Staying Informed on International Political Issues

(prepared by Dr. Carleton)

International Indices

·  Current Wars

·  Failed States Index

·  Human Development Index

·  Globalization Index

·  Global Peace Index

·  Political Terror Scale

·  Global Integrity Index

·  Corruption Perceptions Index

International News: Journalistic

·  BBC - World News

·  Christian Science Monitor - World News
Globalist-- daily online magazine about the global economy, politics and culture, with news, features, quizzes, and information on many facets of globalization.

·  Economist - World News

·  New York Times - International News

·  Washington Post - World News

·  CNN - World News

·  Time Magazine - World News
World Press

·  New Internationalist-- Magazine focusing on issues of world poverty and inequality, and committed to the radical changes.

·  Flying Inkpot’s International News Links - Extensive links to news sources, by country.

·  Kidon International Media Links– FIX Extensive links to news sources, by country.

·  Political Resources on the Net--Each country has a page, each with media links.

·  WorldNews.Com-- Top stories of the day, by country.

International News: Academic

·  Foreign Affairs-- Contents andsomefull-text articles and book reviews online, plus links to related online resources.

·  Foreign Policy-- Prestigious magazine posts the table of contents,somearticles, web exclusive stories, numerous insightful special reports, and news.

·  Harvard International Review—(somearticles online)

·  MIT International Review—(full contents online)

·  Yale Global Online-- A comprehensive and searchable web journal features many articles,news items, and links about globalization.

·  Perspective--This bimonthly journal offers online analyses of current events in Russia and the Newly Independent States.

·  World Policy Journal—(somearticles online)

·  Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution

·  Russia in Global Affairs—(with full contents online)

·  Strategic Insights-- A bi-monthly electronic journal offering timely, concise assessments of U.S. and international security issues.

·  Arab Insight--Analyses from Middle Eastern experts on critical regional issues.