Carolina Shores Homeowners Association

Architectural Review Request

SEND TO: Susan K. Reid 410-257-5630

Chairperson of the ACC – Carolina Shores Homeowners Association

630 Sycamore Lane

Owings, MD 20736


Date of Request ______Request No. (sequential)______

Date Committee Received ______Action Type

Date Decision Due ______5 Complaint

5 New Construction

Homeowner Information Type Of Request/


Name ______5 Landscaping

Address______5 Structural

Phone (H)______(W)______5 Other______

Does this application conform to Carolina Shores covenants and restrictions to the best of your knowledge? 5 Yes 5 No

If No, please advise non-conforming Applicable Part, Section, and Paragraph of Covenants and Restrictions:______

Description of Request or Complaint (attach additional pages as necessary)


Documentation Required Yes No N/A

1. Plot Attached ______

2. Blueprints ______

3. Pictures ______


Architectural Control Committee Decision Date ______

5 Approved

5 Disapproved

(Reason if Disapproved)





Signed ______

Print Name______

Architectural Committee Chairperson

Date ______

Architectural Review Process

1.  Initiation of Request

A request for architectural review may be initiated in one of three ways:

o  A Homeowner seeks approval for some particular project he/she desires to construct or install.

o  A Homeowner desires to lodge a complaint regarding another Homeowners.

o  A member of the Architectural Control Committee or the Board of Directors observes a possible violation of the "Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions".

2.  Basis for Evaluation

All requests for review will be evaluated strictly on the basis of the "Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions" for the Carolina Shores Subdivision that every Homeowner is legally bound to honor by owning property in the Subdivision. This document is incorporated into the Deed of everyone's property. Utilizing this document, the Architectural Control Committee will evaluate the request for compliance.

3.  Architectural Review Request Form

All requests must be submitted on the "Architectural Review Request" form. This form will also be used to communicate to the requestor the results of the Committee's decision and/or the final decision of the Board of Directors. No request will be evaluated that is not on this form.

4.  The Review Process

o  A request is completed on the "Architectural Review Request" form and submitted to the Chairperson of the Architectural Control Committee.

o  The Committee reviews the request including the following:

- identifying the applicable section(s) of the "Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions"
- obtaining additional details of the request from the applicant as necessary
- reviewing the request with the Committee members and other pertinent parties
- based on the data and information collected evaluating the merits of the request
- making a decision and presenting it in writing to the applicant and the Board

o  Committee decision is communicated to the applicant via the "Architectural Control Request" form.

Although the Committee and/or Board pledge to review each request as quickly as possible, the Review Process will require a minimum of two weeks, not to exceed 30 days.

The Appeal Process

If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision the Review Process has produced, he/she may appeal the decision to the Board. This must be done in writing but may also be done in person during a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Upon the review of the Appeal, the Board will render a new decision which may change from the original one.

Worse Case Scenario

If a request is denied that is a violation of the "Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions" and the applicant decides to proceed with installation anyway, or if a violation is simply observed, the following process will be implemented:

·  The offending Homeowner will be notified in writing of the violation, including a demand that the violation be rectified.

·  If the violation has not been rectified within 28 days, a second written notification will be given.

·  If the violation has still not been rectified after an additional 14 days, the Board will initiate appropriate legal action. Most likely this will involve seeking injunctive relief.

This same process will apply if a serious violation is observed by the Architectural Control Committee. The offending community member is responsible for the legal cost of all such legal remedies!