PK-12 Integrated Data Warehouse System (KIDS) III

Project Scope Statement


KIDS Phase III is an expansion of the successful KIDS Phase II project, which was a pilot project for a PK-12 Integrated Data Warehouse system involving four major school districts Operational Data Stores.

The overall mission is to provide ODE and Stakeholders, (ESDs, districts and schools), with a single, accurate, and authoritative data structure which will streamline data acquisition and reporting within the enterprise of education in the State, while enhancing students’ transcript exchange across schools and districts, promoting operational efficiency, and satisfying key federal NCLB (No Child Left Behind) & AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) reporting requirements.


KIDS Phase III is a major upgrade, involving two additional Regional Data Warehouse Providers (Regions), to six regions; and expanding the implementation to be a state-wide Data Warehouse system for approximately 200 school districts and over 500,000 students (the vast majority of the remainder of the State). This statewide expansion will also enable a timely and accurate exchange of comparable information between schools and districts by means of an exchange application known as Oregon Students Transcript Exchange (OSTX), and between district schools and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE). This includes data and business rules standardization across the educational enterprise in Oregon (all districts, agencies, and ODE)..

Project Dependencies

KIDS Phase III is dependent on the six regional’s ability to:

·  Attract and integrate school districts and their associated student data into the regional data warehouse

·  Develop/Modify routines to transfer district student information to their regional data warehouse and ultimately to the ODE

·  District involvement in the development and adherence to defined data standards and validation rules for quality assurance purposes.

KIDS Phase III is dependent on ODE’s ability to:

·  Develop and communicate sustainability strategies to show that current investments in the project are protected over time

Project Deliverables

·  Metadata Dictionary

·  Assessment Operational Data Store (ODS)

·  OSTX/IDTS – horizontal/vertical exchange of student records

·  Central ODS

·  Population of ODS via data export processes from regional warehouses

·  Enterprise data warehouse with defined reports

·  Staff/Districts trained in Business Objects

·  Dashboard to the Enterprise data warehouse

·  Security and Use policies and associated changes with ORS/OAR’s

Project Constraints

·  KIDS will not be used for data collection/validation in 07-09

·  KIDS will not be used for reporting services other than Accountability reporting through the Assessment ODS in 07-09

·  KIDS will not allow Public/Research portals to be established in 07-09