Minutes (Ordinary Business) of the

Corporation Meeting held on 12thDecember 2017

Present / Alan Wells(Chair of the Corporation), Alastair Owens (Senior Vice-Chair of the Corporation), Riddhi Bhalla (Vice-Chair of the Corporation),Raluca Giuglea, Sarah Gifford, Stephen Jones, Khyzer Khurram, Stewart Maclean, Rhys Moore, David Vasse (Principal), Brian Westbury.
Clerking Services / Chair (in the absence of the Clerk)
Participating Observers / David Ball (Vice-Principal: Corporate Services), Holly Bembridge (Vice-Principal: Curriculum & Quality).
1 / Apologies for Absence and Quoracy
Apologies for absence had been received from Talia Chirouf, Tom Foakes, Maurine Lewin, Jonathan Bush, Paul Clements.
The meeting was quorate.
2 / Declarations of Interest
3 / Draft Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Ordinary Business): 7 October 2017
It was noted that the draft minutes had received approval by the Chair of the Corporation for circulation. They were approved as a correct record.
4 / Matters Arising from the Draft Minutes(Ordinary Business): 7 October2017
5 / Resignation of the Support Staff Nominee Member of the Corporation
The Chair reported that KaneezShaid had resigned as a member of the Corporation following her resignation from her post at the College, and that the election of her successor will be held in the first half of the Spring Term.
6 / Quality and Performance Committee: 28 November 2017
The draft minutes of the meeting of the Quality and Performance Committee held on 28 November 2017, approved by the Committee Chair for circulation, were received for information, and their contents noted.
In relation to Minute 6 (Key Performance Indicators 2016-17), there was some discussion of the KPIs, particularly whether the KPI in relation to Functional English and Maths was too demanding. Members agreed that KPIs needed to be aspirational and recognised the need to base as many as possible on the national averages. However, it was thought important not to set KPIs as so demanding that it was thought extremely unlikely that they could be achieved.
Members agreed that it should be left to Holly to review the functional English and Maths KPI and consider whether a slightly lower target should be set.
Members also discussed the College Improvement Plan, Value Added: Report on Local Comparative Institutions and Employer Engagement and were content to approve them as drafted.
There was some discussion of the College Self-Assessment Report 2016-17, which assessed the College as continuing as ‘requires improvement’. Members thought this was the correct assessment for 2016-17 but recognised that further progress had taken place since the end of that year. However, it was felt that further progress was required this year if the College was to be rated as ‘good’. The report was approved.
7 / Self-Assessment of Governance
A paper prepared by the Chair of the Corporation was received and considered. The Chair reported that he had based the paper on the scores given by members in their recent self-appraisal. The overall rating by members on the performance of the Corporation in 2016-17 was ‘good’. The paper also included some suggestions for improvement in the work of the Corporation. There was a particular concern to see greater use of new technology in the near future. The paper was approved.
8 / Principal’s Report
A verbal report was received from the Principal, including continuing action to increase student numbers for next year. There was considerable discussion of schools liaison and overall communication and Dave outlined how the Communications and Marketing Team was being restructured. He also mentioned that more interviews with potential students were being conducted in their schools now and that more staff were involved in visiting schools, often with student ambassadors, including Pathway Leaders.
Stephen Jones mentioned that the Pathway Leader he had met as part of the Link Scheme seemed enthusiastic about school visits.
Sarah Gifford mentioned the impact that the new apprenticeship scheme was having on recruitment for colleges in general.
Members recognised the challenges faced in maintaining student numbers and looked forward to a further report in due course.
Dave reported briefly on the recent spate of violence involving young people in the Walthamstow area. He reassured members that there was no evidence that this had involved Monoux students.
He also reported on the recent Drapers Den event, where, after a review, our students had been declared joint winners and would go through to the final at the Mansion House on 30th January. Members asked about being able to attend and support the students and Dave said that this would be possible.
9 / Student Leadership Activities
A verbal report was received from Raluca and Khyzer, as well as a brief paper. Raluca and Khyzer outlined how student leadership now works in the College. They also reported on the strengths and weaknesses that had been identified since the new approach had been in operation and how these were being addressed.
Members asked what type of concerns were raised with the SLT on behalf of students and whether a Student Council would be a useful development. On the whole it was felt that the present leadership arrangements worked better than a Student Council would. The Chair mentioned that there would be an agenda item at each Corporation Meeting in future for Student Governors to report.
10 / Governor Link Scheme
A discussion of how the Link Scheme was working took place. Governors reported on their activity to date and there was a general feeling that the Scheme was working well and benefited both governors and staff. Further reports were scheduled for future meetings.
11 / Audit Committee: 14 November 2017
The draft minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 14 November 2017, approved by the Committee Chair for circulation, were received for information.
There was some discussion of the process for identifying risk etc for internal audit. David Ball reported that in general the auditors suggested areas for internal audit each year for consideration by the SLT and the Audit Committee. Riddhi raised a question about the absence of any internal audit on equality and diversity. The Chair made the point that internal audit couldn’t cover every risk each year but that it would be useful to have a spreadsheet listing how the Corporation could be assured on how each risk was being reviewed and managed via the Audit Committee.
On the recommendation of the Audit Committee and after some points of clarification the Corporation approved the Post-Audit Management Letter: Financial Statements Audit and Regularity Audit, Internal Audit Service Annual Report 2016-17, Internal Audit Plan 2017-18, Risk Management Report, including Risk Register: Autumn Term 2017-18, Risk Management Annual Report 2016-17 and the Audit Committee Annual Report 2016-17.
12 / Resources Committee: 22 November 2017
The draft minutes of the meeting of the Resources Committee held on 22 November 2017, approved by the Committee Chair for circulation, were received for information. After some discussion of the overall financial position going forward, including the possible sale of surplus land (to be considered by the Corporation at a later date) the Draft Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2017 and the Management Accounts 2017-18 to Period 3: 31 October 2017 were approved by the Corporation.
13 / Delegation of Appointment of Parent Nominee Member of the Corporation
The following resolution was passed:
THAT: the Clerk to the Corporation be delegated to appoint on behalf of the Corporation the person elected at a meeting of parents convened for 9 January 2018 as Parent Nominee Member of the Corporation for such period as her/his child or children remain(s) a student(s) of the College.
14 / Dates and Times of Remaining Corporation Meetings 2017-18
Saturday 27 January 2018 (9.30am)
Tuesday 20 March 2018 (6.30pm)
Saturday 5 May 2018 (9.30am)
Tuesday 3 July 2018 (6.30pm)
15 / Dates and Times of Corporation Meetings 2018-19
Saturday 6 October 2018 (9.30am)
Tuesday 11 December 2018 (6.30pm)
Saturday 26 January 2019 (9.30am)
Tuesday 26 March 2019 (6.30pm)
Saturday 4 May 2019 (9.30am)
Tuesday 2 July 2019 (6.30pm)
16 / Any Other Competent Business