November Meeting


November 10, 2015


Attendees: Mac mCcall, Eric Jarvi, Greg Cameron, heather Sudik, Cassandra White, Nicole Holland, Dillon Atkins, Lisa Martin, Diane Blanchette, Dan Mickool, Betty Harris, Amelia Arnold, Sarah Vincent


1.  Minutes from October meeting

Motion to accept minutes from October Meeting. Motion seconded. Approved.

2.  Treasurer’s Report (Eric)

·  Budget Approval 2015-2016 Budget. Budget circulated by Eric. Motion to approve. Seconded.

·  For the 2015-2016 there will be a small amount in budget for accounting for Cathy to close out the year and prepare the 1099. Change in administrative fees. Kept income flat and proposed expenses closing books $1300.00 in the black. Eric solicited questions. Seeing none, motion for vote to approve. All in favor.

·  Income $10,730 to Expenses $17,893.32 leaving us in the red $7162.00 which is common for this time of year. YTD vs last October down $4000.00. Correction to spreadsheet the balance sheet checking $55436.01 Invest in Marke 41677.15 Invest at cost 1233.95 total Balance Sheet total of $109,440.11. Any discussion regarding expenses to October. All voted in favor of status.

3.  Conventions (Larry)

·  Spring 2016 – April 1-3, 2016 - Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, ME

Linda stated the first item to discuss would be the programming for the Spring convention. It needs to be completed by the end of December for the print materials.


-  Dan will get needs assessment from UNE and will share with the board. Betty suggested maybe having a theme for the convention such as infectious disease. Linda reached out to Pauline to get a list of the suggestions from the last convention.

-  Immunization Training: There are already 3 people in contact for the training. Mac agreed to facilitate the training for the Spring convention and also to include the Immunization Update.

-  Cassie let the board know that Whitney Jandreau has offered to lead a session on Hep C. The board felt the topic would be of interest and that Whitney would be a great speaker.

-  Law: Greg will reach out to Joe Bruno to ask if he would be interested in providing the Law CE.

-  Residents- Two years ago, residents provided a 1 hour CE. It was well received and would offer again. When it was included in the programming 2 years ago, it ran over the hour. There is thought that it could be 2 hours this convention. It is the same weekend as the MSHP convention so it should be scheduled on the Friday. Board members will reach out to contacts at PCHP, Maine Med, and the VA to gauge interest.

-  Medical Marijuana – Greg has a contact with the State to cover the topic. Dan also has another speaker with knowledge and credentials for the topic, John Wittoz (sp). Greg agreed he would be better suited for this audience.

-  Posters – Cannot provide CEs but we can increase the student and residents attendance. Dan sees that having the posters would be beneficial. Dan mentioned moving 100 – 3rd year off site since. Opportunity to student participate in promotion of posters. Eric is a strong proponent to get the students involved, but the fear is space constraints and lack of room. Eric believes it should be a long term goal to include students. Eric said our 1st major effort would be to have the posters at the sesquicentennial. The venue could accommodate this in 2017. Betty said that we would need to have a review process in place before the 2017 event. Would like to see at Spring. Options for the Freeport convention. Suggested to Check with Deb to help with this topic. Benefits for students and membership.

-  Greg stated the Gwen Bartlett and Sandy Bartlett would be willing to present the topics from last fall. The presented on Sunday and the attendance was low (25-30 attendees) so the topic would be new to most.

-  Self-Care Completion is a standard, well received topic and Eric agreed to facilitate.

-  CPR has been well received at the conventions. Lisa stated that Hannaford would like to have this as an offering for their employees. We will need to work with Jane and Evan to see if it is possible and the numbers that can be accommodated. Lisa will verify what the anticipated need will be for Hannaford to see if it is feasible.

There was also suggestion made at the fall convention to move the reception off site. It was felt that the venue was fine and there may not be a place in Freeport that would meet our needs.

·  Fall 2016 – September 11-13, 2015 – Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME – Tentative

Received the contract from Steven at Hollywood Casino. The contract is the same as it was this past year. The board agreed to the contract and approved the deposit of $500.00

·  Sesquicentennial -2017 –October 12-17, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME

-  Corporate Sponsorship levels – The amount of revenue we would need to generate from corporate sponsorships would be about $15,000. This amount is the average annual amount collected from corporate sponsors and exhibitors from 2013-2015.

-  Eric wants to do a site walk of the facility. To get an idea of what it looks like and as we talk about programming early next Spring. Betty would like to have a welcoming packet for the community.

4.  Legislative Update /Board of Pharmacy (Mac & Greg)

-  Greg send the MBOP minutes not comments.

-  Mac discussed the scope of practice rule making collaborative practice. Expected opportunity for public comment. Board members indicate it will be forthcoming however would be the 1st of the year. Board of Medicine process and approval has caused the delay. Keeping eye on the prize. Suggest that MPA send out a link of the comments to members for information.

-  No carry overs from the last session, so no scope of practice bills. There were a couple pharmacy related bills but never made it to docket. Nothing pharmacy related. Sen Amy Polk, Scarborough, Labor and Commerce, shadowed physician at the ER and the impression was we need to do better job medication safety and elderly falling. What can do to improve the medication safety to include indication on label? Good idea but would require change to law, etc. Mac felt it was important because she came to us. Circles around to MTM – provider status at state level for pharmacist and Medicare for Maine Care. Failed 2 sessions ago. Latest trend Poly pharmacy. Conversation ended with is something in the 128th session for pharmacy and assuming re-elected offered to sponsor for us. Thinking at the state level, provide status for MTM.

-  Great topic to one of our meetings. Continue to support the national provide status bill which is the most important Mac will attend the RXimpact in March.

-  Access to health information. Critical piece, need access to patient information. Mac is board HealthInfoNet. Engage pharm health information exchange. Trying to convene major stakeholders in Maine and broaden from their participation. Letters to major chains and an independent. Begin by listening to their perspective. Pharmacist are low users but hear from pharmacy is the least accurate on medicine. Bringing stakeholders together.

-  AG office almost done with Collaborative Practice and ready for next meeting in January.

5.  Membership Committee (Betty) – membership is consistent. Will be working to capture the new graduates.

6.  Technician Representative (Diane) –

Diane requested input on her role on the board. Eric shared with Diane the idea of how we can make the association more attractive for technicians and support them. Should there be targeted programming to have the technicians attend the conventions? Mac extended appreciation for Diane to join the board. Betty will follow up with Diane.

7.  Education Committee – See Convention – Programming

8.  Awards (Lisa)

·  Scholarship Donation – James Ossenfort’s estate made a donation for $100.00

·  Talking about the selection for future scholarship and how we should go about awarding them. She suggested to target direct help for scholarship and the review. A suggestion would be to have a rep from each college assist since they are more familiar of what would be good to monitor.

9.  MPA Office Report (Linda)

Received the insurance policy from Hanover Insurance

10.  New Business

·  CPR offering from MPA – See Convention Programming above.


11.  Next Meeting: December 8, 2015 @ 11:00am