Regular Board Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2011

7:00 p.m.

Kittitas School District Board Room

Patricia Clerf, Chair

Paul Johnson, Vice Chair

Mark Hansen, Member

Max Tilton, Member

Jeff Wallace, Member

Monty Sabin, Superintendent

Michelle Helgeson, Recording Secretary

The regular board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Chairman Patricia Clerf. Mark Hansen was absent, all other board members were present.

The board recessed into executive sessionat 7:00 p.m.

The board came out of executive session at 7:30 p.m. and reconvened with the flag salute.

The following guests introduced themselves to the board: Jeff Gay, City of Kittitas Council member and Trevor Carlson, Seattle Northwest Securities.

There were no public questions or comments.

Monty Sabin presented the board with the resignation letters from Jessica Gleason, District Secretary, and Cindy Houck, School Nurse. Jeff Wallace accepted the resignations as presented. Max Tilton seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Monty Sabin presented the following coaching position to the board for approval:

Nate PhillipsHS Boys Basketball, Head Coach

Merle WatkinsHS Boys Basketball, Asst Coach

Mark EylarHS Wrestling, Asst Coach

Rocky GibsonMS Boys Basketball, Head Coach

Brent NiermanMS Boys Basketball, Asst Coach

Max Tilton moved to approve the coachingpositions as presented. Paul Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Call to Order

Executive Session


Public Comments


Monty Sabin presented the board with the PSE negotiations agreement. Paul Johnson moved to approve the agreement as presented. Jeff Wallace seconded. The motion carried.

Paul Johnsonmoved to approve the consent agenda (minutes from September 20, 2011 Regular Meeting; ASB A/P Vouchers 5401-5419 for $11,249.85; General Fund A/P Voucher #61804 for $7,076.63, General Fund A/P Vouchers #61805-61893 for $106,393.17, General Fund Payroll Benefits Vouchers#61784-61803 for $201,499.65and Payroll Warrants #61771-61783 along with Direct Deposits in the amount of $219,229.04). Max Tilton seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Jeff Wallace moved to approve the Regular Agenda as presented. Paul Johnsonseconded the motion. The motion carried.

Monty Sabin shared with the board a thank you card received from Jennifer Avalino, Usborne Books and More Representative.

Monty Sabin gave the budget status report for September 2011. Mr. Sabin reported that we are 8.33% into our fiscal year, have collected 9.93% of anticipated revenues, and have spent 11.98% of budgeted expenditures. The cash ending balance for September 2011 was $739,712.64.

Mr. Sabin reported the district enrollment increased 3.24 FTE from September, with the current enrollment being 595.36 FTE.

Monty Sabin, along with the building principals, shared with the board the activities that took place during the district’s first non-student professional development day. Activities during the day included a literacy and reading training presented by Todd Smith, an intruder training held by the County Sherriff’s office, and Google training presented by Joell Boast. The staff also broke into various groups to review test data. Both principals stated their staff felt the full day was beneficial.

There was no ASB report.

There was no Parent Group report.

There was no Booster Club report.

Monty Sabin again shared the proposed parent night to be held before each sports season. The expectation is to inform parents of the requirements of the athletic program, as well as improve communication between parents and coaching staff. Mr. Sabin updated the board of possible classification changes to surrounding districts and how those changes would affect our league. Mr. Sabin also informed the board of potential modifications to enrollment calculations.

Derek Larsen stated the elementary school year was off to a great start. Mr. Larsen informed the board of the annual Great American Opportunities fundraiser currently being held. Mr. Larsen shared information regarding the Safe Schools Grant received. The grant provided for additional safety patrol supplies as well as road

Consent Agenda

Regular Agenda

Public Correspondence

Superintendent’s Report

ASB Report

Parent Group Report

Booster Club Report

Athletic Director Report

Elementary Principal Report

stencils and paint. Mr. Larsen also informed the board of the International Walk to School Day on October 14.

Chris Brauer informed the board of the Secondary School’s annual magazine drive. Mr. Brauer reported the middle school teachers held a spontaneous pod party for all middle school students. Mr. Brauer informed the board of the ASB’s Homecoming festivities and the upcoming Haunted Halls. He also stated he would like to conduct the MSP/HSPE Recognition Night again this year. The date is yet to be determined.

Mr. Sabin presented Policy 4210, Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises, for second reading. Paul Johnson moved to approve Policy 4210 as presented. Jeff Wallace seconded. The motion carried.

Mr. Sabin presented Policy 6511, Staff Safety, for second reading. Max Tilton moved to approve Policy 6511. Paul Johnson seconded. The motion carried.

Monty Sabin opened the floor to Trevor Carlson from Seattle Northwest Securities. Mr. Carlson presented the board with a Secondary School bond refunding update and emphasized the opportunity to take advantage of lower interest rates. Mr. Carlson explained the process for refunding and presented Resolution 11/12.01, Request for a Certificate of Eligibility, for board approval to begin the refunding process. Max Tilton moved to approve Resolution 11/12/01. Paul Johnson seconded. The motion was approved.

Mr. Sabin presented Resolution 11/12.02, Newly Elected School Board Member Conference Attendance, which would allow Susan Thacker the opportunity to attend the annual WSSDA conference before officially taking her position. Paul Johnson moved to approve Resolution 11/12.02. Max Tilton seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Monty Sabin informed the board of computers deemed surplus from Parke Creek Group Home classroom. Paul Johnson moved to approve the surplus items as presented. Jeff Wallace seconded. The motion carried.

Mr. Sabin shared with the board the 2012 Special Election and Resolution Filing Dates provided by Seattle Northwest Securities. Mr. Sabin stated he would send an initial letter to community members for participation on the school levy committee.

Monty Sabin opened the floor for the board members to discuss their thoughts on recent classroom visits at both the elementary and secondary schools.

Mr. Sabin informed the board that a date for the annual legislative dinner as yet to be determined.

Secondary Principal Report

Policy 4210 – 2nd Reading

Policy 6511 – 2nd Reading

Resolution 11/12.01

Resolution 11/12.02


2013-14 Levy

Classroom Visits

Legislative Dinner

Mr. Sabin reviewed with the board the WSSDA Conference schedule. The conference will be held in Seattle on November 17-20.

The board adjourned at 8:55 P.M.


Patricia Clerf, Chairman Monty Sabin, Superintendent


Michelle Helgeson, Secretary

WSSDA Conference
