Week Of: 10-25 through 10-29 / Class: ASL II-Advanced
Periods: 1 and 6-7
Monday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Intermediate / Essential Question(s) / Objectives: How do we sign about school and school life? How do we describe where a location is in ASL? How does an agent marker affect certain signs in ASL? / Instruction: Unit 5 : School Days
ASL Story—English WRITTEN summary
1) Pg. 185 Individually DO Homework Exercise 4 A and B (set up groups of 4 with 3 desks in line and 1 in front) Students rotate 4 times so that each group member has an opportunity to introduce themselves
2) Teach INITIALIZATION and SKILLED vs. UNSKILLED pgs. 188-189. Parallel partner practice P1, Q2 and Q3
3) At the desks---with a partner Do R1-8 Review TOPIC/COMMENT / Differentiation / Modifications:
12 (and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Collins Writing Type 2: List 3 grammatical differences between ASL and English
Tuesday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Basic / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we sign about school and school life? How do we describe where a location is in ASL? How does an agent marker affect certain signs in ASL? / Instruction: Unit 5 : School Days
1) Go over I WANT TO KNOW pg. 191 Do practice drills using
grade signs OVERHEAD
2) DO S1 and S2 with a partner
3) Read pg. 194 take notes Do Drill U 1 EMPHASIZE EYES
ON ASL #11
4) CL: V Legs or Eyes Emphasize NMS (eyes/facial
expression) Use to dhow whole body (laying down) USE
5) Drill V 1 and V3
6) CL:3 Vehicles (NOT ICONIC) Sign phrase on pg. 196
Everyone writes an English translation and compare / Differentiation / Modifications:
12, 8 (and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
WRITTEN translation
Wednesday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Intermediate / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do we sign about school and school life? How do we use Topic/Comment structure to talk about careers? How do we sign grades in ASL? How is the classifier B used in ASL? / Instruction: Unit 5 : School Days
WARM-UP : A-Z, #’s Race 1-100, Pledge of Allegiance.
1) Review Eyes on ASL #11—identify CL first ; Drill W1 /W2
2) Do W3 with a partner Identify CL parts within a sign
Discuss as a class
3) Watch “Accident” ---answer TEACHER CREATED chart
identifying Classifiers in his story and what they mean---
Discuss as a group
4) In partner groups use all CL information learned (B, 1, V
and 3) to create a dialogue or narrative based on prompts
given in exercise W4 pg. 197 / Differentiation / Modifications:
20 (and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5 / Assessment:
Thursday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Intermediate / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do parents of a Deaf child investigate Deaf Education options? / Instruction: Unit 5 : School Days
WARM-UP : A-Z, #’s Race 1-100, Pledge of Allegiance. Receptive practice in fingerspelling recognition.
1) UNIT 5 REVIEW pgs. 206-207
2) REVIEW GAMES-UNIT 5 / Differentiation / Modifications:
20 (and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5
(and any others as needed) / Assessment:
Friday / NJCCCS:
7.1 Communication-Intermediate / Essential Question(s) / Objectives:
How do parents of a Deaf child investigate Deaf Education options? / Instruction: Unit 5 : School Days
1) UNIT 5 TEST / Differentiation / Modifications:
12 (and any others as needed)
Interdisciplinary NJCCCS:
3.3, 3.4, 2.5
(and any others as needed) / Assessment:
Principal’s Comments: