A Ralph Johnson
Theme: Laws administered bythe Levites, the priestly tribe
A book of holy living
Around 1,400 B.C.
27ch(5)(brief)- LAWS CONCERNING OFFERINGS (1:1—6:7)
1: Burnt offerings /
- Burnt-Offerings (Morning & evening at main altar)
2. Flock (10-13)
- Birds (14-17)
2: Meal offerings /
- Meal-Offering (chap. 2)1
3: Peace offerings /
- Peace-Offerings(chap. 3)
4: Sin offerings /
- Sin-Offering(Unwitting sin) (4:1—5:13)
2.Whole congregation (13-21)
3.Ruler (22-26)
4.Common people (27-35)
5: Trespass offerings / a) Kinds of sins (5:1-13)
-Failing to reveal knowledge of a crime (1)
-Touching a carcass (2)
-Touching an unclean person (3)
-Swearing rashly (4)
b) Kinds of offerings(5-13)
- Trespass-Offering(unwitting sin) (5:14—6:7)
- General (5:14-19)
6: Priests /
- Kinds of trespasses (6:1-7)
- Responsibilitiesand privileges(6:8—7:36)
- Burnt-offerings (6:8-11)
- Fire on the altar to be kept burning (6:12-13)
- Meal-offerings (6:14-16)
- Sin offering (6:17-18)
- Offerings for Aaron and his sons (6:19-30)
7: Priests /
- Trespass-offerings (7:1-10)
- Peace-offering (7:11-21)
- No fat or blood to be eaten (7:22-27)
- Wave and Heave-offerings (Part of Peace-offering) (7:28-36)
8: Consecration /
- Consecration of the priests: Aaron and his sons(chap. 8—9)
9: Aaron / 2, Consecrationbefore the people (chap. 9)
10: Nadab & Abihu /
- Transgressions of Nadab and Abihu (chap. 10)
- Burned for transgression –strange fire offered (1-7)
- Warning, Priests not drink wine before entering (10:8-11)
- Meal-offering12
- Wave breast14
- Heave shoulder (10:15)
- Moses angered at not finding goat for the Sin-offering16-20
11: Meats /
- Clean and unclean meats(chap. 11)
12: Birth /
- Purification at birth: Boys 7+33=40 days; Girls 14+66=80 (chap. 12)
13: Leprosy /
- Leprosy(chap. 13—14)
- Skin (1-46)
- Garments (47-59)
14: Leprosy /
- Cleansing (1-32)
- Houses (33-53)
15: Discharges /
- Fleshly discharges(chap. 15)
- Flesh (1-15)
- Men’s seed (16-18)
- Women’s menstruation (19-24)
- Discharges of women at other times (25-30)
16: Atonement /
- Day of atonement (chap. 16)
- Warning against careless entering of the Most Holy (1-2)
- Offerings (3-34)
Ram for Burnt-offering3
Two he-goats for Sin-offering (one to be let loose)20
17: Prohibitions /
- Prohibitions(chap. 17)
- Unauthorized sacrifices (1-9)
- Eating blood or things that die of themselves (10-16)
18: Sexual sin /
- Abominations(chap. 18)
- Incest (6-18)
- Menstruation rules for purity (19)
- Adultery (20)
- Children burnt to Moloch (21)
- Homosexual behavior (22)
- Sex with beasts (23)
- Warnings (24-30)
19: General laws /
- General rules for holy living(chap. 19—20)
- Respect for parents (3)
- Keep the Sabbaths (3)
- Idolatry (4)
- Peace-offerings (5-8)
- Gleanings to be left for the poor (9-10)
- Stealing (11)
- Lying (11)
- Swearing falsely and profaning the name of God (12)
- Defrauding and robbery forbidden (13)
- Employers not to withhold wages (13)
- Deaf not to be cursed (14)
- Blind not to be abused (14)
- Judgment must be fair neither favoring the poor nor the powerful (15)
- Tale-bearing prohibited (16)
- False-accusations (16)
- Do not hate your neighbor. 17
- Speak and try to solve problem. (17)
- Do not take vengeance. 18
- Love your neighbor as yourself. 18
- Do not cause confusion by mixing things of value.
Mixing seed (19)
Mixing fibers in garments (19)
- Bondwoman’s seduction (20-22)
- First-fruits (23-25)
- Blood eating prohibited (26)
- Enchantments prohibited (26)
- Marring bodies or beards with cuts or marks (27-28)
- Prostitute a daughter (29)
- Sabbaths (30)
- Sanctuary reverenced (30)
- Familiar spirits prohibited (31)
- Aged shown respect (32)
- Strangers not to be mistreated (33-34)
- Just measures to be maintained (35-37)
20: General laws /
- Moloch idolatry prohibited (1-5)
- Familiar Spirits and wizards prohibited. (6)
- Sanctify yourselves (7-8)
- Cursing parents to receive death (9)
- Adultery to be punished by death (10)
- Incest (11-12)
- Homosexual behavior (13)
- Marriage to both mother and daughter 14
- Sex with a beast (15)
- Incest 17
- Sex during menstruation prohibited (18)
- Incest (19-21)
- Do not observe the customs of the nations. Distinguish between clean and unclean foods (25-26)
- Familiar spiritscommunication prohibited (27)
21: Priests / IV. LAWS GOVERNING HOLY THINGS(chap. 21—24)
- Priests to be holy (21:1-9)
- Not to touch the dead (1-4)
- Not to mark themselves (5-6)
- Restrictions on who to marry (7-8)
- Daughters must be chaste (9)
- High Priest to be holy(21:10—22:9)
- Must not defile himself for the dead (10-12)
- Restrictions on who to marry (13-15)
- No blemishes (16-24)
22: Holy things /
- Holiness required (1-9)
- The Holy Things(22:10—33)
- No stranger to eat of the holy things (22:10-15)
- No imperfect sacrifices to be offered (17-24)
23: Feasts /
- Holy Feasts (chap. 23, cf. Num. chapters 28—29)
- Sabbath (3)
- Passover (5)
- Unleavened bread (5-8)
- Firstfruits (9-14)
- Pentecost (opening harvest) (15-21)
- Trumpets (23-25)
- Atonement (26-32)
- Tabernacles (33-44)
24: Blasphemy /
- Care of the lamps and table of Showbread (24:1-9)
- Man blasphemes and curses (24:10-23)
2. Judgment pronounced. Rules of judgment (13-22)
3. Punishment imposed. The man is stoned (23)
25: Land / V. LAWS OF REMEMBRANCE(chap. 25—27)
- Land must rest every seventh year (1-7)
- Jubilee every 50thyear (8-34)
- Return of property (13-17)
- Trust God to provide (18-23)
- Land not to be sold in perpetuity (23-28)
- Property in cities (29-34)
- Charging interest to Israelites prohibited (36-38)
- Laws concerning slaves (39-55)
26: Promises /
- Promises and warnings to remain holy
- Reminder concerning idols, Sabbaths and sanctuary (2)
- Promises for faithfulness (3-13)
- Warning against unfaithfulness (14-39)
- If they repent (40-46)
27: Vows /
- Vows and devoted things
- Vows (1-13)
- Houses (14-25)
- Firstlings (26-29
- Tithe of the land (30-33
p.1 / (N58) = (N-030)