1. Degrees/Diplomas:
1989University of Toronto, Department of Immunology and Microbiology
Bachelor of Science with distinction
1993University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine,
Medical School (1989- 1993)
Doctor of Medicine- MD
1994The Medical Council of Canada
Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada- LMCC
1997National Board of Medical Examiners, USA
Diplomat of the American Board of Dermatology
1997The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Specialist Certificate, Certified in Dermatology, FRCPC
2. Postgraduate Training
1993-1997University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dermatology
Dermatology Residency Program
1996-1997University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine, Department of
Dermatology Residency Program- Chief Resident
3. Employment/Appointments
University Appointment
2009Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine
Department of Dermatology
Hospital Appointments
2002- presentStaff Physician, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
1999Staff Physician, Department of Dermatology
Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, Canada
1999Staff Physician, Department of Dermatology,
Woman’s College Hospital, Toronto, Canada
Professional Appointments
2011Canadian Dermatology Examination Board- RCPS examiner
2009Canadian Dermatology Association- Board Member 2009- 2012
2007Expert Health Practitioner- WSIAT- Workers Safety and Insurance
Appeals Tribunal
2004Member- CREOD Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease
A collaborative program of the University of Toronto,
St Michael’s Hospital and the Workers Safety and Insurance Board
Of Ontario.
2002Physician- ODSP Occupational Disease Specialty Program. A
WSIB funded program operating within the St. Michaels Occupational and Environmental Health Department
2002Physician- The Gage Occupational and Environmental Health Unit. A collaborative effort of the Department of Public Health Sciences and
Department of Occupational and Environmental Health at St. Michael’s
2002Physician- Workers Safety and Insurance Board
4. Honors
Alpha Omega Society Award- For honor standing throughout medical School.
University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, 1993.
Medical Alumni Association Proficiency Scholarship- For high academic standing, University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, 1993.
Walter F. Watkins Scholarship- for high academic standing in third year medicine
University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, 1992.
The Lillian Massey Treble Medal in Life Sciences- awarded to highest academic achievement
in specialist program, University of Victoria College, University of Toronto, 1989
The Eda Snider Graduating Scholarship- for high academic standing, University of Victoria
College, University of Toronto, 1989
The Alumni of Victoria College Award- for high academic standing and contribution to
University athletics, University of Victoria College, University of Toronto, 1989.
University of Toronto Admission Scholarship, University of Toronto, 1985
Professional Activities
Residents Committee- Department of Occupational and Environmental Health
St. Michaels’s Hospital, 2003-2005
CTV National News discussing Melanoma risk estimated from fast mole counts.
October 19, 2015
CTV National News discussing Increase in Skin Cancer statistics in Canada
May 28th, 2014
Monthly Contributor to Zoomer Radio 740 am Goldhawk rado show
2013- 2105
Volunteer Medical Mission- Haiti/DomincanRepulic with Waves of Health Humanitarian group. Spent 7 days delivering general and specialized care to rural communities in DR.
Nov 2011
Dermatology Specialist Examiner- Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Canada
2010- present
Volunteer Medical Mission in Haiti, with University of Miami Hospital Project Medishare
Spent 8 days helping run the wound care clinic after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
March 2010
Medical Reviewer- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
January 2008- ongoing
Quarterly Contributor- Allergic Living Magazine
2007- present
Ethics Committee- Canadian Dermatology Association
July 2006-2010
Nominating Committee- American Contact Dermatitis Society
March 2006-present
Selection Committee- American Contact Dermatitis Society
March 2006-present
Canadian Dermatology Spokesperson for the companies Curel, Jergens and Biore
MOLTH- Ministry of Long Term Health, Hand Hygiene Task Force
Journal Reviewer, Dermatitis -Journal of American Contact Dermatitis Society
Professional Organizations
American Academy of Dermatology since 1994
Canadian Dermatology Association since 1997
American Contact Dermatitis Society since 1998
Toronto Dermatology Association since 1999
1.Research Endeavors
Contact Dermatitis to the allergen Methylisothiazolinone in the occupational cases from the ODSP clinic.
•This important and emerging allergen has seen an increase in personal care products. To review the all cases at the ODSP clinic and determine any trend or increase of allergic contact dermatitis.
Occupational Contact Dermatitis in Nurses at ODSP clinic
•Looking at all the cases of nursed coming into the Occupational Disease
Speciality clinic and their return to work experience. 2014- ongoing
Occupational Contact Dermatitis and the use of Non-Standard Allergens for Patch Testing
•Senior Responsible Author: Review of Occupational Disease Specialty Program referrals and the utility of expanded occupational patch test trays and non-standard custom allergen testing. (Co-principle author) 2008- 2015
Occupational Disease Specialty Program- five years experience
•Collaborator: To review the experience over five years with a multidisciplinary model of care for workers with suspect work-related skin disease. (Collaborators: Linn Holness, Joel Dekoven, Melanie Pratt) 2008-2013
Return to Work Experience in the Occupational Disease Specialty Program
•Collaborator: Study reviewing the return to work RTW resources in our multidisciplinary team model of care ( Collaborators: Lin Holness, Joel Dekoven, Irena Kudla) 2008-ongoing
Heath services utilization prior to presentation for patch testing
•Collaborator: Study to describe existing knowledge about health services utilization by workers with suspected Contact Dermatitis or Occupational Contact Dermatitis and to characterize health services utilization by individuals with possible Contact dermatitis before presentation for patch testing. (Collaborators: Linn Holness, Tiffany Kwok, Joel Dekoven) 2008
Non-Standardized Patch Testing
•Principle Author: Establishing protocols for non-standardized patch testing to occupational raw materials in both diluted and open forms. 2007-ongoing
Repeat Mechanical Trauma to the hands: the use of Anti-Impaction Gel Gloves for Treatment and Prevention
•Principle Author: A study investigating the treatment and prevention of repeat mechanical trauma to the hand resulting in Frictional Hand Dermatitis, a form of Occupational Irritant Contact. 2004- 2012
2. Research Awards
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Contract Research
2004-2005, $50,000.00
Collaborator: Critical literature review of treatment of dermatitis,
Principle Author: Joan Saary. Collaborators: Roohi Qureshi, Valerie Palda, Melanie Pratt, Joel Dekoven, Linn Holness.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Research Grant
2004, $10,000
For general research in the area of Occupational Contact Dermatitis
3. Patents awarded- none
Refereed Publications
Burrows D; Houle Marie-Claude, Holness L, Dekoven J, Skotnicki S. Patch Testing custom Isocyanate materials from the workplace. Dermatitis, March/April 2015; Volume 26, isuse 2 pp 94-98.
Marzario B, Burrows D, Skotnicki S. Contact dermatitis Skotnicki-Grant personal sporting equipment in youth. accepted for publication Journal Cuta Med Surg 2015
•Co-principle author
Lynde CW, Andriessen A, Barakin B, Gannes GD, Gullivre W, Haber R, McCuaig C, Rajan P, Skotnicki S, Thomas R, Toole J, Vender R. Moisturisers and ceramide-containing moisturisers may offer concomitant therapy with benefit.J ClinAesthetDermatol. 2014 Mar; 7(3):18-26.
Holness DL, Beaton D, Harniman E, Dekoven J, Skotnicki S, Nixon R, Switzer-McIntyre S. Hand and Upper Extremity function in Workers with Hand Dermatitis. Dermatitis, 2013 May-June;24(3): 131-136
Mussani F, Poon D, Skotnicki- Grant S. Systemic contact dermatitis to cliquinol/hydrocortisone combination cream. Dermatitis. 2013 Jul-aug (4) :196-7..
Velykoredko J, Houle MC, Skotnicki S. Contact dermatitis mimickers: a tertiary care centre’s experience. Journal Cutan Med Surg 2013 Nov-Dec; 17 (6): 429-32.
Houle MC, Holness DL, Dekoven J, Skotnicki S. Additive Value of Patch Testing custom epoxy materials from the workplace at the occupational disease speciality clinic in Toronto. Dermatitis. 2012 Sep-Oct; 23(5): 214-9.
•Co-principle author
Malaiyandi V, Houle MC, Skotnicki-Grant S. Airborne Allergic Contact Dermatitis from Tylosin in Pharmacy Compounders and Cross-sensitization to Macrolide Antibiotics. Dermatitis. 2012 Sep-Oct;23 (5): 227-30.
•Co-Principle author
Guenther L, Lynde CW, Andriessen A, Barankin B, Goldstein E, Skotnicki SP, Gupta SN, Choi KL, Rosen N, Shapiro L, Sloan K. Pathway to dry skin prevention and treatment.
J Cutan Med Surg. 2012 Jan-Feb; 16(1) 23-31.
Alavi A, Skotnicki S, Sussman G, Sibbald RG. Diagnosis and Treatment of Hand Dermatitis.
Adv Skin Wound Care. 2012 Aug (8): 371-380
Sajic D, Asiniwasis, R, Skotnicki-Grant, Sandra. A look at Epidermal Barrier Function in Atopic Dermatitis: Physiologic Lipid Replacement and the role of ceramides. Indexed edition of Skin Therapy Letter, 2012.
Kwok T, Arrandale V, Skotnicki-Grant S. Repeated Mechanical trauma to the hands: the use of anti-impaction gloves for treatment and return to work. Dermatitis 2009 Sept-Oct; 20 (5): 278-83.
Principle Author
Donovan J, Skotnicki-Grant. Allergic contact dermatitis from formaldehyde textile resins in surgical uniforms and nonwoven textile masks. Dermatitis 2007 Mar 18(1):
40-4, 2007
•Principle Author
Saary J, Qureshi R, Palda V. Dekoven J, Pratt M, Skotnicki-Grant S, Holness L. A systematic review of contact dermatitis treatment and prevention. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 53(5):845, 2005 Nov.
Skotnicki S, Pratt MD. Occupational dermatitis to ultraviolet-cured acrylic-based inks in computer hard disc manufacturing. American Journal of Contact Dermatitis. 9(3):179-81, 1998 Sep.
•Co-Principal Author
Skotnicki SM, Milligan JR, Skotnicki SM, Archer MC. The reaction of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea with DNA in B and non B conformations. Carcinogenesis. 1990 Jun; 11 (6): 947-51.
•Co Author
Charles W. Lynde, Anneke Andriessen, Vince Bertucci,Catherine McCuaig, Sandy Skotnicki, Miriam Weinstein, Marni Wiseman, and Catherine Zip.The Skin Microbiome in Atopic Dermatitis and Its Relationship to Emollients - October 22, 2015.Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 2016, Vol. 20(1) 21–28
- Co Author
Irena Kula, Marie-Claude Houle, Yuliya Velykoredko, Pilar Gomez, Joel DeKoven, Sandy Skotnicki and D. Linn Holness. Introducing a “Workplace Prescription” to Facilitate Return to Work for Workers with Occupational Contact Dermatitis.Volume: 21 issue: 6, page(s): 573-575 Article first published online: November 8, 2017: Issue published: November 1, 2017
- Co Author
Non-Refereed Publications:
Sajic D, Skotnicki-Grant S, Ceramide based moisturizers as treatment for pediatric atopic dermatitis. Skin Therapy Letter Family Practice Edition 9:1 (May 2013).
Sajic D, Skotnicki-Grant S. Advances in topica acne therapy: New molecules, vehicles and delivery mechanism. Skin Therapy Letter Family Practice Edition, Vol 8, No 2, Dec 2012
•Co-principal author.
Sajic D, Asiniwawsis R, Skotnicki-Grant S. Atopic Dermatitis: The skin barrier and the role of ceramides. Skin Therapy Letter Pediatric Edition
Sajic D, Asiniwawsis R, Skotnicki-Grant S. Atopic Dermatitis: The skin barrier and the role of ceramides. Skin Therapy Letter Family Pracitce Edition, March 2011
Skotnicki-Grant S. Report for Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal
Discussion paper on Allergic Contact Dermatitis vs Irritant Contact Dermatitis. Posted on the WSIAT website. Sept, 2008
•Principle Author
Skotnicki-Grant S. Therapeutic Advances in Topical Acne Agents. Skin Therapy Letter, Family Practice Edition, Volume 4, Nov 3, June 2008, p 4-5
Principle Author
Skotnicki-Grant S. Patch Testing and its Chemicals. Allergy and Asthma, Spring, 2006 pp17-21.
•Principle Author
Published Abstracts
Tiffany Kwok, Sandy Skotnicki-Grant. Contact Dermatitis by Proxy: A Criminal Cause of MCI/MI Allergy. Dermatitis, Vol 20, No 4, July/Aug, 2009: pp 223-237.
Co-principle author
Miller-Monthrope Y, Skotnicki-Grant S. Epoxy Dermatitis in the Workplace: What Standard Patch tests may be missing. Dermatitis, Vol 19, Issue 03, June, pp 164-178.
•Co-principle author
Howell BG, Skotnicki-Grant, S. Two Concurrent Cases of Occupational Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Adhesives in the wood manufacturing Industry: The Use of Open Patch Testing to Raw Material. Dermatitis, Vol 19, Issue 03, June, pp 164-178.
•Co-principle author
Donovan J, Kudla I, Holness L, Skotnicki-Grant S. Skin Reactions Following use of N95 Facial Masks, Dermatitis, Vol 18, issue 02, June 103-119.
•Co-principle author
Skotnicki-Grant S. Airborne Contact Dermatitis to Advanced Epoxy Composites in Hockey Stick Manufacturing. Industrial Accident and Prevention Association Conference 2006, Health and Safety Canada poster abstracts online at
•Principle author
Chen J, Gomez P, Skotnicki S, DeKoven J, Holness DL. Return to work for nurses with hand dermatitis. Dermatitis 2016;27:e11-e12.
Manuscripts submitted for publication
Holness L, Dekoven J, Skotnicki S, Kudla I, Gomes P. A “Workplace Prescription” to facilitae return to work for workers with Occupational contact dermatitis. Submitted to Dermatitis
Holness L, Dekoven J, Skotnicki-Grant S, Pratt M, Dilworth L, Kudla I, Gomes P, Wozniak G. The Occupational Disease Specialty Program- five years experience (Manuscript submitted to Dermatitis)
‘A Case of a Pediatric Patient with Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Benzoyl Peroxide’, JCMS, pending publication
1.Papers presented at meetings and symposia
Severe Airborne Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Mussani F. Skotnicki S. American Contact Dermatitis society annual meeting, San Fransico, March 19, 2015
Return to work program for workers with occupational contact dermatitis. Holness L, Gomez P;, Kudla l, Dekoven J, Skotnicki S. American contact dermatitis society annual meeting , Denver, March 20th, 2014.
Cummulative Irritant contact dermatitis in nurses. Mussani F, Skotnicki S. American Contact dermatitis society annual meeting, Denver, March 20, 2014.
Contact dermatitis mimickers: a tertiary care centre’s experience. Velykoredko J, Skotnicki S. Canadian dermatology annual meeting, Quebec city, June 28th, 2013.
Additive Value of patch testing custom isocyanate material from the workplace at the occupational disease speciality clinic in Toronto. Burrows D, Houle MC, Holness L, Dekoven J, Skotnicki S. Canadian Dermatology annual meeting, Quebec city, June 28, 2013.
Contact Dermatitis to Sporting equipment in youth. Marzario B, Burrows D, Skotnicki S. Canadian Dermatology annual meeting, Quebec city, June 28, 2013
Exploring the Association between Severity and Function in Workers with Hand Dermatitis. Kim J, Switzer-McIntyre S, Skotnicki S,Dekoven J, Holness L, American Contact Dermatitis Society, Feb 2013, Miami Beach, Florida
Additive Value of Patch testing custom isocyanate material from the workplace at the occupational disease speciality clinic in Toronto. Burrows D, Houle MC, Holness L, Dekoven J, Skotnicki S. American Contact Dermatitis society annual meeting , Feb 2013, Miami Beach, Florida.
Systemic Contact Dermatitis: Two interesting cases of Systemic eruptions following exposures to drugs Cliquinol and metronidazole. Mussani F, Skotnicki S. American Contact dermatitis society annual meeting, Feb 2013.
Malaiyandi V, Houle MC, Skotnicki-Grant S. Airborne Allergic contact dermatitis to Tylosin in parmacycomounders and the prevalence of cross-sensitization with other macrolide antibiotics. Canadian Dermatology annual meeting, Ottawa, June 2012.
Ejaz A, Skotnicki S. Three cases of ACD in the food manufacturing industy. Canadian Dermatology annual meeting, Ottawa June 2012.
Testing custom allergens from the workplace: A review ofthe current methods and set up of a comprehensive guideline. Houle MC, Holness L, Skotnicki-Grant S. American Contact Dermatitis society annual meeting March 2012, San Diego.
Malaiyandi V, Houle MC, Skotnicki-Grant S. Airborne Allergic contact dermatitis to Tylosin in parmacycomounders and the prevalence of cross-sensitization with other macrolide antibiotics. American contact dermatitis society annual meeting, March 2012, San Diego.
Ejaz A, Skotnicki S. Three cases of ACD in the food manufacturing industy. American Contact dermatitis society annual meeting, San Diego, March 2012.
Skotnicki-Grant S. The Chronic Effects of Repeated Mechanical Trauma to the skin and the use of Anti-impaction gloves for prevention and treatment. American Academy of Dermatology Annual meeting, Occupational Contact Dermatitis Symposia, Miami, March 2010.
Holness DL, Harniman E, Dekoven J, Skotnicki-Grant S, Beaton D, Nixon R, Switxer-McIntyre. Hand Dermatitis. Americian Contact Dermatitis Annual meeting, Miami, March 2010.
Gomez P, Kudla I, Wozniak G, Dekoven J, Skotnicki-Grant S, Holness DL. Return to work experience of contact patients in the Occupational Disease Specialty Program. OEESC 2009, Edinburgh, June 2009.
Tiffany Kwok, Skotnicki-Grant S. The Chronic Effects of Repeated Mechanical Trauma to the skin and the use of Anti-Impaction gloves for prevention and treatment. Canadian Dermatolgoy Annual Meeting, Vancouver June 2009.
Skotnicki-Grant S. The Chronic Effects of Repeated Mechanical Trauma to the skin and the use of Anti-Impaction gloves for prevention and treatment. Contact Dermatitis, Blending Science with best practice, Montreal, August, 2008.
Holness L, Dekoven J, Skotnicki-Grant S, Pratt M, Dilworth L, Kudla I, Gomes P, Wozniak G. The Occupational Disease Specialty Program- five years’experience. Contact Dermatitis, Blending Science with best practice, Montreal, August, 2008.
Gomes P, Kudla I, Wozniak G, Dekoven J, Skotnicki-Grant S, Holness L. Return to Work Experience in the Occupational Specialty Program. Contact Dermatitis, Blending Science with best practice, Montreal, August, 2008.
Donovan J, Kudla I, Holness L, Skotnicki-Grant S. Skin Reactions following use of N95 masks. American Contact Dermatitis Society Annual meeting, San Francisco, 2007.
Holness L, Dekoven J, Skotnicki-Grant S, Pratt M, Nethercott JN. Occupational Disease Specialty Clinic- a new model of care. American Contact Dermatitis Society Annual meeting, Washington DC, February, 2004.
Saary J, Qureshi R, Palda V. Dekoven J, Pratt M, Skotnicki-Grant S. Holness L. A systemic review of treatments for contact Dermatitis. American Contact Dermatitis Society Annual meeting, Washington DC, February, 2004.
Invited Lectures
2. Local
Skotnicki S. Contact Dermatitis in Pediatrics. Paediatric Dermatology Update (SickKids Hospital): Nov 14, 2014
Skotnicki S. Nickel allergy on the rise as wearable devices meet skin. Dermatology Update, Vancouver, Sept 2104.
Skotnicki S. Contact Dermatitis review. Invited speaker Allergy and Immunology rounds, St Micheals Hospital, University of Toronto, April 4th, 2014
Skotnicki S. Chronic Hand Dermatitis. Invited speaker at 34th Robert Lester Annual Post Graduate Dermatology Seminar, University of Toronto, Nov 22, 2013
Skotnicki-Grant S. The Chronic Effects of Repeated Mechanical Trauma to the skin.
Invited speaker St. Michaels Hospital, Occupational Medicine Departmental
Rounds, Sept 2008. Presentation was webcast on Ontario Telemedicine Network, ID 166
Skotnicki-Grant S. The Chronic Effects of Repeated Mechanical Trauma to the skin. Presentation to Physicians and Adjudicators of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario, Toronto, February 2008.
Skotnicki-Grant S. Contact Dermatitis Pearls, Toronto Western Hospital Dermatology Journal club invited speaker, Toronto, March 2008.
Skotnicki-Grant S. Review of Occupational Disease Specialty Program, St. Michaels Hospital. Toronto Dermatology Society Resident Update, Toronto, 2002.