Configuring CISCO Routers

Step A: Physically connect Routers/Cables:

  1. Obtain Serial Cables (4) and Console Cables (5) and Ethernet cables (2).
  2. Connect Serial Cables
  • DCE side of cable is to be connect to Serial 0 port on Lab A router
  • DTE side of cable is to be connect to Serial 1 port on Lab B router
  • DCE side of cable is to be connect to Serial 0 port on Lab B router
  • DTE side of cable is to be connect to Serial 1 port on Lab C router
  • DCE side of cable is to be connect to Serial 0 port on Lab C router
  • DTE side of cable is to be connect to Serial 1 port on Lab D router
  1. Connect Ethernet Cables
  • Connect a straight-through Ethernet Cable from Lab D router to an Ethernet hub
  • Connect a straight-through Ethernet Cable from Lab E router to the same Ethernet hub
  1. Connect Console Cables
  • Logically, Connect one end to the console port on the router and connect other end to the serial port of the corresponding computer.
  • In the lab, this connection is really done through the patch panel in the rack
  • If there are enough people/groups, each person/group should connect the console cable of one router to a computer for each group
  • If doing alone, can wither set up 5 computers each with a connection to one router of can switch console cable at the patch panel for each one

Step B: Deleting Previous Router Configuration:

  1. Start ProgramsTeraterm SSH - >Serial Connection-> COM1
  2. If just powered on the router, wait for the boot sequence to complete
  3. Enter following Commands to Enable and then erase the old configurations
  • Enable (with password if necessary)
  • Erase startup-config
  • Restart

*Will get router prompt

Step C: Configuring Host Name and Routers Interfaces

  1. Enter the following Commands
  • Enable
  • Configure terminal (config t)
  • Hostname <Name Of Router<example> <Lab C>

For routers with an Ethernet interface:

Step 1: Configuring Ethernet 0

Consult the network map to determine the IP address of the Ethernet interface

  1. Enter the following Commands
  • Interface Ethernet0
  • IP address <Ethernet Address for respective Router and Subnet Mask<example> <>
  • No shutdown
  • Exit

For Routers with a Serial Interface

Step 1: Configuring Serial 0

Consult the network map to determine the IP address of the Ethernet interface

1. Enter the following Commands

  • Interface Serial0
  • IP address <Serial 0 IP Address for respective Router and subnet mask <example> <>
  • No shutdown
  • Exit

Step 2: Configuring Serial 1

1. Enter the following Commands

  • Interface Serial1
  • IP address <Serial 1 IP Address for respective Router<example> <>
  • No shutdown
  • Exit

Step D: Testing Configurations

At this point, the router interfaces are configured but not the routing protocols. This means that each router should be able to ping its directly connected neighbors, but not other routers or router interfaces. For example, router A should be able to ping router B at the Ip address assigned to B’s Serial 1 interface, but not routers C-E or even router B’s Serial 0 interface.

At this point on A you should be able to successfully, “ping”. However, the following should be unsuccessful: “ping” and “ping”

Step E: Routing Protocol

On each router, we will now configure the RIP routing protocol.

To do so enter the following Commands (after enable, config t if necessary).

  • Router Rip
  • Network <network number for first attached network>
  • Network <network number for second attached network>
  • ….
  • Network <networkl number for last attached network>

For example, router D is participating in two networks in our topology: the network and the network. Therefore on router D, we would enter the

Following commands:

  • Router Rip
  • Network
  • Network

Step D: Testing Configurations

You should now be able to ping anyone on the network. For example, router A should be able to ping all the way to router E. Specifcally, on router A, “ping” should be successful.

--if you are able to ping others within the network you have completed the lab successfully