Supporting Security Needs


In this chapter, students learn about network security, and physical security for computers and other equipment. Be sure to emphasize the fact that students should never place themselves in any danger when trying to secure computer equipment.

Preparing to Teach

To prepare to teach this chapter, complete the following tasks:

§  Read the entire chapter and complete all the exercises and other step-by-step tasks..

§  Consult with your network administrator to learn what type of network you are on, and what policies are in place.

§  Obtain CDs with your school’s virus protection software.

§  Familiarize yourself with the hardware and software inventory functionality of your database. Enter some fictitious data so that you can demonstrate how to complete a hardware and/or software inventory.


Network Security

In this section discuss hacking, and the fact that network threats come from both within and outside the network. Discuss any hacking instances or viruses that have recently appeared in the news.

Preventive Practices

This section discusses the help desk job of implementing preventive security policies. If possible, have your network administrator assist you in teaching this topic.

Installing and Updating Virus Protection Software

Have each student install the virus protection software on a computer. If there are no computers without the software, have them uninstall and then reinstall the software.

Using Strong Passwords

Discuss why it is important not to use weak passwords. Demonstrate how to configure and enforce password complexity options (directions appear within the topic).

Exercise 8-1: Create a Security Console and Configure Local Security

In this exercise, students create a user account, and due to password complexity requirements, the password they are told to use will not work. They must assign User10 a strong password that meets complexity requirements. They will log on as User10, change the password, and log off. They will then log on as an administrator and delete the user.

When students create the Security Console in step 1, ensure that they configure the password policies as described in the chapter.

Configuration / Minimum Suggested Setting
Enforce Password History / 3 passwords remembered
Maximum Password Age / 42 days
Minimum Password Length / 8 characters
Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements / Enabled

If these configuration are not made, students will not encounter a problem in the exercise where they should.

Securing Hardware and Software

In this section, you introduce the hardware and software inventory tools in the database. Discuss the importance of keeping accurate inventories, and how knowing all the hardware and software in a computer might help students resolve a ticket. Discuss the various ways to tag computer equipment and mark it as school property.

Exercise 8-2: Inventory and Label School Hardware Assets

In this exercise, students create an asset inventory of the computers and other equipment for which they are responsible. This might include affixing asset tags to components. Assign a portion of the assets to each student, and have them complete the inventory. If your database supports an asset inventory, have technicians enter the data in the database. Because they will need to visit each computer to complete this task, they might want to complete a hardware and software inventory at the same time. If your database supports these functions, have students enter this data as well. You might want to provide handouts for each type of inventory, so that students record the proper information.

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Deploying Student Technical Support Solutions Teacher’s Guide 2