Journal of International Management, Educational and Economics Perspectives 1 (1) (2013) 1–28
.JIMEP. / Journal of International Management, Educational and Economics Perspectives
Author's Name SURNAME[1]
Summary Times New Roman in 9 font size in Turkish and English should have a 1.25 line indentation in italic in this section. The summary must not exceed 250 words. A maximum of 5 key concepts must be included. You can delete this field and write your own summary, provided you do not distort the formatting. Summary Times New Roman in 9 font size in Turkish and English should have a 1.25 line indentation in italic in this section. The summary must not exceed 250 words. A maximum of 5 key concepts must be included. You can delete this field and write your own summary, provided you do not distort the formatting. Summary Times New Roman in 9 font size in Turkish and English should have a 1.25 line indentation in italic in this section. The summary must not exceed 250 words. A maximum of 5 key concepts must be included. You can delete this field and write your own summary, provided you do not distort the formatting. Summary Times New Roman in 9 font size in Turkish and English should have a 1.25 line indentation in italic in this section. The summary must not exceed 250 words. A maximum of 5 key concepts must be included. You can delete this field and write your own summary, provided you do not distort the formatting. Summary Times New Roman in 9 font size in Turkish and English should have a 1.25 line indentation in italic in this section. The summary must not exceed 250 words. A maximum of 5 key concepts must be included. You can delete this field and write your own summary, provided you do not distort the formatting. Summary Times New Roman in 9 font size in Turkish and English should have a 1.25 line indentation in italic in this section. A maximum of 5 key concepts must be included.
Keywords: Management, Economics, Education, Management, Economics
Jel Codes:A1-B1-C1
Özet Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak 9 punto Times New Roman italik olarak 1,25 satır girintisine sahip iki yana yaslı olarak bu bölümde yer almalıdır. Özet 250 sözcüğü geçmemelidir. En fazla 5 tane anahtar kavram içermelidir. Biçimlendirmeyi bozmamak şartıyla bu alanı silip kendi özetinizi yazabilirsiniz.Özet Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak 9 punto Times New Roman italik olarak 1,25 satır girintisine sahip iki yana yaslı olarak bu bölümde yer almalıdır. Özet 250 sözcüğü geçmemelidir. En fazla 5 tane anahtar kavram içermelidir. Biçimlendirmeyi bozmamak şartıyla bu alanı silip kendi özetinizi yazabilirsiniz.Özet Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak 9 punto Times New Roman italik olarak 1,25 satır girintisine sahip iki yana yaslı olarak bu bölümde yer almalıdır. Özet 250 sözcüğü geçmemelidir. En fazla 5 tane anahtar kavram içermelidir. Biçimlendirmeyi bozmamak şartıyla bu alanı silip kendi özetinizi yazabilirsiniz.Özet Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak 9 punto Times New Roman italik olarak 1,25 satır girintisine sahip iki yana yaslı olarak bu bölümde yer almalıdır. Özet 250 sözcüğü geçmemelidir. En fazla 5 tane anahtar kavram içermelidir. Biçimlendirmeyi bozmamak şartıyla bu alanı silip kendi özetinizi yazabilirsiniz.Özet Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak 9 punto Times New Roman italik olarak 1,25 satır girintisine sahip iki yana yaslı olarak bu bölümde yer almalıdır. Özet 250 sözcüğü geçmemelidir. En fazla 5 tane anahtar kavram içermelidir. Biçimlendirmeyi bozmamak şartıyla bu alanı silip kendi özetinizi yazabilirsiniz.Özet Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak 9 punto Times New Roman italik olarak 1,25 satır girintisine sahip iki yana yaslı olarak bu bölümde yer almalıdır. En fazla 5 tane anahtar kavram içermelidir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Yönetim, Ekonomi, Eğitim, Yönetim, Ekonomi
Jel Kodu: A1,B1,C1
The main text of the parchment should start with the first section after the first page. The article should be typed in 11 point Times New Roman 1.25 first line indentation, 1 line spacing and 06 nk, then 06 nk spaced. The margins (normal) should be set at the top, bottom, right, and left side 2.5cm apart. Titles should be in bold Times New Roman 11 pt. You can delete this field and write your own summary, provided you do not distort the formatting.
1.1. Second Title First Characters Must Be Bigger Thick and 11 Punto
The main text of the original should be typed in Times New Roman 1.25 first line indentation, 1 line spacing and 06 nk followed by 06 nk spaced 11 pt after the first page. The margins (normal) should be set at the top, bottom, right, and left side 2.5cm apart. Titles should be in bold Times New Roman 11 pt.
1.1.1.Third and Other Titles First Letters Must Be Bold, Italic, and 11 Punto
You can look at the following example of figures and tables to be used in the article.
Table 1. Written tables should be 9 pt.
Variables / Frequency / % / Variables / Frequency / %Sample / Sample / 11 / 11.1 / Sample
Sample / Sample / 11 / 11.1
Sample / 11 / 11.1 / Sample / 11 / 11.1
Sample Sample / Sample / 11 / 11.1 / Sample / 11 / 11.1
Sample / 11 / 11.1 / Sample / 11 / 11.1
Sample / 11 / 11.1 / Sample / 11 / 11.1
Tables and figures should be numbered. The source for the figure should be under the shape. The title of the table should be 9 pt in the middle, 9 pt in content and Times New Roman.
It should remain true to the main text of the Makalen. The article should be typed in 11 point Times New Roman 1.25 first line indentation, 1 line spacing and 06 nk, then 06 nk spaced. The margins (normal) should be set at the top, bottom, right, and left side 2.5cm apart. Titles should be in bold Times New Roman 11 pt. You can delete this field and write your own summary, provided you do not distort the formatting.
References should be prepared according to apa system. Google Scholar is an example. Bibliography, 1 line spacing 06 nk, 06 nk hanging, 1 cm format apa system should be used.References in the text are single-sided (Altunışık, 2003: 22). If there are two writers (Şimşek ve Güven, 2003: 22). If there are three or more writers (Güven et al, 2003). It should be shown in abbreviated form. Bibliographic references should be presented in alphabetical order according to the author's name, as in the following journals and books.
Agcakaya, S. (2009). "Performance Measurement in Local Administrations and Financial Performance Applications in Similar Types of Municipalities". Socioeconomics, 9 (9).
Akbaba, S. (2006). "Motivation in Education". Atatürk University Kazim Karabekir Education Faculty Magazine, (13).
Bahar, O. (2006). "The Impact of Tourism Sector on the Economic Growth of Turkey: VAR Analysis Approach. Management and Economics: Celal Bayar University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 13 (2), 137-150.
Can, H., Kavuncubaşı, Ş. and Yıldırım, S. (2009). Human Resources Management in Public and Private Sectors. Political bookstore.
Hood, C. (1995). The "New Public Management" in the 1980s: variations on a theme. Accounting, Organizations And Society, 20 (2-3), 93-109.
Muhsin, K. (2003). "The Impact of Public Expenditure Variances on Economic Growth. Ankara University ", SBF Magazine, 58 (03).
Parasız, M.İ. (1993). Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy. Ezgi Bookstore.
[1]Author's Title, Author's University, Author's Authority, authormaili