Genetics Vocabulary List

  1. Gregor Mendel: Father of genetics. Studied traits in pea plants.
  2. Trait: Any characteristic that can be passed be inherited from parent to offspring.
  3. Alleles: Alternative forms of a trait.
  4. Gene: Section of chromosome (DNA) that codes for a specific trait.
  5. Somatic cell : Body cell.
  6. Gamete: Reproductive cell.
  7. Pedigree: A diagram of the genetic history of an individual: can show how a trait is inherited over several generations of a family. (a genetic family tree)
  8. Heterozygous: Genotype of an individual with two different alleles for a given trait.
  9. Homozygous: Genotype of an individual with two of the same alleles for a given trait.
  10. Dominant Allele: Masks the recessive allele in a heterozygous individual.
  11. Recessive Allele: Allele that is masked by the dominant allele in a heterozygous individual
  12. Law of Dominance: If two alleles in a gene pair are different, then one allele can control the and the other can be hidden.
  13. Law of Independent Assortment:Alleles for a trait seperate randomly and independently of each other.
  14. The Law of Segregation: Each pair of alleles segregates (seperates)during gamete formation. Each gamete contains one allele from each pair.
  15. Punnett Square: A model used to show the probabilities of the results of a genetic cross.
  16. Autosomes: All chromosomes with the exception of the sex chromosomes.
  17. Sex Chromosomes: The pair of chromosomes that determine the gender of an individual.
  18. Homologous Chromosomes:The pairs of chromosomes in a diploid individual that have the same overall genetic content (matching). One member of each homologous pair of chromosomes in inherited from each parent.
  19. Incomplete Dominance: Occurs when neither allele is dominant. They both have an affect on the heterozygous individual which shows a phenotype between the two homozygous phenotypes.
  20. Diploid: A cell that contains both chromosomes of a homologous pair . A set from each parent (body cells).
  21. Haploid: A cell that contains one set of chromosomes (gametes).
  22. Genome: The complete genetic material contained in an individual.
  23. Biology: The study of life.
  24. Genotype: The genetic make-up of an organism.
  25. Phenotype: The external appearance of an individual determined by it’s genotype.
  26. Genetics: Field of Biology devoted to understanding how traits are inherited through generations.
  27. Carrier: An individual who has the allele for a trait or disease but does not have the disease or outwardly express the trait.
  28. Clone: Genetically identical organism: a plant, animal, or other organism that is genetically identical to its parent
  29. Gel electrophoresis: A process in which fragments of DNA are sorted by size. Used to determine relatedness among organisms
  30. Genetic engineering: Process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms
  31. Plasmid: A circular piece of DNA found in bacteria that is routinely used in genetic engineering experiments
  32. Hybrid: The offspring produced by crossing two individuals with different traits
  33. Ratio: Proportional relationship of two numbers or things being measured
  34. Recombinant DNA: Molecule formed when fragments of DNA from two or more different organisms are spliced together
  35. Selective Breeding: The intentional breeding of organisms with desirable trait in an attempt to produce offspring with similar desirable characteristics or with improved traits.