Board of Directors
June 6, 2012
1) Called to Order by President Jim Robinson at 7:17 P.M.
2) Flag Salute
3) Roll Call of Directors
a) Directors Present: Robby Storton, Mary Martineau, Curtis Martineau, Amanda Garner, Jon Donais, Gretchen Donais, Carol Canfield, Gwen Alexander and Crissy Tobiason
b) Directors Excused: Andy Robinson, Cheryl Brean and Megan Storton
c) Members Present: Chad Lambirth, John Scott, Jim Robinson, Sharyl Yanez, Justin Aspin, Brittney Savage, Ruthanne Keller, Judie Loux, Cindi Smart Zeigler and Vanessa Tobin.
4) A motion was made to approve May minutes as read. No Discussion. Motion/Second: Crissy Tobiason/Gretchen Donais. Motion passes unanimously.
5) Open Forum: Mary Martineau introduced Vanessa Tobin the new Ramona FFA teacher. Jon Donais states the copper pipes were stolen from the ice machine and he is going to try and fix it with Jim Robinson. Robby Storton states he is talking with Him r/t more security ideas for the fairgrounds. Crissy Tobiason states that last Saturday was the rib fest at the senior citizen center and it was a great event. She states it was a great outcome and said thank you to everyone that came to the event and helped.
6) Officer Reports
a) President: No Report
b) Vice President: No Report
c) Secretary: No Report
d) Treasurer: Crissy Tobiason went over the June balance sheet in place of Cheryl Brean. A motion was passed to approve the June 2012 Fair Balance Sheet as read. Motion/Second: Jon Donais/Carol Canfield. Motion passes unanimously.
e) Fair Administrator: Mary Martineau states that the fair entries are due on July 14th, 2012, the day of the pie auction. She states that everything can be mailed or can be dropped off at the pie auction from 3pm to 6pm.
f) Livestock Superintendent: Curtis Martineau states he will have ear tags with him at Del Mar Fair for Ramona Fair animals. He states he would appreciate it if leaders would tell the kids. He also states the horse show will be on July 29, 2012.
7) Standing Committee Reports
a) Scholarship Committee: Amanda Garner states that the scholarship interviewers were a strong group this year. Amanda states there was one applicant that would be disqualified for an incomplete application and 4 other scholarships would be given out. Amanda asked the board of directors for the scholarship panel of interviewers if it would be possible to give out two $1500 scholarships and two $1000 scholarships plus a memorial scholarship. Mary Martineau looked up the fair policy and procedures and it does not state that the scholarship has to be in the amount of $1000. Mary states that the scholarship letter that is sent out with the application does however state that it is $1000 scholarship. She also states that the memorial scholarship is based on GPA, community service and fair participation. Mary moved to approve four RJF scholarships with an addition of two memorial/shining star scholarships in the amount of $1500. Crissy Tobiason made a second motion. Carol Canfield abstained from the motion. No discussion. Motion passes unanimously.
b) Budget Committee: No Report
c) Steering Committee: Gwen Alexander states the next meeting is on June 20th at 7:30pm. She also states they talked about the schedule of events that the committee has come up with for the week of the fair. She states they need a flatbed truck and states possibly Mr. Vantol will be willing to donate his truck.
d) Premium Book Committee: Mary Martineau states she checked with Chad in regards to the bore goat show and added the Nygerian dwarf showmanship class for primaries. She states she has been talking to Carol Canfield as well and there is no order for the book, especially breeding species as far as premium awards, etc. She states in dairy goats, she took out the feature breed. She also discussed the different premiums of each category and states she would like to figure out an award for each class. Jon Donais motioned to change the award structure of the premium book for all animals as follows: premiums for class winners, rosettes for champion/reserve champion for all divisions and rosettes/awards for best in show and reserve best in show. Carol Canfield made a second motion with Crissy Tobiason abstaining. No discussion. Motion passes unanimously. For Home Ec awards Mary suggested to increase the premium from $3 to $10 and include a rosette to winners. Crissy makes a motion to allocate $5 for div champion for home ec with a second motion by Mary. Mary states she will be fixing the horse show information in the premium book. Robby asked if the board can receive a copy of the premium book to review it before it goes to print. Mary states she would send out a copy to the members of the board.
e) After Auction Committee: Crissy Tobiason states that today is the day to start getting in after auction items.
f) Auction Committee: Robby Storton states they are moving along with the auction committee. States we are going to do the food ourselves this year and getting volunteers. He states they are meeting on Saturday for field day and will discuss more then.
8) Ad-Hoc Committee Reports
a) Chamber of Commerce Committee: No report.
b) Parks Board Committee: Jim Robinson states that the security camera at the senior center was changed and they are working on putting more security cameras to the building.
c) Construction & Grounds Development Committee: Jon Donais states the cement area on the grounds is done. Jim Robinson states one wash rack is repaired, but there are 3 more that need to be repaired as well. Jim states it is hard to work on the grounds with meetings going on, so we need to look at the schedule and work around the meetings. He also states Curtis Martineau is going to try and get manure. Crissy Tobiason states she is going to have a meeting with the man whom sales us the tarps next Friday around 3:00pm if that will work for him. Jon Donais suggests if we can look into purchasing a water wheel to water the grounds it would be easier for Jim to water.
d) Computer Committee: John Scott states he bought all of the new computers for the fair. He states Russ Christiansen and he will be “playing” with the new computers on Saturday. He states that everything is progressing well and in another week, they will be doing a mock trial fair with the new computer system to see how well it will work.
e) Camping & Security Committee: Robby Storton states we will be having the same security at the fair this year as last year. Sharyl Yanez states that she is licensed to do security and if we needed her for the fair week, she would be available.
f) Bred and Fed Committee: Judie Loux states Carol said the belt buckles have been ordered and she is still looking for sponsors for 2 swine awards and one goat and also veal if it is needed. Curtis states he will send a copy of the updated Bred and Fed page to Robby to put on the website.
g) Judging Committee: Mary Martineau states Lori Scott has all the judges except for the horse and goat/pygmy goat judge. She states Chad Lambirth is working on that.
h) Fair Marketing, Education, & Fundraising Committee: Carol Canfield states she has $500.00 in donations from Ramona Ag Boosters and needs to get a logo from them. She also states she has a connection from Chris Wier’s mom. Morman Feed is going to donate a $250.00 page. She states the art work has been sent. Carol and Robby will be meeting with the website guy on how to set up sponsor pages on the website.
i) Awards Committee: Carol states the art work is done on the buckles for bred & fed and for round robin. She states all the letters are done for the rest of the awards and is waiting to send out the letters in the next couple of days.
j) Pie Auction & BBQ Committee: Crissy Tobiason states they are working on the pie auction. She states they haven’t done a lot yet because they were busy working on the rodeo parade float. She states she is working on flyers and tickets to pass out for the pie auction and BBQ on July 14th.
9) Old Business
a) Bank Changes: We are still working on changes. Crissy states at the Rib fest that was held on Saturday, she met Joe Stupar with CMB processing solutions. He told Crissy that he would be more than happy to help with the RJF credit card processing as far as setting us all up with the equipment and machines to do so at their cost. However, he stated first we would need to figure out if this is something we want to do. Jeff Becker suggests maybe talking with the buyers regarding this issue at the fair this year and see what their reactions are. Robby states we have already talked to buyers in the past about this and that is why the board wants to get the credit card option at the fair for the buyers. He states that is why the fair sent out letters regarding this issue last year in July. We need to figure out what the minimum charge would be so the fair doesn’t get charged as well. We will have a plan by the next meeting.
b) Work Days: Still working on putting together work days. It was asked by Robby Storton to be able to move the July 4th meeting to July 11th r/t Fourth of July and everyone agreed.
c) Friends of the Fair: Robby states that he has not yet received any emails regarding suggestions for friend of the fair.
10) New Business-Items for future agenda, Voting on friend of the fair, memorial scholarship tabled to next meeting and scholarship money.
11) Meeting Adjourned at 8:43 P.M. Motion/Second: Mary Martineau and Carol Canfield. Discussion: None. Motion passes unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Amanda Garner; RJF Secretary