Elementary Science Updates

June 2015

Science Specialist Meeting

If you have a teacher that has been hired as a science specialist (only teaches science to multiple grade levels), please have them attend one of the Science Specialist meetings. There are 3 options:

  • July 2nd (year round)
  • July 22nd (modified/single track)
  • August 20nd (traditional)

They will be held from 1:00-3:00 at the Garner Training Center (201 Avery Street).

Staff Development Opportunities

We are going digital! Our kit training sessions will be available on Blackboard starting in July! There are videos of teachers using the kits with students, additional tips and tricks, and a quiz for each kit. We will post them by quarter according to our recommended sequence.

Teachers can receive .5 CEUs for each kit module. There will be detailed directions provided in the Blackboard Course in July. Information will also be posted in the Professional Development tab on the science wiki (wakek5science.pbworks.com) in July.

In addition to the kit training modules, new teachers should also view the “Science Overview” video posted on the front page of our wiki. We have a version for K-2 teachers and 3-5 teachers.

NSTA also offers 2 hour long content modules. We have developed a document to align the modules to our WCPSS science kits. These are great for teachers that want to brush up on their science content knowledge.

To accommodate the teachers that need a face to face option, we will offer “office hours” at the Garner Training Center every month. More details coming soon.

There are many opportunities for teachers offered outside of WCPSS. We will post these opportunities on the front page of the wiki in the “announcements” table. Here are a few posted there now:

  • Meredith Mathematics and Science Institutesis providing grade-level specific science professional development for elementary teachers in July 2015. Registration links and other information are available on the website:
    Science Professional Development
    Inexpensive, Hands-on Science Activities to Engage Students
    Grades 2 July 27 * 6 contact hours .6 CEUs
    Grades K-1 July 28 * 6 contact hours .6 CEUs
    Grade 5 July 29 * 6 contact hours .6 CEUs
    Grade 4 July 30 * 6 contact hours .6 CEUs
    Grade 3 July 31 * 6 contact hours .6 CEUs
    Make science come alive in your classroom with activities that engage students and foster understanding of important concepts. In each one-day session, participants will explore inexpensive, hands-on activities that correlate to the grade-level Essential Standards for Physical Science, Earth Science, and Life Science. Literature to match Language Arts Standards that corresponds to science lessons will be shared.
  • STEAM Summer Camp- Science in the Community- forgrades 3-8!June 22- July 31st(9am- 3pm)- RegisterHEREor for more information. Here is aflyerfor your classroom!

Please have your teachers check the wiki periodically for any new opportunities!