O’Neill’s Personal List of Annoyances, Interests & Every Day Wonders to Research

(Forget the overdone college paper issues of abortion; capital punishment; drinking age; smoking laws; use of steroids; texting while driving issues -- jump off from this list, the next list and/or create your own to write an ARGUABLE – UNIQUE -- research paper.

College Grants/Loans Should be Available to ALL who wish to attend school

Return the Prices to the Products in Stores – No More “Scanner” Price Tags

U.S. Should Stop Protecting Israel & Promote an Independent Palestine Country

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Should Release Maps of All Previously Operating Facilities in Florida so that the Public Will Be Aware of Where They Left Hazardous Materials – bombs; mustard gas, arsenic -- from WWII – Azalea Park & Englewood neighborhoods (east Orlando) & Pinecastle (se Orlando).

Self-Help Gas Stations and/or Self-Help Check Out Lines Should be Discontinued

Teacher’s Unions (all Unions) Should be Discontinued

Creationism Should Not be Taught in Public School Science Classrooms

Ethics Reform: No Group or Citizen Should be Allowed to Give above $ 2,500 to Any Political Candidate Running for Office AND It Should be Public Information

U.S. Congress Tradition of PORK Money Should END

U.S. Should Have a Universal HealthCare

Return the usury limits to Credit Card Companies to prevent exorbitant % rates

US Banks Should Not Be Allowed to Use the “Priority Payment” Clause and ChargeMultiple Overdraft Fees

The 2008-9 Housing Crisis is not the Homeowners Fault

A Person Should be 18 Years Old to Drive During the Day

Childcare Centers Are Detrimental for Young Children (0 to 4 yrs.)

Hormones Should STOP being put into our MILK & Meat Products

Minimum Wage Should be Increased to a Living Wage

All Political Offices MUST Have TERM LIMITS IMPOSED

O’Neill English 101 -- MORE ARGUABLE TOPICS:

The 10 Commandments should or should not be displayed in our public buildings.

U.S. Manufacturer Outsourcing should or should not be encouraged in business.

A Federal DNA Database should or should not be created.

Violent video games should or should not be banned.*

US Citizens should have access to walking, hiking on land even if it is privately owned.

All Middle School Students (7th-8th grade) should or should not be Taught Abstinence & Safe Sex

Dieting makes or does not make people fat.

People wishing to marry should be required to attend marriage classes for the license

Calorie information should or should not be visible on all restaurant menus

Gay marriage should or should not be allowed in all states of the U.S.*

The War on Terror has or has not contributed to the loss of human rights.

Gay marriages should or should not be allowed to adopt children.*

High school graduates should or should not take a year off before college.

Americans should or should not be required by law to vote.

Both parents should or should not assume equal responsibility in raising a child.

Childcare Workers Should be Paid Double the Minimum Wage

Participating in team sports helps or does not help to develop good character.

Athletes and Singers should or should not be role models for children.*

Rappers should not denigrate women in their songs.*

Americans have or have not become overly dependent on technology.

Censorship is or is not justified.

Privacy is or is not the most important human right.

The lost art of letter-writing should or should not be taught in our schools.

College students should or should not have complete freedom to choose courses.

The primary mission of colleges and universities is to prepare students for the workforce or is it to prepare students to think for themselves within any context of employment and become lifelong learners.

College athletes should or should not be exempted from class attendance policies.

Students should or should not be required to take physical education courses.

All citizens under the age of 21 should or should not have a full driver’s license.

Any student who cheats on an examination should be automatically dismissed from college.

Any student who plagiarizes should automatically fail the course.

Society does or does not encourage bullying.

Spanking is or is not detrimental for children.*

*popular topic – needs to be written in a unique way (as all writings should be)