Cale Green Primary School

Year 5 – Theme 2 – World at War

We have now started our second theme of this year where we shift our focus from the Civil War and World War 1 to World War 2 and subsequent conflicts. During the second theme we will be taking a project approach to learning where children will be encouraged to spend time in school and at home, researching an aspect of WW2 that holds a specific interest for them. This will culminate with a presentation by each child to the whole class.


We will be focusing on non-fiction and poetry during this theme and covering the relevant grammar. Our guided reading book will be ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Eva Ibbotson and your child is welcome to bring their own copy into school if you have it at home.


Maths will continue with securing understanding of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and practising using and applying these skills in real life contexts with a focus on reasoning and being able to use mathematical vocabulary to explain reasoning/answers.

Cross Curricular Links

We will be investigating the art used in wartime propaganda posters and some of the famous war time artists such as John Piper. We will also learn about the effects of rationing and create some ‘war time’ recipes.

Physical Education

We will workalongside a PE specialist, Mrs Callaghan, to develop hockey and fitness skills and we will also begin a gymnastics unit of work in the spring term. Please can full PE kit be in school every day. Children will need a bobble to tie back long hair.


Homework is handed out on a Monday to be handed back in on a Friday. This will include spellings, grammar and maths. They will often have online ‘My Maths’ where the children should aim to get over 90%. In addition Year 5 will have guitar homework on a weekly basis.

Please remind your children that the library is open each lunchtime for homework support with Mrs Beecham. Children often find visiting even just once a week can help free up time in the evenings for other activities.


Please encourage your child to read a little of their reading book each school evening. If they can read to a grown up as well, this would be an additional bonus. Reading diaries will be checked daily. The children will also have access to ‘Reading Bingo’ books in the classroom – a selection of recommended books for Year 5 children designed to broaden their reading experiences. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the year to any children who complete their ‘Reading Bingo Chart’.


Please remind your child to use ‘Look-Cover-Write-Check’ as a strategy for learning their weekly spellings. Spelling tests and number facts tests will on Friday.

School Linking Network

We are linked with Mellor Primary School for this project. The project allowsand provides for children to be able to answer four key questions:

  • Who am I?
  • Who are we?
  • Where do we live?
  • How do we all live together?

We have already met the children in our linked class and in the spring term will meet either at our school or at theirs. This is a great opportunity for children to develop friendships and learn about the wider world.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to find me on the playground before or after school.

Kind regards

Mrs Carole Harding
