Welcome to Western New England College's

Student Records System!

The Student Records System houses a variety of student and faculty information (i.e. name, address, class schedule, transcript, etc.) employer information. Administrative offices use the system to gain access to academic information as well as process information such as course registration, transcript requests, grade processing, degree audits, and billing.

To access the training version of the system go to:

https://guru.wnec.edu/hello.htm and click on the "Student Records" link.

The "live" systems can be accessed by going to:

https://yogi.wnec.edu/hello.htm and click on the "Student Records" link.

After you click on the Student Records link a username and password entry box will appear as shown below. Enter your email user name and password in the password entry box.

If you cannot remember your password you should call the OIT Helpdesk at ext. 2200.

*Note - if you change your email password during the day, your password to access the Student Records Systems will not change until the accounts are updated that night.

If you get an error message saying "authorization failed. Retry?" (see box below), you may have incorrectly entered either you User Name or Password, or you may not have privileges to access this system and should call the OIT Helpdesk at ext. 2200.

Once successfully logged in, the Main Screen for the Student Records System will appear as shown below.

From here you would select the appropriate Division, Semester and Academic Year:

-Division, for example: -Semester, for example:

●Day & Evening Registrars ●Summer

●Law School Registrars ●Fall

●Off Campus Registrars ●Winter

●Day & Evening Admissions ●Spring

●Law School Admission

●Billing -Academic Year, for example:

●Financial Aid ●The academic year 2002-2003 ●Health Services would be represented by "2002-03."


●Residence Life

**For additional instructions go the Section of this manual for the program you are using.

Created by: Jennifer Cunningham

Created on: March 21, 2003