Board of Education Meeting9/10/13




of the Metuchen Board of Education

Metuchen High School

400 Grove Avenue

Metuchen, NJ 08840

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I.Flag Salute

II.Notice of Meeting

I hereby make this statement to indicate compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act known as Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of New Jersey 1975, which became effective 90 days after enactment, January 19, 1976.

Notice of this meeting was given by providing the location, time and date of this meeting, and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices, by delivering copies to the Borough Hall and the Metuchen Public Library, The Home News and Tribune, The Sentinel, The Star Ledger, and by filing a copy with the Borough Clerk as prescribed by this law.

III.Roll Call

Mr. Benderly / Mr. Lifton
Ms. deVries / Ms. Matise
Mr. Flaherty / Ms. McGuire
Ms. Gibson / Mr. Stern
Ms. Lanton
  1. Showcase of Success
  1. Presentation/Discussion Items
  2. Report of the President of the Board of Education
  1. Report of the Superintendent of Schools
  1. Report of the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
  1. Committee Reports
  1. New Business
  1. Old Business
  1. Meeting Open to the Public

(for comment on any Presentation/Discussion items, Reports, and New/Old Business)

XIII. Meeting Open to the Public

(for comments on the Recommendations of the Superintendent)

XIV. Minutes

Move to approve minutes of the following meetings:

August 6, 2013 / Board Meeting
August 27, 2013 / Board Meeting

XV. Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

(At this time the Board will take formal action on the following items).

  1. Retirement – Certificated Staff

Move to accept, with regret, the retirement of Florence Carter as Principal of Campbell School, effective December31, 2013.

  1. Increase in Salary – Certificated Staff

Move to approve an increase in salary for Scott Gallagher as a result of earning a Masters degree from 2J - $67,310 to 3J - $68,951.

  1. Appointment – Long Term Substitute

Move to approve William Winslow as a long-term substitute (German) at MHS effective September 23, 2013, until the permanent teacher is released from his previous district;salary status - days 1 through 20 - $80 per diem; day 21 through end of assignment - $261.71 per diem.

  1. Sixth Period Stipends

Move to approve the following for 1/5 of a sixth period stipend:

Katie McKeown

Jonathan Nolde

  1. Coaching Staff

Move to approve the following for the 2013 athletic season: Frances Nesi as volunteer Girls Soccer coach for the Fall season; Guy Jensen as volunteer Girls basketball coach for the Winter season.

  1. Fitness Center Supervisors

Move to approve the following as Fitness Center Supervisors for the 2013-2014 school year at the rate of $25/hr.: James Thomas, Matthew Wexler, and Frank Wrublevski.

  1. Resignation – Non-certificated Staff

Move to accept the resignation of Marcos Elias as Technology Assistant for the 2013-2014 school year effective September 6, 2013.

  1. Substitute Teachers

Move to approve the following as substitutes for the 2013-2014 school year: Audrey Gatling, substitute; William Winslow, German; Mona Vaidya, Elementary K-5.

  1. Payment of Bills

a)Board Secretary’s Certification

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10 (d), the Board Secretary has

certified that as of September 10, 2013 no budgetary line item accounts have obligations and payments which exceed the amount appropriated by the Board of Education.


Michael A. Harvier, Board Secretary Date

b)Approve the Following Items Submitted by the Board Secretary

Payment of bills and claims, as shown on the attached

list(s) (Fund 12) that have been certified by the Board Secretary and filed in the Business Office.

  1. IDEA Grant

Move to approve the allocations of the completed IDEA grant for the 2013-14 school year. The allocations are as follows:

Basic Grant Total Allocation: $596,363

Public School Share: $487,005

Non Public Share: $109,358

Preschool Grant Total Allocation: $15,277

Public School Allocation: $15,277

Non Public Share: 0

  1. Professional Development

Move to approve the following Professional Development Activities as shown on the attached list.

  1. Field Trips

Move approval of the following field trips for students in the

Metuchen School District as shown on the attached list.

  1. Second Reading – Policy

Move to approve a Second reading of the following policies:

a)Policy 0142.1 – Nepotism

b)Policy1530 – Equal Employment Opportunities

c)Policy 1550 – Affirmative Action for Employment and Contract Practices

d)Policy 1570 – Internal Controls

  1. Curriculum Writing

Move to approve the following curriculum writing documents and writers for Summer 2013:

Subject Curriculum Writers Amount


Math Grade 8 Kennedy $450

Revision to 6/11/13 Agenda:

Subject Curriculum Writers Amount


Math Grade 8 McKenna From $700 to $450

XVI. Meeting Open to Public

XVII. Announcements

XVIII. Motion to Go Into Executive Session

(when applicable)

Resolution to Close Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the Sunshine Act, N.J.S. 10:4-12 and 13, that the Board of Education will now meet in executive session to discuss PERSONNEL, PROPERTY, AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING MATTERS, and that matters discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as the reason for confidentiality no longer exists.

9/10/2013 / 9/10/2013 / NJ HSPA Training / LaFauci, Susan / MHS / $ - / no cost
9/11/2013 / 9/11/2013 / HSPA-District Test Coordinator Training / LaFauci, Susan / MHS / $ 20.00 / Other
9/21/2013 / 9/21/2013 / Selective Mutism / Fischer, Laura / Moss / $ - / No cost
10/3/2013 / 10/4/2013 / AENJ Conference / Brusca, Gina / EMS / $ 230.00 / FFPI / 14-021
10/3/2013 / 10/5/2013 / AENJ Conference / Gumbrecht, Jennifer / EMS / $ 230.00 / FFPI / 14-022
10/4/2013 / 10/4/2013 / AENJ Conference / McKeown, Katie / CES / $ 125.00 / FFPI / 14-019
10/13/2013 / 10/14/2013 / New Jersey School Counselor's 2013 Annual Fall Conference / Goldstein, Elaine / EMS / $ 243.16 / FFPI / 14-024
10/13/2013 / 10/14/2013 / NJSCA 2013 Annual Fall Conference / Chango, Lisa / EMS / $ 257.04 / FFPI / 14-016
10/16/2013 / 10/16/2013 / NJ Science Teachers Convention / Nolde, Jonathan / CES / $ 178.02 / FFPI / 14-026
10/17/2013 / 10/18/2013 / Autisim NJ Conference / Warakomski, Alaina / CES / $ 570.00 / FFPI / 14-020
10/17/2013 / 10/18/2013 / Autism NJ Conference / Burkowski, Nicole / EMS / $ 470.00 / FFPI / 14-023
10/23/2013 / 10/23/2013 / Social Studies at the Core: Authentic Teaching, Learning, and Assessment / Smith, Kenneth / EMS / $ 94.22 / FFPI / 14-017
10/23/2013 / 10/23/2013 / Social Studies at the Core:Authentic Teaching,Learning and Assessment / Graf, Kenneth / EMS / $ 90.00 / FFPI / 14-018
11/26/2013 / 11/26/2013 / NJSIAA Soccer Rules Committee Meeting / Gazda, Valerie / MHS / $ - / No cost
School / Destination / Class/Group / Teachers/
Advisors / Date(s) / No. of Students
MHS / Music Festival
Budd Lake, NJ / Poetry of Song/Speech students will see great poets read their works and discuss their poetry / Adam Levy / 9/14/13
(Saturday) / 4-5
MHS / St. James Episcopal Church, Edison, NJ / Students from Spanish classes to volunteer at Food Pantry and use their Spanish speaking, listening, reading & writing skills / Rosann Kamin / 1st & 3rd Saturdays throughout the school year. / Will vary