Borris Lodge Nursing Home


Statement of Purpose

and Function

Information Booklet

Borris, Co. Carlow: Tel: 059-9773112 Fax: 059-9773038



Registration Number 10/14/0203

Centre ID: 0203

Revised:March 2016 Ver: 4.


This booklet is designed to complement your resident’s guide/ information booklet. The details provided below will give you information on the governance and management of the Nursing Home and it will also meet the requirements set out in the ‘National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland’ and the ‘Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Centres for Older People) Regulations 2013’.

Our Mission/Mission Statement

Borris Lodge Nursing Home is committed to providing the highest level of care, in a dignified and respectful manner for residents and endeavours to foster an ethos of independence and choice where each resident achieves their maximum potential and self-worth while living at Borris Lodge Nursing Home.

Borris Lodge Nursing Home will strive to deliver the highest standard of nursing and medical care according to the residents’ individual assessments, while providing privacy, dignity and confidentiality.


The aim of management and staff of Borris Lodge Nursing Home is to provide a high standard of care and treatment to dependent older people who can no longer live at home, by providing accommodation and an environment which replicates home life as closely as possible. We seek to develop, maintain and maximise the full potential of each resident. Our philosophy of care is to promote the optimum possible independence of each resident and to ensure a person centred care environment.

Our residents’ rights as individuals will be respected at all times. The preservation of our residents’ dignity is an essential feature of our care.

Residents are able to exercise choice in many aspects of daily life. They are not regimented or subject to rigid routines. Residents are allowed reasonable individuality in matters such as clothing, food preferences, bed times, and meal times and throughout their usual daily activities.

Residents are encouraged to keep up their links in the local community. This will give them access to alternative supports and other sources of advice.


To carry out a comprehensive pre-assessment where possible, and full assessment on admission for each resident.

To develop a multidisciplinary care plan, ensuring that all decisions reflect a partnership between the staff and resident ensuring they are central in all decision making, to meet their mental, physical and spiritual needs.

To support the resident to live as independently as possible.

To ensure care is evidenced based as indicated by the Health Act 2007(Care and Welfare of residents in Designated Centres for older people) Regulations 2013 and HIQA National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older people in Ireland.

To provide security and stability for all residents in our care

To ensure that staff are qualified and trained in delivering care in a professional manner at all times.


To provide, as near as possible a “Home from Home” environment where people find peace, security and harmony.

Governance/ Management:

The management and governance of Borris Lodge Nursing Home Ltd. is directed by a team of dedicated and committed members of staff where continuous improvement governs our standards of care. Your management team contacts are:

Name / Position Held / Contact Details (address) / Professional Registration or relevant qualifications/ experience
Borris Lodge Nursing Home Ltd.
James O’Keeffe
Proprietor / Registered Provider
Nominated Person on behalf of the provider. Company Director & Shareholder / Borris Lodge Nursing Home,
Co. Carlow
086-8073928 / Limited Company No: 494819
Helen O’Keeffe
Proprietor / Director of Nursing
Director & Shareholder / Borris Lodge Nursing Home,
Co. Carlow
086-8073928 / RPN/RGN
Kathleen Carrig / Assistant Director of Nursing / Borris Lodge Nursing Home,
Co. Carlow
059-9773112 / RGN


Borris Lodge Nursing Home employs 70 staff. The following gives a break down of the staff complement by grade and whole time equivalent numbers:

Position / Grade / No. Of Whole Time Equivalents
Management / Registered Proprietor
Person in charge / 2
Nursing / 15 Staff Nurses / 12
Care Assistants / 37 Care Assistants / 29
Office Admin / 1 Staff / 0.38
Cleaning / 3 Housekeepers / 2.25
Recreation / 1 Staff / 0.5
Chef / 1 Staff / 1
Cook / 2 Cooks / 1.43
Kitchen Assistants / 4Staff / 4
Laundry / 2 Staff / 1
Maintenance / 2Staff / 2

NB. Whole Time Equivalent is the number of staff who would be employed if all staff were employed full-time

Organisational Structure:


Borris Lodge Nursing Home is registered for 52 beds. Accommodation comprises of private and semi private rooms.

There are 32 single rooms on the ground floor,

14 single and 3 double rooms on the first floor. Two elevators service the first floor,

Type of Room / Number
En-suite single bedrooms / 28 (15.5 -16
Single room / 18 (10 – 13
Double room en-suite
Double rooms / 1 (2 Beds), (32.5
2 (4 beds), (19 -25
excluding en-suits / 7 (2 – 9
Lounge/Sitting rooms / 5 (13 – 26
Dining Rooms / 1 (24.5 & 34.5
Kitchen / 1 (
Nurses Office / 1 (11
Multi-purpose room / 1 (72
Sluice room / 2 (5.65 – 7.45

Also see floor plan attached and Room size attached.

Occupancy/ Resident profile:

Borris Lodge Nursing Home can accommodate up to 52 residents. We are registered for 52 residents.

We accommodate both female and male residents predominantly 65 years and over who require long term care, respite care, convalescent care and Palliative care for all conditions associated with advancing age, stroke care and dementia care.

We also cater for residents less than 65 and over 18 who require long term care due to a physical disability who may be from the locality if they choose Borris Lodge Nursing Home as their place of residence.

General Nursing care is provided according to the following dependency levels:

Low Dependency: This Category refers to people who need support in the community and are the moreindependent residents in residential accommodation who require little nursing care. They are usuallyindependently mobile but may use a walking stick and have difficulty managing stairs.

Medium Dependency: Person whose independence is impaired to the extent that he/she requiresresidential care because the appropriate support and nursing care required by the person cannot beprovided by the community. Mobility is impaired to the extent that the person requires supervision or awalking aid.

High Dependency: Independence is impaired to the extent that the person requires residential care but isnot bed bound. The person may have a combination of physical and mental disabilities, may be confusedat times and be incontinent. He/she may require a walking aid and physical assistance to walk.

Maximum Dependency: Person whose independence is impaired to the extent that he/she requiresnursing care. The person is likely to be bed bound, requires assistance with all aspects of physical careand may be ambulant but confused, disturbed and incontinent.

Admission Criteria:

Admissions to Borris Lodge Nursing Home are arranged by appointment following a pre-admission assessment of your needs. This is to ensure that we have all the necessary equipment, knowledge and competency to meet your care needs. Prospective residents and their family are encouraged to visit the home prior to admission. Admissions may come from acute hospital settings, day hospitals. Other long term care facilities, community healthcare services or through private application.

We understand that in exceptional cases, where there’s no alternative available, emergency admissions are necessary to promote the safety of the resident. In this instance the Director of Nursing or Assistant Director of Nursing will ensure that you oryour representative is informed as soon as possible about key aspects of the Nursing Home.

Visiting Arrangements:

Potential Residents

The decision to move into long-term care can be a stressful time. At Borris Lodge Nursing Home we want to make your transition as smooth as possible. Our Director of Nursing will be happy to meet with you and your family to give you a tour of the building and discuss any personal needs you may have. In order to ensure you receive our uninterrupted attention we would ask that you kindly schedule an appointment in the first instance.

Existing Residents

We operate an open visiting policy within Borris Lodge Nursing Home. However, to protect our residents we ask that visitors sign in and sign out on entering and leaving the building. Reporting to nursing staff on entering and leaving the building as a precautionary infection control measures may be necessary. Borris Lodge Nursing Home reserves the right to impose restrictions on visiting arrangements where the visit or time of visit is deemed to pose a risk or where the resident requests restrictions.

Residents who request a family or friend to assist with meals in the dining room are facilitated.

We have a security system in operation to gain entry to the nursing home and a code password is provided to gain assess or a member of staff will facilitate entry and out.

Accompanying family or next of kin must sign the visitor’s book on arriving and leaving the Nursing Home.

Facilities provided for visiting include:

Residents individual bed Rooms

Designated sitting room in each area

Grounds and Gardens

Multi-Sensory Room.

Access to telephone and internet can be provided in each room.

Social participation is promoted with the involvement of relatives, friends, with

the provision of seasonal occasions, events, birthday parties, religious services.

Telephone Numbers:

Borris Lodge Phone Number is: 059 9773112

Borris Lodge Fax Number is: 059 9773038.

Residents may have their own telephone in their room whereby they can receive and make telephone calls. Although the phone line is free, phone calls made from this phone will be charged to the resident.

Care plan:

Your care plan will be commenced with your participation within 48 hours of admission. This will be individualised to set out your personal care needs and will provide direction to staff members caring for you. A review of your care plan will be prompted following your feedback, any changes in your personal needs/ circumstances and will be updated no less frequently than at three-monthly intervals. To ensure we have your full participation in this process we will consult with you when your care plan is for review.

Contract of Care:

By agreeing to take up residency within Borris Lodge Nursing Home you will sign a contract of care which ensures that you have a legally binding assurance of high quality care standards and that we have an acknowledgement of your commitment to our terms and conditions. The contract will be agreed on admission to Borris Lodge Nursing Home. The contract deals with your care and welfare and includes details of the services provided and the fees charged.

Internal Services and facilities/ Activities:

In order to enhance the care provided and enable you to fulfil your personal, social and psychological needs the following services and activities are available within Borris Lodge Nursing Home:

Chiropody and Physiotherapy services can be arranged (Cost incurred). Mass is celebrated weekly in the Nursing Home. Web cam Mass is available from Borris Local church on Sunday and other special occasions. Clergymen of different dominations visit on a regular basis. On-site hair dressing can be arranged (cost incurred) and personal in-house laundry is provided. There are no restrictions on visiting hours. Ample car parking is provided. The local Church, shops and hotel are only a few minutes walk away. Daily and weekly local newspapers are available including the Carlow Nationalist on tape.

Recreational activities organised in the afternoons are tailored to the individual needs of each resident. There are lots of different activities to suit everyone’s tastes. Resident can choose if they want to take part, as choice is an integral part of our Nursing Home.

Activities include

  • Entertainment e.g. Music Sessions, Bingo
  • Reminiscence therapy
  • Social events e.g. Birthday parties,
  • Act Programme


Due to limited access to HSE services, Borris Lodge Nursing Home contracts services from professionally registered and supervised therapists to enhance your rehabilitation potential.

The following therapy services are provided:

Service Frequency Accessibility

Physiotherapy As arranged Assessment require/Cost incurred

Chiropody As arranged Appointment requiredCost incurred

Optician On Request & 2 yearly reviews Domiciliary / No Cost

Psychiatry of Old Age On Request Appointment Required

Disability Services On Request Appointment Required

Speech Therapist/ SALTAssessment/On Request Appointment required

Palliative Care On Request No Restrictions

Orthotics / Specialised Footwear On Request Private or Public

Dietician On request No cost

Stoma Care On Request No Cost

Occupational Therapy On request Appointment required Private or Public

Complementary therapy services are also available. All therapists are professionally educated and supervised through their professional body. The following services are provided:

Service / Frequency / Accessibility
Reflexology / Visiting therapist
As required / Appointment required
Cost incurred

We have good access to allied healthcare professionals and services that are covered under the GMS (Medical Card) scheme.

External Facilities/ Activities:

Borris Lodge Nursing Home is situated in the village of Borris. The local shops, hotel and Church are only a few minutes walk away. Residents are encouraged to avail of the local facilities and staff will assist residents to access the shops etc. where possible. Visits out of the Nursing home to relatives or friends or to attend functions are encouraged.


Your safety is of paramount importance to us. If you need assistance, please ask a member of staff or alternatively use your call bell to seek assistance.


We operate a test fire alarm every Monday at 3pm. This will last approx 10 minutes and will be intermittent in sound. If you hear a continuous alarm at any time of the day or night, this is nota test. Please proceed to the nearest fire exit and assemble in the designated safety fire point area in the car park. Do not use the lifts at this time. Staff will be on hand to assist you if required. Floor plans are provided in each area.

Borris Lodge Nursing Home has a fire safety programme in place. Information on fire safety is displayed at strategic points throughout the building. Our fire safety programme includes regular fire drills and testing of the fire alarm. Residents are informed of any tests or practice drills prior to their initiation. All of our staff have on-going training to respond appropriately to fire and other emergencies. Our fire safety programme has the involvement of the county Fire Safety Officer who conducts fire safety inspections of the building. The person in charge maintains a Fire Safety Register that is available for inspection by the statutory authorities in accordance with legislation.

Other Emergencies:

If you discover other scenarios or circumstances which pose a risk to residents or staff, please inform a staff member immediately.

Infection Control:

In the event of infection entering the nursing home, measures will be put in place as early as possible to prevent the spread of same. These will be communicated both to residents and visitors.

Privacy and Dignity:

We would like you to think of Borris Lodge Nursing Home as your home from home. Our staff will do their utmost to protect your privacy and dignity by

  • knocking before entering your room
  • asking your permission prior to any personal/ nursing interventions
  • asking your permission for staff undergoing training and development, members of the opposite sex or others to be involved in your care

If you feel your privacy and dignity is being compromised, then please inform a member of staff that you feel comfortable with.

Policies that inform our practice

As a provider of high quality nursing care we welcome the ‘National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland’. These standards will help to consolidate existing good practice whilst also identifying areas for development. A copy of the standards can be obtained either online at or in writing to: Health Information and Quality Authority, Social Services Inspectorate, 1301 City Gate, Mahon, Cork. (A copy is available on the premises at all times)

Other policies and guidelines that we adhere to include:

‘Health Act 2007’ (Care and welfare of residents in designated centres for older people) regulations 2013. S.I No.415 of 2013

‘Infection Control Guidelines’

‘Responding to Allegations of Elder Abuse’

‘Professional Guidance for Nurses working with older people’ An Bord Altranais

‘Towards a Restraint Free Environment in Nursing Homes’

Comments/ Compliments and Complaints:

We are interested in your feedback to ensure that our service is continually reviewed and refined in line with best practice and resident choice. There are a number of ways in which you can share your views/ participate in the consultation process:

  1. We operate a resident committee every threemonths in the multipurpose room. All residents are invited to participate. This is a structured meeting which allows for open and honest communication about any comments or concerns you may have. The meeting is recorded and shared with all residents. In addition, comments are discussed with the management of the home to address issues raised and to formulate an action plan.
  2. If you have individual comments/ concerns which you do not wish to raise at the resident’s committee, then please feel free to speak to any member of staff.
  3. You may also nominate a family member, friend or advocate to act on your behalf. We will of course check that they have your permission.
  4. If you have complained to us and you are not satisfied with our decision on your complaint it is open to you to contact the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman provides an impartial, independent and free service. By law the Ombudsman can examine complaints about any of our administrative actions or procedures as well as delays or inaction in our dealings with you. The Ombudsman’s remit relates to complaints about actions which occur on or after 24th August 2015. The Ombudsman cannot examine complaints about actions which occurred before that date with the exception of complaints from residents eligible to complain under “Your Service, YourSay” (Residents whose place is provided under a contract with the HSE).

Contact Details are as follows: