To the “Very Prepared” example:

Thank you for being willing to participate! I will ask the following questions that you can answer in the given ways, with your own “prepared” spin on it! Remember, you are demonstrating the example of very prepared and excited about an interview. You want a job, you know a little about the company, you have good reasons for being employed and you are confident (but not cocky). You are DRESSED FOR SUCCESS. We’ll pretend you’ve already asked to speak with the manager before you applied and introduced yourself, so I called you in to this interview because you aalready met with me briefly when you came to buy J-Dawgs. You were dressed to impress then, as well.

You are applying for a job at J-Dawgs.

Feel free to be creative with your responses. Ask your parents what they know!

Question #1:

What’s your name?

Possible answers: Look me in the eye and thank me for meeting again, tell me your name.

Question #2:

How did you hear about this job?

Possible answers: You saw a poster or heard about it from a friend, and you like this place and thought it would be fun to work here.

Question #3:

Why do you want to work for our company?

Possible answers:You like eating at J-Dawgs, you like how we are involved in the community and sponsor local programs, and you have noticed how our employees are always happy and you’d like to work in that kind of environment.

Question #4:

Have you ever worked in a food-industry job before?

Possible answers: No you haven’t, but you have taken Foods classes in high school, passed a safety test covering Safety and Sanitation rules, and you have learned how to operate different “concessions” like machines from your CTE classes. Or you can say that you have worked at other food jobs, maybe for the summer.

Question #5:

Tell me about your employment history?

Possible answers: Any other job, babysitting, a paper route, etc… You think it’s important for teens to work to learn good work ethic and be able to be more independent. Plus you are saving for college.

Question #6:

What do you think about being on time to a job?

Possible answers: It’s so important because it shows that you take your job seriously and you respect your employer and yourself. People depend on you to be there.

Question #7:

What would you do if a customer were being rude and snappy with you, even though you did nothing wrong?

Possible answers:I would never blame the customer, I’d listen to their complaint, I may need to breathe for 3 seconds, then I would say “I understand.” If you were unsure what you can do, you may ask another experience employee and then give the customer a reasonable answer. You make sure the customer is happy leaving the store.

Question #8:

Let’s say you see your trainer employee taking a few dollars from the cash register and putting it in their apron. Remember, they are your trainer. What would you do?

Possible answers: You would confront the trainer kindly and ask if they need money for something. If they do not change their behavior, it would be appropriate to tell the trainer that you are expecting them to be honest and you will report them if not. Give them the chance to change, and if not, tell a manager.

Question #9:

What is your weakest trait?

Possible answers:Tell about a weakness (impatience, clumsiness, etc..) but tell HOW you have improved in it, and your plan to continue improving!

Question #10:

What do you like most about yourself?

Possible answers:Responsible, reliable, punctual (on time), friendly, you like working with people, you are good at ______; but you should explain WHY you like this about yourself or how this has helped you.

**Don’t forget to smile, shake my hand at the end and thank me for the interview!