Psych 210

Module 3! Case Study Format

Posted on:Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:00:00 AM EDT

The case study paper assignment for module #3 is to befour pages total.
This will include in APA format:
1 title page,
2 pages of text, and
1 reference page.
The limited 2 pages of required text will help you write in a clear, concise manner, it does not allow for rambling or long winded explanations. Keep this in mind as you create your notes/outline for the case study. Again,name your document CS1your last name,failing to do so will result in a 3 pt. penalty

Module 3! Case Study Instructions

Please include information from the following 3 areas of human development:

1. Biosocial Development- Growth and changes that occur in the body and genetics. This information is found in
chapter 8 of your text.
2. Cognitive Development- This is the critical thinking stage. Information regarding this development can be found in
chapter 9. Some key theorists to include are Piaget and Vygotsky.
3. Psychosocial Development- This includes the various emotional development of a child. Chapter 10 is full of
information related to this area of development.

Please note as you are working on your case study assignment this week, students readily try to explain why the boy in the story shot his classmate as a result of the details of his poor family life from the case study. This is not what the assignment is asking, rather you are to discuss why all children under 7 are deemed to be unable to form criminal intent as limited by their age appropriate developmental limitations [focus on developmental, psychological and biological limitations]. Further clarification can be found posted in the discussion forum under the Forum 3/ Module 3 post. It would be a good idea to look this over prior to beginning the weekly reading.
All information needs to be cited using APA format. This includes the title page and the reference page. This assignment is to be a MAXIMUM four pages total.You areNOT TO INCLUDE ANY PERSONAL OPINIONS!If you have any questions about material in your paper double check the study guide issued earlier via e-mail. Remember to cite all work using APA standards!