler: Tami, Victoria, Zabrina McKenzie,

Katie Wigboldy

PM: Margaret Roest & Nancy Rotman


July: Henry Vander Stelt

August: Peter De Winkle


Today Judd McNicol & Simon de Jong

July 12 Gregg Russell & Rick Van Grouw

July 19 Ted Vander Schaaf & Jeremy Vander Woude


July 5 & 12 Janice De Groot

July 19 & 26 Patti Crager

PM Song Service PM Prayer & Share

July 12 Terry Ribbens July 12 Dan Van Grouw

July 19 Herm Roest July 19 Henry Vander Stelt


Today Janice De Groot & Betty Wigboldy

July 12 Lori Den Hartog & Nicole Howerzyl

July 19 Ken & Joanie Arendse

Cookies for Next Week:

Deb de Jong, Lori Den Hartog, Suzanne Ryerson,

Joanie Arendse, Robin Vander Stelt, Janice De Groot