Wisdom Uni Broadcast

Opening reflection: “When everything falls apart” by Pima Chōdren – kinship with the suffering of others (‘Bodachita’) finding healing in the tenderness of pain itself…

Will Tagle’s input

– Jim Garrison’s article

Jung’s quote: “The only reality that is reaching me at this time is the ‘spirit of the depth’ “

The Columbian Cogi peoples warning to the 1st world nations! A ‘global death knell’… A wake-up call! We’re all intricately interconnected and the ‘butterfly effect’ is real! Technology is not the ‘fix’ – the panacea to it all! We need to find a way to decode the subtle messages.

The carbonate-silicate cycle and earthquake’s role in this delicate balance. Plate tectonics may be Gaia “rebalancing” herself. Also, we live in the illusion that we’re ‘in control’ – the ego is shaken up by all this suffering.

Dr. John Hannigan (A Zen Buddist who taught in Kyoto)

Carolyn Mace’s comment about nuclear stockpiling and the insanity of all this! Masculine hierarchical militaristic philosophy is killing us all!

Theology and Sanity by F. J. Sheed– the same sentiments of the ‘bodachita’…

Some of his experiences in life: Teaching the ‘DoudaChing’ of Lau Tzu in Japanese prisons…

John says “If our lives are deepened, transformed, improved after gleaning wisdom, then we’ve wasted our time. We’re always students (passionate, experienced learner) makes us sensei’s or elders.” The term Philosophy = “love of wisdom”. If we don’t love ‘wisdom’ we can’t teach others to do this.

Upcoming “Beyond Ethics” intensive mentioned. Moral failures aren’t always ignorance or lack of knowledge. Dao = a language of the heart. A sense of intuitiveness. Understanding a moral life is important. Hannigan teaches from Kant, J Stewart-Mills, Plato’s ethics of ‘character’, Dante’s ‘dark night’, St. John of the Cross ‘dark night of the soul’ (virtue ethics) – this is not a ‘rule bound’ ethic like Judeo-Christian ethic.

The evolution of ‘moral consciousness’ is discussed – the evolution from fear to the ‘bodachita’

Music without soul is just ego (showing off) -- there’s no soulfulness – it becomes truly immoral! Finding the ‘haik u’ soul (and L-R brain neurology)

Hannigan’s next SD course = “The masks of God” from J Campbell

Lauren Artress and the Labyrinthwasthen mentioned. Also the course “The Art of Spiritual dialogue” with HanniganArtress spoke of.

Closing reflection: “I didn’t see it coming!” Nature can see it coming! Mary Oliver’s poem “When I’m Among the Trees”.