Click: Genetic Conditions

Choose one genetic condition to read about & answer the following questions:

  1. What is it?
  2. How common is it?
  3. What genes are related?
  4. How do you inherit it?

Click: Home, Handbook, Mutations and Health

  1. What is a gene mutation and how does it occur?
  2. How can gene mutations affect health and development?
  3. Do all gene mutations affect health and development? Explain.

‘What kinds of gene mutations are possible?’

Click: Insertion illustration

  1. Copy down the original DNA sequence…group the bases in 3’s and write the amino acids.
  2. Copy down the mutated DNA sequence…group the bases in 3’s and write the amino acids.
  3. How many amino acids were changed?

Click: Deletion illustration

  1. Copy down the original DNA sequence…group the bases in 3’s and write the amino acids.
  2. Copy down the mutated DNA sequence…group the bases in 3’s and write the amino acids.
  3. How many amino acids were changed?

Click: Frameshift mutation illustration

  1. Copy down the original DNA sequence…group the bases in 3’s and write the amino acids.
  2. Copy down the mutated DNA sequence…group the bases in 3’s and write the amino acids.
  3. How many amino acids were changed?

Click: Try it!, Online games, Copy Cat

  1. Which kitten is the cloned kitten?
  2. Explain why the cloned kitten does not have to be the same fur color.

Click: Online games, The Mighty Mutation Maker

  1. Enter your first name and copy down the codons generated.
  2. Press Deletion…what happens?
  3. Press Insertion…what happens?

Click: Try it, Polls, Poll about heredity traits

  1. Submit answers online and look at results.

Click: Online games, Fact or Fake?

  1. The word “clone” comes from an ancient Greek word that mean “twig”. Fact or Fake?
  2. Dolly the sheep is the first artificial clone. Fact or Fake?
  3. Dolly aged prematurely. Fact or Fake?
  4. Cloning can bring extinct species like the mammoth to life. Fact or Fake?
  5. Scientists cloned a human child. Fact or Fake?
  6. Therapeutic cloning is used to create kidneys. Fact or Fake?

Click: We are all alike

  1. What is the human genome and how many base pairs does it contain?

Click: The Basics

  1. What is the ‘Did you know’ fact?