Board Meeting Minutes October 10th, 2016

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education of Crest Unified School District #479 was held at the Board Office, Colony, on Monday, October 10th, 2016. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Board President – Tadd Goodell.

Roll Call

Board Members Present – Tadd Goodell, Bryan Miller, Travis Church, Jeff McAdam, Pamela Adams and Jeff Strickler. Others: – Superintendent Chuck Mahon, Board Clerk Leanne Trabuc, and Principal Travis Hermreck.

Absent: Richard Webber

Approval of Agenda – Item E.2. Surplus Property was deleted from the Items of Business andit was moved by Mr. Goodell and seconded by Mr. McAdam to approve the agenda as amended. Vote: 4-0

Mr. Strickler arrived at 7:05 P.M.

Approval of Consent Agenda - It was moved by Mr. Strickler and seconded by Mr. McAdam to approve the consent agenda including the minutes of the September 12th, 2016regular board meeting, budget status report, enrollment report, and bills in the amount of $201,416.80. Vote: 5-0

Information Items

ANW Special Education – The minutes of the September 14th, 2016 board meetingwere reviewed.

Mr. Church arrived at 7:10 P.M.

Superintendent/Principal Report – Mr. Hermreck reported the elementary has some field trips planned including a trip to the Kansas City Symphony and to the Bowlus. The middle school is completing its football and volleyball seasons with spirit week and the first middle school basketball game will be October 31st. The VFW is presenting a “Flag Education” for elementary students and the Junior Class on October 19th and a Veterans’ Day Assembly will be held on November 11th for all students and community. Parent-Teacher conferences will be held October 25th and 26th. The trash bags fund raiser for the Crest PTO was a success with them raising $5800. Alysha Westoff has been hired a new special education para. Mr. Mahon reported homecoming is this week and the coronation will be prior to the start of the football game on Friday. The high school volleyball team has been enjoying some wins and will play substate at Madison on October 22nd, 2016. The professional development time on October 24th will be spent with follow up training for positive student behavior and science instruction for Grades 3-5. A Facility Needs Assessment will be conducted during Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 25th and 26th. Mr. Mahon and Jon Thompson picked up some tables for the FACS room, business room chairs, student desks, and office chairs from the Lawrence school district. The parking lot repairs are to begin on October 15th. Mr. Mahon and Mr. Hermreck have been investigation the costs and logistics of adding baseball to the school extracurricular activities.

Items of Business

Strategic Planning Committee Presentation – The committee met on October 6th and will present at the November board meeting.

Southern Star Pipeline – It was moved by Mr. Goodell and seconded by Mr. McAdam to have Southern Star remove the abandoned pipeline with cleanup and reseeding. Vote: 6-0

Adjournment – It was moved by Mr. Goodelland seconded by Mr. McAdamto adjourn the meeting at7:35P.M. Vote: 6-0


Board President


Board Clerk