Minutes – Draft

Northern Locality Forum

21stMarch 2016 5:45pm - Cowpen Training Centre, Hereford Terrace

Kevin Pitt (BELP)
Janet Capstick(North Billingham Methodist Church),Pat Chambers (Billingham Legacy Foundation),Fred Gook (Neighbourhood Watch),Pam Gook (Low Grange Residents Association),Colin Pollard (Billingham Town Council),Jim Scollen (Billingham Voice),Val Scollen (Old Billingham Community Centre), Bert Smailes (SBP),Cllr Barry Woodhouse (SBC),
*Members are representing their nominating body.
Kelly Smith(Stockton Borough Council), Angela Corner (Thirteen), Nick Sutton (Cleveland Police), Jennifer Franklin, Anthony Hind (BELP)
Cllr Evaline Cunningham (SBC),Umar Hanif (Thirteen)
  1. Welcome and Introductions
Kevin Pitt (KP) welcomed everyone to the meeting and all members introduced themselves. / Noted
2. Apologies
As noted above. / Noted
3. Declaration of interests
KP declared an interest as a director of BELP as they are potentially interested in community transfer of the visitors centre at CowpenBewley Woodland Park.
Jim and Val Scollen declared an interest as Board members of Thirteen / Noted
4. Minutes of Previous meeting and Matters arising
VS noted she had given Sandy the Flowers on behalf of the Locality Forum
No matters arising.
Minutes of previous meeting agreed. / Noted
5. Stockton Strategic Partnership Annual Event Film
The Locality Forum watched the DVD that was presented at the Stockton Strategic event on the 1st March, KP reiterated his thanks to all the members for their continued hard work for the local community.
It was noted that the Brighter Borough For all Document has been refreshed and a new priority has been included “maximising access to support for groups such as the under 35 years with no children, crisis or particular health need who find themselves experiencing poverty”. KP noted that a task and finish group will be set up to look at this and data will be collected to help support discussions.
KS noted that the film will be available on Stockton Borough Council website. / Noted
KS to source data for the Task and Finish group.
6.Support to Thirteen residents
Angela Corner informed the groups that she is the Inclusion Manager for Thirteen and herself and the team look at financial and digital inclusion. The team provide specialist benefit casework, debt advice and financial education. They target those households that need it the most for example those facing eviction, new tenants and those who will be affected by the welfare reforms. The team have secured £3 million in unclaimed benefits and have helped reduce rent arrears by £20k a month.
Thirteen have noted that arrears can happen within the first six months and have launched a new homes pilot to help with this. They also have a Hardship Fund which can help their tenants with setting up a new home or support for the “bedroom tax”. They are receiving 300 referrals for this a month.
BW noted that SBC and Thirteen need to support those that are coming out of the care system to help them adapt. ACnoted that care leavers are exempt to some of the welfare changes. / KS to invite Thirteen to the Task and Finish groups.
AC to send KS information on their services.
AC to get statistics they have for the Billingham area i.e. single under 35’s, housing allowance figs etc.
7.Northern Locality Action Plan Task and Finish Group Updates
Fuel Poverty
KP noted that they had looked into getting LED lighting in the BELP and On-Site community centres and it would cost around £13,300 to install with £3,400yearly saving. They are currently in discussions with SBC on this issue.
A energy advice roadshow took place at the Clarences on the 19th January 2016, with one to be held in Low Grange in April and one in Old Billingham in July.
They are working with SBC and Stockton District Information and Advice Service and will have a further three events to help with the Big Community switch in the Autumn to try face to face support and promotion as leaflet dropping the target areas did not work.
A presentation was given at the last meeting. Statistics for the Billingham area on Child weight management will be available at the next Task and Finish group.
Best Start in Life
All the BELP centres are now on the national database as breastfeeding friendly venues.
Hereford Terrace will become a social nursery providing places for up to 60 young people with after school clubs.
BELP and friends of CowpenBewley woodland park have expressed an interest in the visitors centre within the park and would look to set up an after school and weekend club if successful.
Maximising Family Income
The collection point at Clarences is going really well with half the school children saving in the scheme and most of the staff signed up for payroll deduction. They also have two parent volunteers and it is envisaged that after Easter they can step away and move in to the next school.
They are hoping to start in St Michaels after Easter with Northfield secondary next. Once these are established they will move on to either Pentland or South Billingham primary school.
VS is attending the next primary head cluster meeting with Karen from my Community Bank to promote the scheme. / Noted
8. Draft Northern Locality Forum Action Plan
Members were happy with the new draft Action Plan and they will be discussed in more detail at the next Task and Finish groups. / Noted
9. Any Other Business
Nick Sutton from Cleveland Police’s fire arms operations informed the group that he was undertaking a study looking at the effect the Taser has had on the image of Cleveland Police and the public’s attitude towards it. The study will be completely anonyms and people can retract any comments up to the 11th April 2016. The Chair gave consent on behalf of the Forum and a discussion took place.
CP noted that Dianne Rickaby was unwell. The group noted to send on their best wishes.
CP also noted that the work of the Locality Forum had not intentionally been missed out of the Town Council newsletter.
It was noted that Durham University may be pulling out of their Stockton site and the Forum raised concerns on the impact it may have on the Borough. / Noted
KS to send best wishes on behalf of the Locality Forums.
BW to look into this matter
10. Date and Time of Next Meeting-
The next meeting will take place on the 23rd May 2016, at 5:45pm at the Hereford Centre. / Noted